The Hunting Profit

Title: The Hunting Profit
Author: Cat "CatLoneRogue" Ceder
Date: May 11, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘You Can Either Profit By This/Or Be Destroyed

Tatooine Jabba’s Palace

Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber

Han With Blaster

Heading For The Medical Frigate

The Camp

Don’t Do That Again

Do Or Do Not & Wise Advice

Tatooine Obi-Wan’s Hutt

Tatooine Mos Eisley

Tatooine Cantina

Tatooine City Outskirts

Tatooine Mos Espa

Tatooine Slave Quarters

Ben Kenobi x2

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x3

Qui-Gon Jinn x2

Padmé Naberrie

Shimi Skywalker x2

Han With Blaster

Leia With Blaster x2

Chewie With Blaster

Threepio With His Parts Showing x2



Lando With Vibro Axe

Gold Leader In Gold 1

Red Leader In Red 1

Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber

Luke’s Lightsaber

Anakin’s Lightsaber

Qui-Gon’s Lightsaber

Electro Binoculars x2

Landing Claw

A Jedi’s Concentration x2

A Jedi’s Focus x2

A Jedi’s Patience x2

A Jedi’s Resilience x2

You’ll Find I’m Full Of Surprises x2

Jedi Escape

What Was That

Courage Of A Skywalker x2

Glancing Blow x2

Traffic Control

Someone Who Loves You ‘

Strategy: ‘

First off I would like to say -

Addendum - take out one of the Threepio, With His Parts Showing and put in Mirax. She’s usefull as well and good for cycling as well, plus Shimi can pull the Threepio, WHPS. Thanks.

YES, I know these cards are not out yet and we don’t know what the other effects or interrupts will do. But what I do know is that I have been wanting to make this deck since I saw that Light Side could hunt down. So I did with what I have seen and what I know from prior sets this seems like the best mode. Please read everything before rating this deck, and if you rate it poorly please give me a reason why instead of ”Those cards aren’t out yet or something along those lines” thanks..

Okay first off we chose Profit, I was going to choose Agents In The Court, but I didn’t have anything to use as a Rep and I didn’t want to make room for something that wouldn’t be usefull in the deck, Profits a little hindering since I can’t Force Drain on Tatooine while Han is not on the Table and not captured. So with that knowledge I decided to make it Profit anyway and add another Han for later use. Seeing as how most people will try to kill Han I will have him with his Jedi Buddies and that’ll deter some people but not all….so it goes, so shall it be.

Profit is chosen and now for the starting stuff… I was in a tizzy to as to what to start with I knew ”The Camp” had to be one to stop those stupid Alien decks, ”Don’t Do That Again” was another for it’s ability to pull my Immediate Effect and suspend Mobilization Points from that first turn grab and go. And, the final one…now what should I use… it was a long ponder (about 1 minute) when I thought, hey I have no SAC or protection, well now I do. So I went with DODN/WA for the final.

As for the sites I don’t know what they all do but I do know that Shimi reports for free to the Slave Quarters so that had to go in and Mos Espa, well just cause. The others are pretty stream line.

As for characters their all pretty streamline, I used Ben because he’s the bomb on Tatooine, Luke Jedi Knight cause he’s a 6 Destiny and more useful in a duel, Qui-Gon well he’s Qui-Gon what else, Padme to get Qui-Gon and/or Obi-Wan, Shimi and Threepio WHPS, because together their great cause Threepio can put a force in the Used Pile and then a force on top of your reserve deck from the Used Pile. So instant tracking. During the turn you put a high destiny on top of your Used Pile then draw then when the battle starts you put the high destiny on top. This can only be done tho when Threepio is with Shimi so that’s why there are two of them. Shimi’s ability of 3 is nice, and here ability to make the destiny -1 is nice, and she can grab Threepio but the other nice thing is that she is a deploy of 2 for a forfit of 5.

The other characters, ships and weapons are pretty basic. As for the Interrupts lets looks at them…

A Jedi’s Concentration - Destiny 5, Used If a battle was just initiated where you have a character armed with a lightsaber, characters may not be targetted by lightsabers for the remainder of battle Lost If opponent just intiated a duel, opponent must choose to lose 4 Force or canclel the duel. WOW, used to make you untargetable if you have lightsabers on your characters and most Dark Side decks only have Lightsabers for weapons so that’s usefull. As for the lost part, well if you want to duel you gotta loose 4, anytime you have to loose 4 force for soemthing that’s not good. So that makes you have to think. Either way a useful complimenting card for the Light Side.

A Jedi’s Focus - Destiny 4, Used If you have a character with a lightsaber in battle, all opponent’s aliens at same site are power -1 for remainder of turn (power -2 if alien is non-unique). Lost If a duel was just initiated, add the destiny number of the top card of your Lost Pile to your total. - WOW for dueling this is a must. Your Force Drained, you know you can’t be battled or it’s unlikely that you will (or you just lost a card from hand) make sure it’s HIGH destiny, like a Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight and then you duel on your turn and get +6… Damn that’s tight for dueling and for the Used part, well I don’t suspect we will see alot of ”Swarm” decks, but non the less there are alot of aliens and making them all power -1 is nice, power -2 if the happen to be non-unique doesn’t hurt. Again, another USEFUL dueling card.

A Jedi’s Patience - Destiny 5, Used If your character armed with a lightsaber is defending a battle, adds 2 to yoru total power in that battle. Lost During a duel, cancel one of your duel destiny draws to cause a re-draw. Okay this is usefull as well the fact that I can add 2 to my power in a battle is good, and the fact that if I am ”Omni-boxed” before I start drawing for the duel it’s good that I can cancel and redraw is I must. That’s always useful…again usefull for the dueling.

A Jedi’s Resilience - Destiny 6, Lost Interrupt If you just lost a duel opponent intiated (before duel has an results) lose 1 Force to cancel the duel and return Interrupt (if any) used to intiate duel to owner’s hand. OR if just lost a character armed with a lightsaber, take that character into hand. - this is an interesting card because if I am going to lose the Duel that my opponent initiated I can cancel it which can allow me to re-stack my cards for the duel when I am ready, but the OR ability to return a just lost character to hand that had a lightsaber is useful especially if I am low on characters, that was almost the reson for using the EPP’s but then I thought that their dueling capability isn’t all that and their loss of Immunity to Attrition just hurt so I went with the characters and their weapons. Much more useful, also, a side note I am using Luke’s Saber and Anakin’s because if I need to I can get a max Force Drain bonus +4 (if I can) and Luke can use Anakins as can Leia With Blaster.

Jedi Escape - Destiny 5, Lost Interrupt If opponent just intiated a duel against one of your non-captive Jedi at a site, use 1 Froce to cancel the duel and you may relocate any number of your characters there to an adjacent site. - Now this is again usefull if I need to make a run from a duel, as well I can move all the other characters that are there as well for free (it doesn’t state at normal use of the force) so that’s a nice way to run from that ”Oh, I initiate a battle, then I will Circle Obi, ah….. I will Jedi Escape, thus cancelling your battle”…hehe nasty.

What Was It? - Destiny 3, Immediate Effect If opponent just initiated a dule against one of your non-captive Jedi, deploy on that Jedi. Cancel the duel and relocate this Jedi to an adjacent site. Your duel destiny draws are each +1 (Immune to Control) - Now this is a good one for Luke, get your opponent to duel him alone and then escape to an adjacent site, he’s been battled so he can’t again then next turn duel your opponenet out because of all the other card that you have + and additional 1 for each draw. The other thing is you can get this card with your starting effect Don’t Do That Again, which also suspends Mobiliztion Points…that’s good.

You’ll Find I’m Full Of Surprises - Destiny 6, Lost Interrupt, If Luke and Vader present at same site, use 1 Force to initiate a duel between them. Either is power +2 if armed with a Lightsaber. Draw destiny. Opponent draws two destiny. Both players add power. Loser is placed out of play. - Now your probably thinking…hey they draw 2 your chances of winning aren’t that good…but if you go back and look at all the cards I just showed you you’ll see that you add a destiny to your power which is good, you can add a +1 to destiny draws you can do other things to increase or even cancel if you have to, but the one thing that you don’t see which I am about to show you is that you can get another destiny with Courage Of A Skywalker that adds another destiny for you…that very imperiative. And another beuat of a card is Glancing Blow to make your opponent draw 1 less destiny so now you draw 2 and he draws 1 which is better in your favor.

I know that there is a card for the Dark Side that makes dueling harsh at least that’s what I get when I read the dueling card for lightside at the bottom if your interested you can go there and look. I still think that this deck will work even with that and it gives Hunt Down something to worry about. Yes I know I have no way of taking out visage, and my force drains become less with a Skywalker but I have Jedi up the wahzoo so that will make us both loose 1 a turn. I am tempted to put a OCC/TT in the deck but I don’t know what to take out… I may take a Threepio WHPS out since Shimi can get him, but one isn’t all that usefull and most HD decks carry more than 1 Visage so I will work out that problem later when the time arises….

Other than that this is the deck as it stands I hope you enjoyed reading it and again please when you rate the deck don’t rate it for not being able to be made rate it for what it can do.


Cat ”The Garindan Collector” Ceder

-currently at 1034 and going- ‘