b3ltf3d’s wys power drain

Title: b3ltf3d’s wys power drain
Author: scot "b3ltf3d" luptowski
Date: Apr 27, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Watch Your Step/This Place Can Be a Little Rough


Spaceport Docking Bay


Tatooine Cantina

Tatooine Docking Bay 94

Tatooine Jundland Wastes


Ardon ’Vapor’ Crell x2

Captain Han Solo

Chewbacca, Protector

Dash Rendar

Lando With Blaster Pistol

Luke With Lightsaber x2


Mirax Terrik

Palace Raider x2

Ralltiir Freighter Captain x2

Talon Karrde

Theron Nett

Wedge Antilles


Artoo-Detoo In Red 5

Millennium Falcon


Pulsar Skate



Control & Tunnel Vision x4

Darklighter Spin

Fallen Portal x3

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Houjix & Out Of Nowhere x2

Lost In The Wilderness

Out Of Commission & Transmission Terminated x2

Rebel Barrier

Sorry About The Mess & Blaster Proficiency

The Signal


Battle Plan

Goo Nee Tay

Insurrection (start)

Legendary Starfighter

Menace Fades

Squadron Assignments (start)

Staging Areas (start)

Tatooine Celebration x2

Underworld Contacts

What’re You Tryin’ To Push On Us?

Admiral’s Order

I’ll Take The Leader


Hydroponics Station x2

Vaporator ‘

Strategy: ‘

Step One Get Underworld Contacts into your hand. This can be done with Tunnel Vision or with The Signal. This is the single most important card in your deck. Why only one? You’ll pull it easy, and as long as you’ve flipped it can’t be canceled. If it flips back to the 0 side, well, you’re just not playing the deck right.

Step Two While doing this, you should be doing a few other things. Get a character down the DB94 and SPDB for some added force, and get pilots and their ships from Squad Ass. Always deploy the ships to the SPDB for less force, and move them up for free (unless of course you need to battle). Also, drop some Hydros and get Ardon into your hand. Deploy him to your most ’secure’ location.

After your objective is flipped, Underworld Contacts is in play, Ardon on table, and Celebration out, the game is virtually yours. Now you just have to worry about battling.

General Tips

Don’t deploy to other systems. You can keep a VERY strong defense at Tatooine, its near impossible to take down, and if one of your ships goes down, you can relocate it to the DB if your AO is on the table.

Use the Fallen Portals to help keep the enemy at bay (pun intended), and track them so you can draw them again,

Don’t forget that TPCBALR lets you play an Interrupt from your lost pile, meaning you can play EIGHT tunnel visions. This is huge, and you have access to basically every card you need.

Now, the questions.

Why no harvest?

Including Harvest would mean that I should include 2 copies of Owen & Beru, 2 Moisture Farms (for safety) and then 3-4 Harvests. While it is a good card, this is an awful lot of space to dedicate to something. Especcially with SSPFT, Harvest will get shut down bad. You can also retrieve 4 force a turn from Celebration.


For those of you unfamiliar, it either cancels the GT of one unique alien for reminder of turn (during control phase) or cancels your attrition if you forfeit an alien. We’ll be using it for the first use. While it was originally included for anti-EPP, it also works good against Raiders and Jawa decks containing 20,000 Jawa Packs. Remember, you can play it from your lost pile. It also can work good against a Black Sun Swarm deck with tons of atrittion.

Chewie Protector and not ECC?

More Anti-Alien. Too bad Guri has a power of 6.

Just two TTs?

Although some speed decks include four TTs, two will get the job done, especailly because you can play them again from the lost pile. The most Visages I’ve seen a HDADTJ deck have is 3.


Vs. 5d6/ABCTTU Lockdown

Ha Underworld Contacts KILLS them, and they will spread thin so you can beat them down. Grab Ghhhk, and Fallen Portal them when they come to you. You’ll wreck them in space if you stay still, but if you can’t resist the urge, go beat up a lone starfighter )


Unless they are flipping, which most DD decks don’t, you can kill their drains with Menace Fades. CC Occupation is annoying, but you can retrieve all your lost force with Celebration. You can Tunnel Vision for Luke and nail them at a DB, then transit back. Overall pretty easy. If they do flip, it will be a little bit harder because Menace doesn’t do anything to them. Just play smart.


TT their Visages, and do it quick. You can grab their Holonet Transmission if you really want too. Their deck revolves around battling; yours around retrieval and force draining, so it should be a pretty interesting match. You can LiTW Vader for some fun )


You can soak up the damage from Your Destiny with Celebration, but do you want too? If you’d like, get Luke from reserve. They’ll duel… blah blah… not many people play BHBM now it seems, but play smart like always. LiTW Vader if possible.