Starfighters My @$$

Title: Starfighters My @$$
Author: Dennis "Denethor" Jeffris
Date: May 9, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (4)

Power Generators

North Ridge


A New Secret Base

Locations (7)

Echo Commander Center

Echo Docking Bay

Echo Corridor


Mon Calamari

Yavin IV


Characters (16

Obi-Wan with Stick x3 (kills all)

Wedge, RSL

Red Leader


Dash Rendar

Major Haash’n

Commander Luke




Captain Solo

Lando with Blaster

Biggs Darklighter

Corran Horn

Starships (16)

Tantive IV




Home One


Mon Calamari Cruiser x7


Millenium Falcon

Artoo In Red 5

Effects (12)

Staging Areas

Echo Base Garrison

Echo Base Ops

Bacta Tank

Launching The Assault


Honor Of The Jedi

What’re You Trying To Push On Us? x2

Wise Advice


Capital Support x2-(Admiral’s Order)

Interrupts (4)

The Signal x2

Out Of Commission & Transmission Terminated ‘

Strategy: ‘

Here’s an EBO deck that avoids the weaknesses of old fashioned EBO decks. They’re easily whacked by SFS cannons Well, with capitals, you don’t have that problem All the bonuses are the same, except for EBOX retrieval, but that’s a minor downfall for a help in a huge weakness. Capitals have massive forfeit, so you’ll only lose lots of cards to a heavy ground deck.

This deck is basically a regular EBO deck, like I said, with caps that avoid SFS I hate that card.

—–>NOTE it may not seem like I have much activation, but with the deploy modifiers and so much activation, I have plenty. also, you usually only deploy 1 Mon Cal, MAYBE, a turn.<—-

Why this card?

Staging Areas helps get your Star Cruisers out faster and easier, and it’s good for all the docking bays running around, including Hoth Echo Docking Bay.

Mon Calamari If you have a star cruiser there, then their Star Destroyers can’t deploy there There goes Chimaera Also, your cruisers are deploy -1 there (-2 with EBO out, -3 with Ackbar there) So, cheap cruisers w/ no beatdown potential. Awesome.

Orimaarko Excellent beatdown card. They lose 2 force when you beatdown their imperial? Awesome. 4/4 characters aren’t too shabby.

Red Leader/Dutch/Biggs 2/2 characters with 5 forfeit, 7 when Insurrection is out. Very very good with Bacta Tank.

Boussh Why not DOS or Leia w/ Rifle? I think cancelling big drains is better than a once-a-game beatdown. I have 2 Obi w/ Sabers in there, so they can do the beatdowns (and Lando, Corran, etc etc etc)

Starfighters Ok, it’s not ALL caps, but these ships rock just too much to leave out.

Launching The Assault The most underused effect in the game. May take Home One into hand? rock on. my drains are +1 at systems w/ a cruiser piloted by a character??? MORE drains from EBO That means at 4 systems, you can have 16 drains a turn

Haven I like this card. Deploy on Hoth, Yavin or Sullust when you’re about to smash puny TIEs or SDs out of the sky. Lets see… ships deploy DIRT CHEAP especially for Mon Cals.

Wise Advice use your grabbers for cheap I’m thinking about taking What’re You… out for Grappling Hooks for higher destiny. What do you think?

Honor Helps a lot against several decks. No Escape stinks, so just lose it if they have it.

Insurrection even though I don’t have tons of 2/2 pilots here, I still have 6, and with Bacta tank, it rules. Also protects from the underused Elis Helrot.

Capital Support obvious choice. pilots deploy -1 to ships, -2 is Ackbar. So, Ackbar deploys free to Home One, which is pulled from Reserve with Launching The Assault? Sweet. Can be pulled with Ackbar too.

Major Haash’n cancels that damned Lateral Damage. Also, can be pulled with Ackbar.

Cards I want to add are

Bantha Droid put him down at Echo Docking Bay, so Lateral Damage is cancelled at Hoth. Can be pulled with Echo Base Garrison.

First Officer Threeanspi he’s sweet

Rock on This deck is sweet, and underused. I love it. Please check out my other decks

Peace out,

-Dennis ‘