
Title: Untouchable
Author: Fred "DMX69" Durst
Date: May 11, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Start - (6)


	Prep’d Defense

	First Strike

	Secret Plans

	Something Special Planned For Them


Characters-	(28)

	Outer Rim Scout x 10

	Chall Beckan x2

	Fozec x2

	Probe Droid x4

	4-Lom w/gun x2

	Iggy w/gun x2

	Guri x2


	Tooex x3

Effects- 	(10)

	First Strike (S)

	Secret Plans (S)


	Scum and Villany 

	Sunsdown x2

	Reactor Terminal


	Bargaining Table

Interrupts- 	(14)

	Prep’d Defense (S)

	Probe Droid Telementry x3

	Twilek Advisor x3

	Abyssin Ornament x2

	Sneak Attack x3

Sites- 		(9)

	Tatooine x2

	Jabba’s Palace x2

	Audience Chamber

	Tusken Canyon

	Lar’s Moisture Farm

	Coruscant (S)

OBJ- ISB/ Be Afraid, Very Afraid

Strategy: ‘


       *** Bargaining Table is lightside, it should be Den Of Thieves***

        *** Take out a Fozec for a Chyler.***

		Here are the reasons for some cards

EV-9D9- lets think about this, power of the 3 and doesn’t cancel

scum. Dah hoyoh

Guri- another no brainer, power 4 doesn’t cancel scum. You must

have an IQ of about 2 to not figure that out.

4-Lom w/g- Cancel Artoo and Threepio’s game text plus he’s just

good all around and doesn’t cancel scum.

IG-88 w/g- Power 4, can take a person out of the battle by capturing

adds a destiny and doesn’t cancel scum.

Fozec- just cuz he’s an alien and an ISB agent.

No IMP Decree because i won’t control 2 rebel base locations

unless they are playing EBO which no one plays in my region, and i don’t

have space in cuz of EBO ,HB and especially WYS

Get your ppl ASAP so you can flip. Especially the Probe Droids and

ORS. Probe your opponent’s hand alot and use Probe Droid Telementary

to place cards out of play. Bye bye Obi. See you later Chewie

Also get JP,Audience Chamber, and S&V out ASAP and Sunsdown

ASAP. Have a Tooex at each location you control so your ppl are power

plus 2. ORS are now power=4. Saweeeeet. Your spies deploy for free

when Sunsdown is down and add a destiny to power only. Iggy with 4Lom

and a couple of ORS 3 destiny and with Sneak Attack the total can be as

high as +6 Attrition is scary Whenever you battle you retrieve 3 force and

they lose 1 boo-hoo-hoo-hahahahahahaha

Now for the matchups-

EBO- I’ve never played against an EBO cuz no one plays it in my

region. But that is what the Resitance is in for. Put it in for Secret Plans.

WYS- Secret Plans and SSPFT will save you. When they retireve

with Tat Celeb it costs force. If they use Harvest use 4 force, and that card

is placed out of play. On The Edge, pay and outta play. You get the idea.

Try to keep inide cuz the patrol crafts will kill a they come outta no where

with a guy who adds a destiny Play smart and you should win.

Profit Elom- Dahahahahahahahahahahahaha, are you kidding I

could kill thi in my sleep. Start with Chall and an ORS. Then you take an

ORS into hand cuz of Chall’s gametext. Yes it does work then Their little

Eloms will be so scared they will piss themelves

Mains of any kind except WYS- 3 words,..... Search and Destroy.

Just keep retreiving agents.

If they are using Artoo and Threepio at H1 DB deploy some spy

dude, it don’t matter. Say hello to my little friend ORS