Really no order with Imps involved

Title: Really no order with Imps involved
Author: Tim "Info Broker" Guzman
Date: May 3, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Court of The Vile Gangster


Tatooine Pit of Carkoon

JP Audience Chamber

JP Dungeon

DSII Docking Bay

Executor Docking Bay




Darth Vader with Saber x2


Emperor Palpatine

Dr. Evazan & Ponda Baba


Grand Admiral Thrawn

Commander Merrejk

Admiral Chiraneau

Admiral Piett

Boba Fett with Gun

4-Lom with gun

Mighty Jabba

Prince Xizor

Dengar with Gun

Ig-88 with Gun

Mara Jade


Mara Jade’s Saber



Bossk in Hound’s tooth




Zuckuss in Mist Hunter


Mobilization Points

There is No Try & Oppressive Enforment

Something Special Planned for Them

Secret Plans

There’ll Be Hell To Pay x2


You Cannot Hide Forever

Search and Destroy

Lateral Damage

Blast Door Controls

First Strike

Battle Order


Prepared Defenses

Masterful Move x2

Monnok x2

Twi’lek Advisor

You Are Beaten

Imperial Command x3

Endor Occupation

None Shall Pass x2

Ommni Box & It’s Worse

Strategy: ‘

Well there it is. I am posting this so all of you know what I played at the DPC in Vegas. It help me get 7th place. Personally I really do not care whether or not you think it is good or not. Everything will change when tatooine comes out anyway.

If any of you seen Alex’s deck of Imperial Court, then you will know where I got the Idea from, and since I tested it, I thought it would be a good choice for the DPC. Now I always like Space Court, since my Court decks on my page are about that, so I made many changes to the deck to fit my style.

Now this is what I played Card for card, but a lot of the card choice were based off of meta, so like you do not have to play with 2 None Shall Passes if you do not want to, that just works great when they do not expect it since you have Imps in your deck, most think nothing about it.

The Effect choices are to beat, EBO, Swarm of any kind, and Profit. This deck so far has not lost to WYS ever. Just be strong in space, and choose battles on the ground. It has Character removal, and everything you need in a good dark deck. It is very balanced as well, and if you play smart, and make good decisions you should do well with it, at any tournament. YES I play with 2 Masterful Move’s and 2 Monnok’s….Trust me, this throws people off all the time. It is not wasted space. Both of those cards are huge. Easy to track is one, and get’s a good interrupt, and Monnok is just good for so many reason, I won’t even list them.

I tested another version that has 2 Emperor’s and a Force Lighting, which is awesome, but didn’t go with that for DPC, because of the choice of have 2 Monnoks. There is so many changes you can make to this deck and still be a good deck, and that is why I like it so much. Personally I think this version is the best…since my record with it is so good )

I would tell you how to play this deck against all the light decks out there, but I am to lazy to type all that up, so if you really want to know what to do then D-mail me, and I will tell you.


Tim Guzman ‘