Endor Bikers hostile Take over

Title: Endor Bikers hostile Take over
Author: Steven "Systems" Calder
Date: Apr 26, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Endor OperationsImperial Outpost (Starting)




Mon Calamari

Endor (Starting)

EndorBunker (Starting)

EndorLanding Platform (docking bay) (Starting)

EndorDark Forest

EndorForest Clearing

EndorEwok Village

EndorBack Door


Lord Vader

Biker scout trooper x10


Flagship Excecuter





Bobafett in Slave 1

Bossk in Hounds Tooth

Zuckess in Mist Hunter

Dengar in Punishing One


Scout Blaster x5


Imperial Academy training

Biker scout gear (Starting)

Establish secret base

Ominous Rumours

Perimiter Patrol

You cannot hide forever (Starting)

Search and destroy

Imperial arrest order

Imperial decree (Starting)

Closed door

Something Special Planned For Them

Secuirity Precautions


Twiliek Advisor x2

Out Flank x2

Sneak Attack x2

Trooper Assault x5

Prepaired Defenses

Strategy: ‘


This Deck uses the Bikers to take control of endor and set up ESB. The bikers By themselves are weak but with trooper assualt they can become 3 power immune to attrition. Thats pretty good. Imp academy training gives them good forfeit with a blaster and makes them shoot with higher destinies. The bikers deploy for 1 have destiny of 3 and will most of the time have good bonuses from a few cards I have placed in this deck. My Scout blasters are very handy firing for free and deploying for free have destiny of 6 thanks to imp academy training

Scout gear gives them an armour of 3 making all in all making them very powerful.

Once you have set up ESB you can drain for 5 on endor and drain for 2’s on four different Endor sites. If there drains get larger you can then for extra drains set up drains of 4’s and 3’s presenting massive drains.


Against EBO Set up quickly BY placing one site down and control the three sites you will now have down with biker scouts. pull ESB and start draing as quickly as you can with starships. Make sure you put down enough starships to Fortify Endor. Make sure you have a trooper assuallt. There will be minmal assaults on the ground but Perimiter patrol Should Discourage them from deploying.

Search and destroy will kick @#$% in this game

You should be a lot faster than them to get your drains going so start straight away.

Against Hidden base Again set up the three sites and contol them. Careful they may deploy mains but perimiter patrol will kill any beatdown attempt.

Security precautions will deal with them But only deploy it if there obj is flipped. Just probe and you wont have battle damage but watch out if you find the basecause then you will have battle danage.

Search and destroy will no doubt help you heaps in this game

Your drains will win you this game for sure.

Against Watch your step Your drainage will kill em they won’t stand a chance.

Careful though there raltirr freighters captains are not rebels so they skip by perimiter patrol.

Against Training Again drain, drain, drain and you will smash em. Even their retrievel won’t stand a chance against large drains like this.

Against I can Save him Hold as many bikers in hand and a trooper assaults and then beatdown luke. They won’t be expexting a large betdown from inperials so you should hack away their Reserve deck from that single battle. If not use the guns to take out any scouts, spys, or chewbaccas as you can.

This deck has been tested and has gone underfeated at my state tournament for the second time now. If you think this deck sucks you suck because this deck rocks. You try win states two times in a row with the same deck, not to mention the many games played in between.

If your going rate this deck low give a proper and legitimate reason or I shall just erase your rating. Its that Easy.