I am Chadra-Fan Fan

Title: I am Chadra-Fan Fan
Author: Kelly "Gyrotech" Brown
Date: May 22, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting (5)

Agents In The Court

Tatooine Hutt Trade Route (Desert)

Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber

The Signal

Seeking An Audience

Locations (3)

Jabba’s Palace Entrance Cavern

Tatooine Cantina

Tatooine Jabba’s Palace

Characters (38)


Chadra-Fan (x25)

Kabe (x5)

Leesub Sirln

Luke With Lightsaber

Obi-Wan With Lightsaber



Tessek (x2)

Interrupts (11)

Control (x2)

Fallen Portal (x3)

Nabrun Leids

Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes (x3)

You Will Take Me To Jabba Now (x2)

Effects (3)

A Gift

Bargaining Table

Ounee Ta ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck is rather blunt in strategy. Your first mission involoving this deck is to get Tessek to the Audience Chamber The entire base of this deck revolves around Tessek. By doing this, all of your Chadra-Fans are deploy 1. Kabe is relatively easy to get down to the Audience Chamber (considering how there are five of her) and makes your raging hordes of Chadra-Fans all power 3, forfeit 4.

The objective is easily flipped by getting your Chadra-Fans spread across the land (and your force drains are +1 everywhere thanx to Tessek). So, amidst heavy battle, you can still retrieve one Chadra-Fan per turn and in the case of a REAL emergency, Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes will retrieve force like mad

Artoo should be pulled early on as well. Then, using Artoo’s game text, pull A Gift and put Artoo undercover at the Audience Chamber. As long as your opponent is not pure Imperials, this severely hinders the opponent (battle destinies -2 and force drains -1).

The REALLY dangerous aspect of this deck are the destiny numbers. All of the Chadra-Fans are destiny 4 and so slashing somebody with Luke or Obi-Wan is too easy and in a REAL emergency, the Rancor could be easily killed with Fallen Portal (4 + 2 = 6 which is greater than the Rancor’s 5). ‘