Take the Power Back

Title: Take the Power Back
Author: Andy "RexBanner7" Klema
Date: May 15, 2001 Rating: 4.0




Hoth Main Power Generators

Hoth North Ridge

The Signal

A New Secret Base





Hoth War Room

Hoth Docking Bay

Hoth Med Lab



X-Wing x13


Arcona x2


Ishi Tib x3

Scout Luke



Incom Corporation

Order to Engage

Rebel Fleet



All Wings Report In x2

Houjix/Out of Nowhere

Hyper Escape x2

Nar Shadda x2

Organized Attack x4

Out of Commission/Trans Term x2

Power Pivot x2

Rebel Barrier x2

The Signal x3


X-Wing Cannon x3

Admiral’s Orders

Concentrate All Fire ‘

Strategy: ‘

Review Responses Of course a good player will Monnok my hand. That’s why I have 3 Signals and Yarna. It won’t get Altered in this environment, and I can usually have it out early enough to protect from the second turn Monnok.

I use the Signals because I don’t need all of that force early on in the game. I don’t deploy anything except the characters to set up EBO on the first two turns, so I always can use the Signals.

End Review Responses

This deck is a pure meta choice. All over the place I’m seeing these damn Imperial Command space decks. So now it’s useless to play anything that relies on multiple destinies. So instead, I went for brute strength. Add in some tech interrupts and insane destinies, and you’ve got a good deck.

You play the game like you would any EBOX deck. Get out your sites, characters, and then ships. But this deck does the one turn kill in space so most games won’t last that long. Bait the opponent in by spreading one X-Wing per system. Use Barriers and Hyper Escape to back them up. Since those two can be cancelled, you always have the Houjix to fall back on. Once they commit, pile on the X-Wings and battle. X-Wing Cannon will blast starfighter away, and Power Pivot takes out any capitals. It’s bad ass. If they survive the battle, spread out again. Odds are that you’ve destroyed most of their space force this way, and if not, just do it again.

Why Use Ishi Tibs and not Echo Base Garrison? Because those characters suck when they’re on the table, and Nar Shadda’s are just as reliable as that effect. Ishi Tibs are great for this deck because they let you drop down duplicates if Yarna’s not out, get everything into your hand for the beatdown, or just cycle high destinies. They rule.

So Many Cannons? Yup. You need it to get rid of key starships like Dengar and Zuckuss, and you also need them to use with Power Pivot for the Star Destroyers.

Why the Admiral’s Order? Because the last thing you want is for all your X-Wings to be Power -2 because Battle Deployment or Fighters Coming In is on the table. Also lets you redraw a bad destiny, and add some power. Also a destiny 6.

No fighting characters? Nope. If they really want to invade Echo Base, they have to get all five sites covered, and it’s going to be hard to drain for much, use your normal strategy, and spread out that much since they don’t know what you have in your deck. For all they know, you’re holding EPPs. And even though Scout Luke is in there for BHBM, he’s good in a pinch.

What can you do against MKOS? Pray that First Strike doesn’t come out. If it does, your Arcona’s are useless, although they can sit on Hoth to avoid Search and Destroy. Your drains are murder, so they will probably come to space to try to retrieve. Hope to catch them without a Ghhhk, although I know that’s unlikely. I originally had Dagobah and Tatooine as two of my systems, and also The Planet It’s Farthest From. You might want to think about putting that in if MKOS is big around you.

That’s enough for me for now. More later if my computer doesn’t crash. ‘