Hidden Mains aka I Hope Done Right

Title: Hidden Mains aka I Hope Done Right
Author: Brian "Buccaneers" Speight
Date: May 11, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Please Read the Strategy for Cards before Reviewing


Hidden Base/Systems will Slip Through your Fingers

Alderaan(HD Indicator)

Rendezvous Point

Heading For The Medical Frigate


Menace Fades

Do, Or Do Not & Wise Advice


Hoth Docking Bay

Cloud City Docking Bay

Tatooine Docking Bay



Dagobah Jungle


Daughter of Skywalker

EPP Leia

EPP Luke

EPP Obi-wan


ECC Lando

EJP Lando

Ben Kenobi x3


Kal’falnl C’ndros

Captain Han Solo

Lt. Blount

Nien Nunb

Lt. Tarn Mison

Luke, Rebel Scout

Tawss Khaa

General Calrissian


Anakin’s Saber

Obi-wan’s Saber

Luke’s Saber

Quad Laser Cannon



Falcon x2



Order To Engage

Honor of The Jedi

Bacta Tank


Tunnel Vision x3

Fallen Portal

Throw Me Another Charge

Fall of The Legend x2

Sorry About The Mess/Blaster Profiency x2


Weapon Levitation

Off the Edge x2

On the Edge x2

Punch It x2

Clash of Sabers

It’s Not My Fault

Houjix/Out of Nowhere ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck was thought of right after NC States. My RST deck went 1-2 and I had to have a better deck, because it just sucked. So I decided on Hidden Mains because it is the only good idea I had.

So I thought of what cards to use. Since I didn’t have Home One nor OMDH, I thought of alternate cards. I decided to go with Off the Edge and On the Edge. Then I thought about Space. I saw at the tourney tons of LS decks with the Superfalcon battling the Executor with about 1 million forfeit. I was tired of the DS trying to use forfeit fodder. So, as I looked through my cards I saw one of the best LS characters, Lt. Tarn Mison. So here is my combo with him

Millenium Falcon-with Captain Han Solo + Lt. Tarn Mison piloting + Gen. Calrissian + Nien Nunb + Punch It + Out of Nowhere = 6 Battle Destinies and no forfeit fodder. Also, if you just want 5, then add KFC in for the Solo. I mean you get 5 destiny and then get…none.

So by now, the space looked good. So added in Spiral and Independence just to make it sweeter.

Now I will move on to choices of cards

Tunnel Vision x3- need a Quad Laser Cannon to complete the SuperFalcon? Need that Punch It? Or just need any card? This is a VERY good card

Lt. Tarn Mison- read above

It’s Not My Fault- don’t you just hate it when you have DOS down and EPP Han and they draw a 1? That just makes me mad because the Han has to go, and you have no Ben to revive him or Bacta Tank? Plus, it is a used 5.

Staging Areas- This card isn’t in here because you don’t need to activate a lot. I mean the SuperFalcon is just 11. I just don’t need it in here.

Dagobah and the Jungle- Activation. I don’t use the Hut because they can land there and have a pesky drain of 2 the whole game. So I use the Jungle because they can’t land there.

Order To Engage- Another good card for the LS. Have SuperFalcon up in space with the Executor and Forfeit Fodder. Well, either they iniate or lose 3.

Lt. Blount- Him plus HOTJ plus TT equals Visage dead hopefully quickly.

Jedi Luke- Not in here because I don’t have him. So Rebel Scout is in here just until I get a Jedi Luke, hopefully)

ECC and EJP Lando- I like to add a destiny with KFC and Tawss Khaa on CC. I draw a 6 and a 5, they draw a 5. Theirs will = 0. Sounds good to me. EJP Lando is just the man. I mean he also adds a destiny and excludes some punk That is sweet. Tired of that annoying Guri from not letting you draw more than one destiny? Exclude her and draw your destiny.

Well, that is the whole deck. Basically, get your battle cards out and the SuperFalcon and battle. Ben Kenobi and the Bacta Tank rock.

Cards I want to add, but don’t know what to take out


2-1B- He rocks w/Ben and the Tank. Helps when you have to lose a EPP. Subtracts 2 from x on Bacta Tank. Forfeit 5.

Please let me know what to add/drop in the review. ‘