Raithal Ops Manipulator the Original

Title: Raithal Ops Manipulator the Original
Author: Bastian "Death Star" Winkelhaus
Date: Dec 8, 1999 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1) Imperial Operations

Locations (7) Raithal Jungle Forest Desert Spaceport docking bay Spaceport street Spaceport prefects office

Characters (18) Raithal Operative x7 Mossep EPP Boba Fett EPP Vader Darth Vader, dark lord of the sith Chall Bekan Myom Onith Zuckuss Brangus Glee Barquin Dan Djas Puhr Lobel

Starships (4) Vaders personel shuttle Bossk in Hounds tooth Devastator Tie scout

Interrupts (25) Scanning crew x7 Monnok x3 A dangerous time x4 Masterful move Set for stun Abyssin Ornament x2 Shocking revelation Surface defense Voyeur x2 He hasnt come back yet Imperial barrier Ghhhk

Effects (5) There is no try Secret plans Security precautions Den of thieves There will be hell to pay ‘

Strategy: ‘

Explaining how to properly play manipulator takes a lot of time and space so I wont do this. The deck has a good drain potential but you cant afford to go after the opponent with a lot of cards. But thanks to the objective, opponent has to come to you. The most important characters to scan away are Obi-wan first because his nasty immunity and then everyone that holds a weapon. The other characters shouldnt do you a lot of harm. 4 ships and sec prec is enough against hidden base. ‘