Variations On A Familiar Theme

Title: Variations On A Familiar Theme
Author: Jacob "Armaedes" Taylor
Date: Apr 29, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (8)

Watch Your Step/This Place Can Be A Little Rough


Tatooine Cantina

Tatooine Docking Bay 94

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Squadron Assignments

Staging Areas


Locations (3)


Home One Docking Bay

Spaceport Docking Bay

Characters (18)

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x4

Han with Heavy Blaster Pistol x2

Mirax Terrik x2

Dash Rendar x2

Palace Raider x2

Talon Karrde


Lando with Blaster Pistol

Wedge Antilles

Chewie with Blaster Rifle

Theron Nett

WED-9-M1 ’Bantha’ Droid

Starships (5)

Red Squadron 1

Millenium Falcon

Red 10

Pulsar Skate


Vehicles (1)

Patrol Craft

Interrupts (16)

A Few Manuevers x2

Tunnel Vision x2

Darklighter Spin

Effective Repairs

Fallen Portal x3

On The Edge x2

Out of Commission & Transmission Terminated x2

Power Pivot

Sorry About The Mess & Blaster Proficiency

Effects (5)

Bacta Tank

Battle Plan

Menace Fades

Order To Engage

Tatooine Celebration

Weapons (2)

Luke’s Lightsaber

X-wing Laser Cannon

Admiral’s Orders (2)

I’ll Take The Leader x2

Strategy: ‘

This is a pretty basic Watch Your Step deck, my first attempt. I used a couple of ideas from other decks that I would like to point out right now.

The X-wing Laser Cannon + Power Pivot came from Martin Falke’s “WYS Falke Beat Down.” Putting Palace Raiders in Patrol Crafts instead of Racing Skiffs also came from this deck. I don’t know if that’s a revolutionary idea or anything, but that’s where I first heard of it, so props to that guy. I originally had Draw Their Fire and a couple of Beggars in here, courtesy of one of Bastian Winkelhaus’ decks, but beatdowns aren’t really my style, so I took them out.

That said, this is what the deck’s all about. The first thing people say is “Oh Lord, 4 Jedi Luke’s, what’s THAT about?” Here’s the deal I am tired of getting screwed by Agents of the Black Sun when Xizor is Elis Helrotted over, or when presence of the force is played, and also when playing versus Hunt Down when I can’t seem to draw a Luke. I want a Luke in my hand on the first turn, if possible. Plus, they’re destiny 6, so what harm is it going to do? I’ve never heard of anyone being accused of having too many Jedi Lukes in their deck. The problem is, what do you do when you don’t really want a Jedi Luke in your hand? I put in two Mirax Terrik’s to put him back, so there’s a trackable 6 for On The Edge right there. Same with the 2 I’ll Take The Leaders - that’s an awesome admiral’s order, and if you’re opponent isn’t playing Admiral’s Orders, you can keep replacing your own to put that 6 back.

Using EPPs with Sorry About The Mess can be huge. Shoot one guy, play Sorry About The Mess to make him immediately lost, then draw your (usually pretty high) destinies and do some damage.

The Bacta Tank can be huge. Put Wedge Antilles and Talon Karrde at a site or system, and start whittling away at the opponent. With Insurrection out, Talon Karrde present, and your objective flipped, Wedge Antilles forfeits for a monster 12 Send him to the Bacta Tank, take him back into your hand for 2 force, put him back down for 2 more, and repeat the process. I have actually won games just having Wedge Antilles, Talon Karrde and the Outrider at a system versus a load of star destroyers. You just keep wearing them down. You will draw an average of a 7 or 8 destiny (Darklighter Spin if they have Guri), and with Power Pivot coming out, you can really do some damage.

Like a lot of Watch Your Step decks, this one wins the late game with a drain of 3 at Kessel. Once you get established over there, with I’ll Take The Leader and Bacta Tank out, your drain should be fairly safe. Just make sure you have 7 ability at each system in case Zuckuss comes down, because he can be pretty nasty. Another nasty thing to have to happen to the Light Side is Lateral Damage, but the Bantha Droid is in there to take care of that problem.

I use Tunnel Vision instead of the combo because it has a significantly higher destiny. Yes, Control can cancel a crucial drain, but I don’t like having low destinies floating around. If you’re not comfortable with that gamble, replace it with the combo, it shouldn’t drastically affect the deck.

That’s about it, any constructive criticism would be appreciated, as this is my first submission for Watch Your Step. ‘