
Title: ties-a-poppin’
Author: David "JediGoten" Wyatt
Date: May 2, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Set Your Course/Who Cares


Death Star - Start

Alderaan - Start

Docking Bay 327 - Start






TIE Interceptor x 14

Dreadnaught x 4

Empy’s Sword

Empy’s Shield


Vader w/ Saber x 2

Admiral Piett

Commander Brendei

Commander Merrejk


First Strike - Start

Secret Plans - Start

Mob. Points - Start

SFS x 2

Well Guarded



Prepared Defenses - Start

Twi’lek Advisor x 2

Relentless Pursuit x 2

All Power To Weapons x 5

Short-range Fighters

I Can’t Shake Him x 3


SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons x 5

Admirals Orders(2)

Fighter Cover x 2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Ok, first turn, before activating, use Mob. Points and grab Wakeelmui. Then activate and deploy Wak. and SFS if you have it. If not, no big deal. Start building up your forces at the systems and use the Dreads to move ’em around if needed. Get Merrejk and Brendei out to Docking Bay 327 and grab all the systems and start grabbing TIE’s. This is a pretty standard TIE swarm deck. Get a bunch of TIEs spread around with capital ships to move em around. APTW helps alot by adding power and immunity. Cancel their drains with DIS and if needed, use the little ground power in this deck to do some ground damage if needed. This deck can really rack up the power in space and I have won games with 1 battle beatdowns. I know this isnt alot of strategy but there isnt much to explain.

Card Explinations

I Can’t Shake Him I chose this over Heavy Fire Zone because I can still pull laser cannons and I can add destinies.

Relentless Pursuit Everyones heard of this tech.

Fighter Cover Great with armed TIEs and cancels I’ll Take The Leader if it shows up.

Well Guarded Grimtaash Protection.


HB Never played against this (its not real popular in my area) so I can’t give a review

TIGIH Dont worry about ground at all. Lose the ground guys to drains and just build up your space power and win the drain race. Don’t take Luke at all.

WYS Good idea here is to deploy all your guys at once and get ’em in the Cantina. Hold in for as long as possible as you build up you space forces and crush whatever they bring up.

QMC Right now, auto-win, beat down Bespin, game over. Once Tatooine comes out, just pile up on Bespin and lay some beat downs.

EBO X-Wings Prolly the hardest matchup I can think off. Key here is just get your ships out asap and keep 4-5 TIEs to a system and capitals to help out. Good thing Interceptors are power +1 with x-wings.

MWYHL Again, not real popular and I haven’t played this, so again, a review is not possible. ‘