TIGIH Speeder Bike Patrol

Title: TIGIH Speeder Bike Patrol
Author: Dennis "Denethor" Jeffris
Date: Apr 29, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (10)

There Is Good In Him/I Can Save Him

Endor Landing Platform

Endor Chief Chirpa’s Hut

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight

Luke’s Lightsaber

I Feel The Conflict

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Strike Planning

Staging Areas


Locations (5)

Endor Dense Forest

Endor Rebel Landing Site

Endor Back Door

Endor Hidden Forest Trail

Home One Docking Bay

Characters (23)

General Crix Madine

Leia With Blaster Rifle

Obi-Wan With Lightsaber


Corran Horn

Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader

Corporal Delevar

Corporal Kensaric

Corporal Beezer

Corporal Janse

Corporal Midge

Sergeant Junkin

Major Panno

Lieutenant Page

General Solo

Chewbacca Of Kashyyyk

Captain Yutani

Cal Alder


Lieutenant Blount

Colonel Cracken



Starships (2)



Vehicles (3)

Speeder Bike x3

Devices (5)

Portable Scanner


Mercenary Armor

Landing Claw x2

Weapons (1)

Disruptor Pistol

Interrupts (10)

Get Alongside That One

Take The Initiative

Out Of Commission & Transmission Terminated

Shocking Information & Grimtaash

Control & Tunnel Vision x2

Insertion Planning x4

Effects (1)

Honor Of The Jedi ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is close to being a normal TIGIH scout swarm deck, but this is much more effective. Please read

This deck plays pretty much like a normal TIGIH scout swarm deck, with the exception of a few things.

Speeder Bikes - awesome on Endor. Can react to any battle on Endor other than battles at Chirpa’s Hut, where there usually isn’t any battles. Excellent way to win battles. If opponent is playing sense, don’t worry, he can only cancel 1 react. Most decks don’t play SAC anymore though. Plus, Cracken and Blount can pilot them. A cool annoyance strategy is to put one with LSJK, and when he battles elsewhere with an imperial, react to him and make him lose 2 force until he deploys Vader He also can’t deploy Vader that turn, so he has to eat the 2 force that turn. Cheezy and effective.

Get Alongside That One - adds a battle destiny with a speeder bike, even after you react with it.

Wicket - is Guri/IG-88/4-LOM giving you trouble? Deploy this little guy and exclude them from battle (targets ability)

Electrobinoculars - I suck at tracking, so this helps a lot.

Landing Claws w/ ships - obviously, stop drains from Bossk In Hound’s, Chimaera, etc. I prefer A-Wing and Y-Wing to the Leaders in Ships because of 2 reasons higher destiny, and lower deploy.

Yoxgit - if opponent wants to cancel your landing claw, just get it right back again. or merc armor, portable scanner, electro, disruptor pistol…

Disruptor Pistol - get rid of a character so he can’t draw destiny or use a cool ability. It’s really fun when you have it on Midge or Janse, and you use Electro to set up a 6, then shoot Vader and make him immediately lost

Cal Alder - Your vehicles move free when moving to this guy. Free reacts with your speeder bikes Also, he’s a scout that can be pulled with Crix.

Wedge and Corran together = they die

Some cards I want to add are

Luke, Rebel Scout - for BHBM, of course. Or Endor Ops, where they have lots of vehicles.

Lieutenant Greeve - too bad I don’t have him. He’s a scout that adds to weapon destiny, and is power 3.

Don’t Underestimate Our Chances - they battle you, you play this, you react with bikes, you have say… 8 more power than them, that equals 8 battle damage times 3, so that’s 24 battle damage.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. This is going to be my permanent deck now, instead of changing it every day. )

With these gimics, you will win a lot of battle. Exclude them, make them lost, add destinies, reacts… rock on. ‘