Elom Party In Audience Chamber

Title: Elom Party In Audience Chamber
Author: John "Meditator" Doe
Date: Apr 30, 2001 Rating: 4.0




Agents Of The Court/Elom And Friends

Hutt Trade Route

Audience Chamber

Yarna d’al’ Gargan

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Your Insight Serves You Well

Squadron Assignments



Tattoine Pub/Cantina

JPEntrance Cavern




Lando With Vibrator-Axe x2

Tanus Spijek x2


Elom x7

Master Luke

EPP Luke

Luke Skywalker

Obi Wan Kenobi

Tawss Khaa

Dash Rendar

Wedge Antilles , Red Squadron Leader

Mirrax Terrix

Figrin D’An

Leesub Sirin


Artoo In Red 5


Red Squadron 1

Home 1

Pulsar Skate


The Signal x3

You Will Take Me To Jabba x2

Nar Shadda WC & Out Of Somewhere x2

Houjix & Out Of Nowhere

Rebel Barrier

Ke Chu Ke Kukuta?

Gift Of The Mentor


Underworld Contacts

Bo Shuda

Ounee Ta

Bargaining Table x2

Projection Of A Skywalker x2

Goo Nee Tay

Hot Jedi


Luke’s Lightsabre

Strategy: ‘

This deck has got what it takes to piss your opponent off . Basically its a moderate retrieval , force drain canceller , huge drain and beatdown deck . Read the strategy before reviewing ……..

Here we go………

You start out with the chamber and hutt trade route . Try to steadily deploy characters until you flip . You should have little problem if your opponent is not playing Tattoine . If he is , pull Bo Shuda out and stack non Rebel chars there . Stack Rebels in Hutt Tarade Route or Cantina(if it is out) . When you feel safe to flip , move your chars out of the chamber , leaving only Tessek and Tanus there . If Figurin is out , leave him there too .

When you flip…….

Block drains with Bargaining Table . Retrieve whenever possible . Use Luke either in space or ground . Wedge and Luke does a lot of damage with Wedge’s gametext . Try to stall opponent from doing whatever he is trying to do . Take it easy on Tattoine because

(1)He won’t blow Tattoine up .

(2)Eloms can battle very well . In Cantina , and an Imperial present , each of them are power 6 .

(3)At most desperate times , you can always run into Audience Chamber , provided Bubo isn’t there to bite the crap put of you .


Try not to move Rebels to JP sites because it may allow opponent to cancel Bo Shuda . Never leave only one char in Audience Chamber unless you have Bo Shuda . Always have 2 aliens in each site for the objective benefits .

And now for the matchups……….


The easiest matchup . You can take Luke out and put far from Vader . Or you can use the EPP Luke over and over again to kill his chars . I myself prefer to give him my EPP Luke at the start so that he loses force . I don’t think he will lose duels . His Imperials will get kicked in the but+ .


Keep Luke away from Vader at all cause . The same goes for Obi . You can afford the Visage and you should be able outdrain him .

Alien based decks……

If its Court , take out HOT Jedi and Bo Shuda . He will be losing force if he does not occupy a battlegound(the chamber isn’t after Bo Shuda is out)Slowly stack chars and hold him out using projections . When you are ready , flip . Then thats the end of his sex life . By the way your Eloms are only power 2 even with Tanus . I won a guy by 29 force and no lost pile . His was Court Of The Vile Jabba .

If its MKOS , you are almost screwed . Play it as you would with court and you just might win . (almost unlikely though)

Cards I might want to put in….


more Eloms

another Tessek

another Bo Shuda

*thats all folks . Tell me if there are cards I should put in this deck . However , its most probally I don’t have those cards .