Madskills’ LS Space

Title: Madskills’ LS Space
Author: Michael "MadSkills84" Pistone
Date: May 18, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Hidden Base/Systems Will Slip Through Your Fingers

Rendezvous Point

Heading For The Medical Frigate Your Insight Serves You Well Squadron Assignments 3rd effect depends..more in strategy section Locations Corulag Endor Endor Back Door x2 Kessel x2 Kiffex Roche Characters Bren Quersey Captain Han Solo Dash Rendar Elyhek Rue Leia With Blaster Rifle x2 Lieutenant Naytaan Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x3 Mirax Terrik Obi-Wan With Lightsaber x2 Theron Nett Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader Starships Millennium Falcon Outrider Pulsar Skate Red 10 Red 7 Red 8 Red 9 Red Squadron 1 Interrupts A Few Maneuvers x3 Darklighter Spin x3 I Know On The Edge x2 Organized Attack x3 Punch It The Signal Effects Do Or Do Not And Wise Advice Draw Their Fire Frozen Assets Honor Of The Jedi I’ll Take The Leader - Admiral’s Order x2 Menace Fades What’re You Tryin’ To Push On Us? x2 ' Strategy: ' Update 4 For you tards who reviewed my deck wondering why i use pulsar skate for mirax, it’s because it’s easier getting mirax out that way, and also the reason i use 2x leia epp and only one captain han is because i can get han or falcon with the other by squadron assignments and there is no other way to get leia. I also use her because she is a solid ground character I can depend on. Against a MKOS with Hutt Influence that is the whole reason I play Menace Fades. Also Battle Plan DOES NOT hurt me, i can’t imagine why it would considering i pull 5 systems from my deck and am activating between 12-15 a turn. Update 3 I also don’t play power pivots or xwing cannons because predominantly the powerful space decks lately are relying on star destroyers for the damage, not bounty hunter ships, and the bounty hunter ships are pretty much easy enough to kill anyways, if your region is heavy on mkos with bounty hunter ships then i suggest running 2x power pivot and 2x xwing cannon. Update 2 Also for those of you......(Eric Hunter.....) who think you can’t darklighter spin and then draw a battle destiny after imperial command i refer you to juz’s ruling on about smoke screen and guri, the same effect happens here http// go there and read the ruling about smoke screen and guri. so if i have a falcon with captain han and leia on it i can play darklighter spin in place of my first draw and then get a destiny draw because i’ve only actually DRAWN one battle destiny, the other was an interrupt REPLACING a draw. UPDATE Arrrrgh decklist errors Replace a kessel with mon calamari replace an a few manuevers with bacta tank replace an organized attack and a darklighter spin for 2x star destroyer Ok so like I said the third effect basically depends on the matchup. If it’s ISB, Hunt Down or any other deck you feel may play Imperial Commands you should play Do Or Do Not/Wise Advice for free grabbers so you can grab that effects ASP. If it’s an MKOS start, you should opt to start menace fades. Ok so basically this is a flipping hidden base deck with some strong assets to hold it’s own in this heavy ds space environment. Here are some of the card choices Your Insight Pull Honor to hurt Hunt Down, also can pull menace fades Do Or Do Not and Wise Advice Play free grabbers to grab Imperial command. SOOO useful in this environment. 6 systems so you don’t get screwed by losing one Endor Back Door Tech card, set up menace fades with this, drain for 2. you can fallen portal here too, I don’t because I feel the fear of the portal is enough, but you can. Also nasty against Endor Operations. Mirax Terrik Allows you to get endor back doors to set up menace fades, is a tracking machine, works with squadron assignments Red Squadron Pilots and Ships Huge, adding destinies to power really evens things out in space. A Few Maneuvers Easy recyclable 6 for on the edge, and really useful for..... Darklighter Spin Ok so play a few maneuvers making your falcon maneuver 8. They play imperial command forcing you to one draw, when you normally get three. damn well instead of drawing the first destiny i’ll use the maneuver 8 of my falcon and draw destiny. star destroyers don’t like attrition of 8+ destiny -) Star Destroyer Huge card, ok so they don’t battle you now, ok play on the edge and retrieve 6. Combine this with the two previous cards i mentioned to take down that behemoth Executor. I Know and Punch It After grabbing the commmand, you own them, or you can play draw their fire and possibly get these through, the imperial commands only last so long. Organized Attack Makes X wing power bonus and immune to attrition, really nice. What’re You Trying To Push On US So vital to beating imperial commands. Draw Their Fire Did they not save any force? Or do you have a frozen assets in hand? Well now imperial command isn’t so good anymore........ Deck matchups Basically every game is the same, pull your systems, flip and set up a drain at kessel and another system and cancel two of their drains. Here are a few notes on specific matchups Any space deck with imperial commands just read all my card descriptions and figure it out. grab imperial command, play funky interrupts to win battles. BHBM give them jedi luke and make them lose one a turn HuntDown don’t deploy obi if they are dueling, use jedi luke sparingly when he can be effective. if they don’t play endor docking bay throw him to back door when their resources are though and they can’t touch him. pull honor to stop visage loss MKOS start menace fades get drains going fast, spread to 3 maybe even 4 systems depending on their space strength. use mirax to find endor back doors, when using squadron assignments look to see if back doors are in deck, if not draw until you get it and you can win the game. cards i want to add aim high order to engage 2x rebel barrier well i hope you like it '