Madskills’ BHBM

Title: Madskills’ BHBM
Author: Michael "MadSkills84" Pistone
Date: May 10, 2001 Rating: 4.5





Cloud City East Platform (Docking Bay)

Death Star II Docking Bay

Death Star II Throne Room


Characters (18)

4-LOM With Concussion Rifle

Admiral Ozzel

Admiral Piett

Commander Igar


Emperor Palpatine x2

General Veers x2

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Guri x2

Janus Greejatus x2

Lord Vader x4

Officer Evax

Vehicles (2)

Blizzard 2

Tempest 1

Starships (7)

Bossk In Hounds Tooth



Dreadnaught Class Heavy Cruiser x2


Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Interrupts (12)

Force Lightning

Imperial Command x3


Operational As Planned

Point Man

Prepared Defenses

Shocking Revelation


Twi’lek Advisor x2

Effects (14)

Battle Order

Emperor’s Power

First Strike

Imperial Arrest Order

Imperial Decree

Insignificant Rebellion

Lateral Damage

Mobilization Points

Oppressive Enforcement

Search And Destroy

Secret Plans

There’ll Be Hell To Pay x2

Your Destiny


Bring Him Before Me/Take Your Father’s Place

Strategy: ‘

Ok basically every game here’s your start

Prepared Defenses, IAO, Mob. Points, Oppressive, Your Insight, Insignificant Rebellion, DS 2 Throne Room and of course the objective.

Basically deploy to get a drain going, when they either deploy to stop the drain or deploy elsewhere to match it beat them up with multiple destinies, imperial commands, emperors power etc. First Strike and Insignificant Rebellion speed this up. Don’t get Luke unless you can apply beatdown fast or if he’s draining you bad because you will lose one force a turn and the destinies are relatively low in the deck so you most likely won’t be making them lose force to the duels.

Basically the strat section is the same for every deck

CONTROL SPACE, this is the biggest thing Dark has going for it right now and one of the keys of winning every game. Wanna beat WYS? Get the system early and keep it.


Control the system, get them to stack cards. Grab Harvest Set up decree if possible to shut down the drains. Out drain them and just beat them to oblivion with Imperial command.


Beat them up with search destroy and battle plan. Set up decree with hoth sites or planets, whichever works better. Start decree instead of oppressive for this matchup since there isn’t anything really worth grabbing.

Hidden Base Flip

Probe the hell out of them. Basically same strategy as EBO just you must probe the system. Probing the system increases your chances of winning exponentially, not that it is hard anyways.


Play smart, that’s how you beat mains. Play smart, I can’t tell you how to beat mains you just gotta do it.

Hope you like the deck

Madskills ‘