Hände weg Flanellhemdmann

Title: Hände weg Flanellhemdmann
Author: Markus "Lone Gunner" Wuest
Date: Apr 29, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (8)

Death Star II Docking Bay

Death Star II Throne Room


Executor Docking Bay





Characters (11)

Darth Vader With Lightsaber x3

Emperor Palpatine x2

M’iiyoom Onith x3

Tech Mo’r x3

Starships (13)

Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser x4

The Emperor’s Shield

The Emperor’s Sword

TIE Interceptor x7

Interrupts (11)

All Power To Weapons x3

Force Lightning

Sense & Uncertain Is The Future x2

Short-range Fighters x2

Twi’lek Advisor x2

Prepared Defenses

Effects (15)

3,720 To 1 x3

Dreaded Imperial Starfleet

Emperor’s Power

Imperial Arrest Order

Insignificant Rebellion

Lateral Damage

Mobilization Points

Oppressive Enforcement

Sienar Fleet Systems x2

There’ll Be Hell To Pay x2

Your Destiny

Weapons (1)

SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons

Objective (1)

Bring Him Before Me/Take Your Father’s Place ‘

Strategy: ‘

Hmm, i wont go in to detail how you gotta play against certain deck types. Just a basic strategy of how you setup your game

Starting stuff is Mob Points / IAO / OppEnforcement

Before the game starts, pull Wakeelmui with MobPoints. Pull out Palpy, Force Lightning, Emperors Power and the 2 Docking Bays to get some activation going. If they havent started with Your insight…(which is common in WYS decks) go for the early insert…Back Palpy up with Tech Mor and Onith and get a total of 15…dont forget about onith ability to scan your opp. hand and get rid of some of their mains and supporting cast. Move Paly over to his Throne Room to get the benefits from Emperors Power. If they do start with Your insight.. go for the systems and set up some nice drains…use your twileks to fish for Sienar Fleet Systems..do not deploy the ”numbers” characters and wait if they drop Your insight for battle plan..if they do hit him with inserts…

Some cards explained

Sense/uncertain is the future great card to change your hand…and with palpy out, try to sense some key interrupts in the early game (before they flip WYS)

DV with Stick i only use him for suicide runs against some lone characters…or go and capture luke and sit at the E Docking Bay…

Emperors Shield / Sword deploy as react..even to the D*2 docking bay…nuff said..

Thats all…hope you enjoy this one…

Cheers ‘