Unstoppable EBO

Title: Unstoppable EBO
Author: Dennis "PCGSAlucard" Jeffris
Date: Apr 26, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (6)

Hoth Main Power Generators

Hoth North Ridge

Heading For The Medical Frigate


Staging Areas

Squadron Assignments

Locations (7)


Hoth Echo Docking Bay

Hoth Echo Command Center

Hoth Echo Corridor




Characters (19)

General Calrissian

Jek Porkins

Green Leader

Tycho Celchu

Corran Horn

Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader

Dash Rendar

Mirax Terrick

Derek “Hobbie” Klivian

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Colonel Cracken


Zev Senesca



Mon Mothma (read strategy)

General Crix Madine (read strategy)

Corporal Beezer (read strategy)

Starships (8)

Red 6

Red Squadron 1

Pulsar Skate


Millenium Falcon

Green Squadron 1

Green Squadron 3

Tala 1

Weapons/Devices (3)

Portable Scanner (read strategy)

X-Wing Laser Cannon

Effects/Admiral’s Orders (9)

I’ll Take The Leader x2

Echo Base Garrison

Echo Base Operations

A New Secret Base

Bacta Tank

Menace Fades

Uncontrollable Fury

Strike Planning (once again, strategy)

Interrupts (8)

The Signal x5

Power Pivot x3 ‘

Strategy: ‘

UPDATE There are supposed to be 2 X-Wing Laser Cannons. My bad

This is the most effective EBO deck I’ve made, or even seen on Decktech for that matter (and the good thing, ITS NOT WYS =-). The basic idea here is to set everything up by turn 2, then deploy a ship and system on turn 3 and watch them scramble to defend, but you’re just too fast. Here’s how things work

—-NOTE—- I DO NOT HAVE BLOUNT. Don’t dock me for this. I have chosen not to include Honor of the Jedi, as No Escape kills it. Also, this deck needs 2 more activation at the start to do the things I will talk about. However, most dark decks give you 2 activation. Endor Ops, SYCFA, Court, and MKOS all give you that 2 in the beginning. TDIGWATT almost always deploys a site/Bespin/Cloud City on first turn. This gives you the 2. Carbon Chamber Testing picks out Tatooine or CC Docking Bays or Audience Chamber, which gives you the 2. Black Sun, BHBM, Hunt Down and ISB Ops usually don’t give you 2, but that’s ok, you can manage for a turn. Black Sun sucks anyways. Also, Staging Areas is used only for 1 docking bay, no more, EVER. Do not invade other players’ space. Also, I don’t have Tala 2, so I don’t use Blount/Tala 2. Anyways, back to the deck.

Turn 1 Here’s where it all starts (obviously). 1st turn, deploy Echo Docking Bay from the

Reserve Deck with Insurrection. Deploy any locations/effects from hand. While looking for the docking bay, see if you can find A New Secret Base or less than 5 The Signals. If you have a Signal if your hand and ANSB is in the deck, use

The Signal and grab ANSB out. If ANSB if not there, draw it. If ANSB, but you have no signals

in your hand, but there are only 4 or less in the reserve deck, draw up for one. If you have

ANSB, deploy it (if you can) and then pull out Echo Base Garrison and Echo Commander Center (no exceptions). Deploy them, if you can. Now use Echo Base Garrison to get Zev or Hobbie to the docking bay (or if no EBG, then use some character). End turn/draw up.

Turn 2 You now activate a minimum of 6 force (that’s considering you don’t get any sites out other than EBDocking Bay). Now, pull out

the other echo site and EBO. Now, deploy a 2/2 low deploy character to each of them (or Crix, if you have him/Strike Planning). Deploy EBO. If you have the force, deploy a starship to the docking bay, preferrably Wedge RSL on Pulsar Skate (for the passenger room). Pick up Zev/Derek and fly up to the hoth system, if possible (never deploy to the system, you want zev/derek to cancel destiny). Draw if you’d like, but I prefer to keep force.

Turn 3 Pull Bacta Tank with EBG. Activate lots, pull out a system. Drain at Hoth if possible. Now here’s the cool strategic part. Try and get Strike Planning out and pull out Mon and Crix. Deploy Mon to Echo Command Center w/ Crix, or Crix at Main Power Generators to provide support for incomers. Pull out Beezer, who pulls out Portable Scanner, which pulls X-Wing Laser Cannons the next turn (control phase). Mon Mothma is in here for the -1 to opponents’ battle destinies. Deploy something to a system and save the force.

Turn 4 Drain more. Remember, if you have I’ll Take The Leader out you add 1 to Echo Docking Bay drains. Pull out X-Wing cannons, deploy them to an X-Wing. Get another system. Deploy to it.

For the remainder of the game, you basically play like this. Deploy, kill, drain fast. It rocks. Now for some strategy…

Why this card?

Beezer Just to get Portable Scanner out. Also, if s/he plays Scanning Crew, a lot of your people are immune.

Crix To pull Beezer and Cracken. Can be used as a character to set up EBO.

Mon Mothma To subtract 1 from battle destinies. This may not seem like much, but think of it this way; if you have I’ll Take The Leader out, then your starships are immune to attrition <6 or 7 in some cases. Reducing their destinies by one makes them have to draw a total of 7 or 8 to even touch you. And how many 7’s are there in today’s dark decks? Exactly… except Chimaera might do something.

Power Pivot This card is the God of decks like this. Combined with Beezer pulling out X-Wing cannons, you can effectively reduce any starships power down to 0. Is Chimaera or Executor coming down thinking they’re all bad and you can’t touch them with the cannons? Make them pay. This value is unmodifiable so it stays at 0. Then, if Zuckuss is hanging around with them, blow the hell out of him with a 1 destiny (3 force to fire). Since all the 0’s are out of the deck, this impossible to not hit him. Only Bossk in Hound’s Tooth will cause a few problems, since he’s a capital ship. But he should die to attrition. With power 0 at a system after you shoot down Zuckuss and Power Pivot making his big ships worthless, he will have to lose lots to battle damage, or forfeit his giant ship. AWESOME card.

Obi-Wan (not EPP) I need staying power, and he’s just that. Effective against MKOS

X-Wing Laser Cannons But you only have 2 X-Wings in here So what? You’ll almost always have either the ship or the pilot, so you just pull the other out and deploy. X-Wings are on the deploy priority here. Combined with Portable Scanner and Power Pivot, they’re the best in the game.

Choice of pilots/ships If you look at the lore, there are lots of Rogue Squadron/Red Squadron pilots. Here’s a list of them; Corran Horn, Tycho Celchu, Zev Senesca, Derek Hobbie, Jek Porkins, and anyone piloting a Red ship. This effectively makes Wedge RSL work with almost anyone. Also, every ship/pilot combo can draw destiny alone.

Endor Why Endor? Well, most people don’t play Endor Ops, so you just deploy it. Your drains are 3 there and they can’t activate there w/ Strike Planning.

I’ll Take The Leader Duh, it rules w/ matching pilots. Also, your drains are +1 at Echo Docking Bay. Your ships go to that docking bay, and characters to Bacta Tank. You can’t die. Your starships are immune to attrition about as much as Home One

Bacta Tank Your characters won’t die.

Luke JK and Obi You need SOME kind of ground power. Or you can just sacrifice LSJK to Vader for the BHBM decks. Don’t go near Vader vs Hunt Down decks. Besides, they don’t expect a beatdown, so they spread out to drain. Kill them with your massive activation beatdown of death.

Oola She is massive manipulation. Knock down almost every character they have, or just look at their hand. Easily hidden inside Echo Base.

Uncontrollable Fury This card rules. Say they’re playing Hunt Down, TDIGWATT, BHBM, or any deck that uses Vader. Hide Obi or Luke in Echo Base and watch them waste away.

Boussh + TK-422 Block drains from nasty, nasty TDIGWATT (or anywhere else). TK-422 is not useless against Scum, because they always have Mara Jade.

Some problematic cards - - - -

Bossk in Hound’s Tooth He’s a capital so I can’t blow him out of the sky. Also, he adds a destiny so that can hurt my I’ll Take The Leader strategy. He’s not powerful enough to waste a Power Pivot on him. Just take him down with attrition, it shouldn’t be that difficult.

Imperial Decree You’re saying this will hurt? No, not at all. For one, Yavin 4 locations don’t work for it. So that means they have to control 2 systems and a site (or 2 hoth sites… just move crix and the others over but not mon mothma and defend the generators). I’m sure they can control the site, but what about the systems? You have 2 spy pilots in here. If they want to control Ralltiir and/or Wakeelmui and/or Kuat, then deploy Tycho or Cracken there and make them pay. They just can’t do it, or they can, but devote their whole deck to it. It’s no problem. Besides, Cracken can be pulled with Crix out.

SFS Laser Cannons This can be a pain. However, you should usually only have 1 ship at a system. They want to blow you up, fine, no battle damage. You send the ship to the related docking bay w/ I’ll Take The Leader and the character to the Bacta Tank. TIEs usually aren’t too hard, as I’ll Take The Leader lowers their power by 2 each, and you’re virtually immune to attrition.

Other Admiral’s Orders They can replace yours, yes, but you can just replace it right back with another copy of I’ll Take The Leader. Fighter Cover will hurt for a few turns, so watch out.

Now we’ll have some matchups for you folks (FOR ALL DECKS, PLAY YOUR OWN GAME)

SYCFA - Possibly the most difficult matchup, but only if they play to flip, because they can knock off hoth, which will kill you. However, no one flips (yet… Tatooine will change that). TIE swarms are eaten up with I’ll Take The Leader. You are basically immune to attrition so don’t worry about that. Capital - heavy SYCFA decks will be a tad harder, but you can just use Power Pivot and cause massive damage.

Scums - shouldn’t be too hard. Eat the 1 force loss from Court, it’s fine. You DONT want to be eaten by the Rancor. Also, against MKOS it shouldn’t be too difficult. They usually don’t play too much space. You’ll be fine.

BHBM/Hunt Down - against BHBM, give him/her Luke. Against Hunt Down, don’t go anywhere near Vader. Not a big problem.

TDIGWATT - Not too hard. Just block his drains w/ TK-422 and Boussh, or just give a good beating with Obi and Luke. Shouldn’t be too difficult. You can also just take over Bespin Cloud City so he can’t deploy Dark Deal in the first place.

Some cards I want to add are

”Honor Of The Jedi” as a ’just in case’ factor

”Haven” really helps the beatings happen, but maybe a little limited

”Red Squadron 4” gives Hobbie his own little ship.

”Tala 2 + Lt. Blount” I don’t have, but draw by themselves.

”Transmission Terminated” to help out against Hunt Down decks, but Uncontrollable helps too…

”Proton Torpedoes or Concussion Missles” so I can deploy them on a variety of things and use Power Pivot, but they lack the power of X-Wing cannons.

If you have any suggestions at all, they’d be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading this and reviewing ‘