The Rx Wrex Dex - Dark Deal

Title: The Rx Wrex Dex - Dark Deal
Author: Ryan "_Rx_" McLain
Date: May 3, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Start (7)


Upper Walkway

Secret Plans

Prepared Defenses

Mobilization Pts

Imperial Arrest Order

Battle Order

Locations (9)


Bespin Cloud City



CC Downtown Plaza

CC Dining Room

CC Upper walkway

CC Security Tower

Executor DB

Characters (15)

Emperor Palpatine

Lord Vader

Darth Vader, DLOTS

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Mara Jade, TEH

Prince Xixor

Capt. Gailid Pellaeon

Admiral Piett

Admiral Ozzel

Admiral Chiraneu

Captian Sarkli

Commander Merrejk

Commander Igar

General Veers

Dr. Evezan & Ponda Baba

Starships (7)



Bossk In Hound`s Tooth

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

OS-72-1 In Obsidian 1

OS-72-2 In Obsidian 2

Obsidian 8

Vehicles (3)

Tempest 1

Blizzard 1

Blizzard 2

Interrupts (10)

Imperial Command x3

Dark Maneuver/ Tallon Roll x2

Masterful Move


Evader/Monnok x2


Effects (8)

Dark Deal

Cloud City Occupation

Crush The Rebellion

Battle Order

Lateral Damage

You Cannot Hide Forever



Weapons (2)

Vader`s Saber

Mara`s Saber

Admiral`s Order (2)

We`re In Attack Position Now x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Thanx Nazi

Starting setup Start the Upper Walkway in most cases. it has good ds text, and is force drain minus one if you ever lose control of it. also start your objective and secret plans. then play prepared defenses for IAO and Mob. Points and usually Crush The Rebellion.

Early Game Before you activate, pull the Executor from reserve, using Mob. Points. Get Bespin and Cloud City from reserve deck, along with Dark Deal and CC occupation, using your objective. deploy the executor docking bay and CC docking bay from reserve, using IAO. If you want, you can drop a guy or two to the Executor docking bay early for extra generation from Mobilization Points, until Tatooine, that is.

1st turn, pull stuff that your Obj lets you. If you have an Imp Com get Piett, Pull Merrejk and and put him at the ExDB that you pull on turn 2 So that he can pull Fondor which lets the Executor deploy for 10. Piett deploys -2 there alos

After the first few turns, you could set to start the deal, but like I said, this deck is about direct damage, not drains. so go ahead and get it going. a turn or two after the deal is on table, you should be ready to deploy to the bespin system, flip your objective, and drop the occupation. At this point, in almost all cases, your opposition will have to do something to slow the bleeding. and they will NOT enjoy battling you on Bespin.

Honor of the Jedi won’t keep them from losing two to TINT/OE , since you’ll occupy plenty of battlegrounds. TRUST ME HoTJ hesnt bothered me in like 20 games. and thats about all of them and the others honor hasnt shown up So there )

Build your forces up and prepare to win some battles. Get your AO and CC Occ going for some massive direct damage.

Choice of cards

Veers well I have 3 walkers he is a good pilot. He also causes direct damage via your AO.

Blizzard 2 (See Veers)

3 Walkers are to defend the 3 ext. sites They are all brutal with the matching pilots and are good even w/o.

Trample Well 3 walkers, so might as well

Thrawn on a SD auto 2 destinies. With Pellaeon on Chimaera= tech vs HB flip (They can get to system to system

Obsidian 8 Deploys for free and power +3 (power 4) yo Bespin Cloud City, and can Tallon Roll

Why only 1 DD? Like I`ve said before, this deck is meant for direct damage. Test 1 and Menace Fades are my drain killers

Spread your AO generals/commanders to deal out the damage.


vs. Profit You get to start secret plans for free, preventing them from getting the early retrieval for freeing Han. Profit causes direct damage, but not as much as this deck can, and can drain. you`ll drain for MORE. and no Projections. so they will, once again, have to come to you. when they move over to the tatooine docking bay, preparing to transit onto your territory, pile up some stuff at the CC docking bay, and then when they come over, deploy the rest of your beatdown from hand. don’t use your tracked destiny for battle destiny, use it for weapon destiny, to try and rid yourself of ben kenobi. Use vader/tarkin and tempest 1/ Igar and most of your other battle cards to fight them when they come to bespin. but save at least ONE thing to make a strike against han if they leave him on tatooine

Vs Hidden Mains, MWYHL Beatz, and mains etc (No Projections for them) When they come down, deploy your big guns and battle. Lots of death and destruction on both sides, but their deploy costs are increased, and you get extra power from the cloud sector. you may also get extra power from the dark deal. They will probably cancel it, but once again, no biggie, but the power bonus can make a big difference during the time that it lasts. And the occupation/ AO will be plinking at them a little bit, while you guys are slugging it out, since you only have to occupy sites, and not control them. try to lure them outside, where you can put a walker w/ pilot , with power outside. I LOVE games like this. bottom line theyll have to come fight you on your turf, and battling dark deal on bespin is just no fun. remember your text, do some good destiny tracking late game (I have 5 6s in here), and eventually you will outlast them. Lateral Damage Wedge then roll his A$$- hes gone. If they are using the I`ll Take The Leader AO make sure to replace it yours post haste so your direct damage will be in full effect.

vs. RST again, no Projections. RST forces you to come to IT, by draining for a lot. And once you go to them, they beat you up with close air support. however, Dark Deal drains for MORE, great deirct damage, so you dont have to go to them. so youll win… unless they are LUCKY

vs. Jedi Testing Okay, so Dark Deal isnt going to help your drains. no big deal This deck is meant for direct damage- LOTS OF IT ) . Go ahead and set up the deal anyway, to get the power bonus, and so you can flip (once again, no biggie) these decks are fairly slow, so youll have plenty of turns to chip away at them with the drains at your sites, especially if you get the downtown plaza. better yet, they cant use projections to stop your drains, since your sites are mobile. go with the direct damage caused by CC occupation. honor wont help them since youll occupy all sorts of battlegrounds. and battle plan wont slow you down much either, since the deck is designed to go to space and ground anyway. you get to start secret plans without it even being one of the 3 effects you get with prepared defenses, and that should be adequate to ensure the win.

EBO Once again, no Projections for them- seems to be a trend, eh? ) Youll own the system. Never let them control the sector (Its easy to do-the Obsidians, DM/TR, the BH ships if necessary) Wedge will be messed up If you Lat Dam then Tallon Roll, hes gone. ALWAYS save force for the fake out barrier, because most DD decks run Imperial Barrier. This fake out can save you from a beating sometimes.

Against the xwing swarm, No Projections, and rebel fleet is negated. X wings go down on this deck Lat Dam, TR and the Dark Maneuvers part of DM/TR will save you from cannons Ive never lost to X wing swarm in playtesting, so I think it will be midly easy.

Well, have fun winning.

This deck is brutal and it is currently undefeaed in playtesting [ My ride dosent go to tourneys and I dont have a car anymore so I have yet to play this deck in one yet… Arghhhh ) ]


Ryan ”Rx” McLain