Things that go BOOM

Title: Things that go BOOM
Author: Brad "Admiral Twk" Reinhold
Date: May 24, 2001 Rating: 4.5






Death Star

DSDocking Bay

DSConference Room

DSWar Room



Yavin 4





Flagship Executor








Emperor’s Shuttle


Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith x2

Emperor Palpatine

Mara Jade

M’yyoom Onith

Death Star Gunner x2

Admiral Chiraneau

Admiral Piett

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Captain Godhert

Captain Palleon

Janus Greejatus


Vader’s Saber

Mara’s Saber


Homing Beacon

Admiral’s Orders(2)

We’re in Attack Position Now x2

Epic Events(3)

Commence Primary ignition x3


Crush the Rebellion

Oppressive enforcement

Battle Order

come Here you Big coward

A Day to Remember

Reactor Terminal


Lift Tube


Put All Sections on Alert x3

I have you Now x2


Sense x3

Imperial Command x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

**Here’s a few answers for the reviewers

1)Yes, Training CAN mess it up a bit, but that’s what the Emp’s Shuttle is for. Besides, I would count on seeing Menace Fades before test one in our area. Still, a good point.

2) Most players don’t know how to deal with it, and most inmy area react aggressively to things they either don’t know or understand. I knew this, and though I made the deck simply to have fun (I really didn’t expect it to do as well as it did), I was taking it into account. A lot of players assume that if your rating isn’t as high as theirs and you are playing something wierd, the will be sure to kill it by attacking it. This isn’t true of everybody, but enough people reacted this way that my point was made for me. If you don’t fight a WYS beatdown except at selected space locations, on your terms, they tend to get frustrated and take the fight to you, in which case Crush, DV,DLOTS, and PASOA shut them down. The deck is very flexible, so it is easy to add in cards specific to decks in your region.

First, a note This deck is fairly solid. However, I would be lying if I didn’t contribute a bit of the success to the fact that everyone is usually prepared for all the versions of SYCFA, except for a flip version. Also, few people at states in the first few games had even seen Put All Sections On Alert, and the fact that it was a used 6 immune to sense threw them for a few loops. But Still, that is part of picking decks for a tournament be unexpected and solid.

A few support cards that are, if not crucial, at least helpful, are CHYBC (cancels forcedrains on interior deathstar sites unless they want to fight) and saves you from some cheese. The emperor is practically incincible before you flip, but if you don’t, he’s still a good destiny.

One of the key ground defense mechanisms is the combo of choke Vader and PASOA. Use PASOA to negate their highest ability character, choke someone else. Hopefully between the 2, you sould be able to deny them a destiny draw. Tracking is key to some aspects, though with as many 6’s as you have, you can leave some up to chance. I usually flip 4th or 5th turn, and while this may seem slow, you have the abilityto deny your opponent offense, so most attack decks won’t work.

Against WYS, Crush will help you if the come to get you on the Death star, and Imperial command will save you in space. No matter what, do not go to the ground on Tatooine. Sadly, Let them have their drain of 2 at the Cantina, UNLESS you have a star destroyer in orbit and can shuttle up your attacker. The main strength of WYS is Ghhk-ing a battle then dropping down a beat down the next turn. If you want to try to fight them, I suggest subbing in Guri and Xizor.

I start Crush, Oppressive Enforcement, and Battle Order. Battle Order is easy in this deck, as you start with the DSDB, and once you flip, you pull systems from the reserve deck. The Destinies in here are rediculous. I took out the senses and put in The Circle is Now Complete, another Put All Sections On Alert, and Weapon Levitation in the one I ran at States. This deck Should Be even More Powerful once Tatooine comes out.


WYS mind your own game. You will outdrain them rapidly in space, and the Imperial Command will save you if they get frisky

RTPI don’t know WHy people play it, but I’m not here to dis it. Just do your game and deploy Yavin4, then blow it up. Once that happens, and they lose 14 force (don’t forget that blowing stuff away causes the opponent to lose 1 force for each location Icon, double if it was a rebel base location, and add 3 to it for your objective)

MBO you probably wonder what defenses this deck has against its counterpart. Easy Beat them down so they don’t flip, and blow them up first.

EBO Have a field day. The fourth marker doesn’t count against CPI, so its only a minus 4. You need to track a five or a six in this case, but that shouldn’t be too hard. EBO will be slowed down also by Battle Order

Come Here You Big Coward stops most cheese forcedrain decks or asteroid decks. Numbers might be a problem, but if it is, make sure you get down the Emperor and M’yyoom. You can always dump your gunners back into the deck so that you will be more likely to use one of their destiny numbers.

I don’t know about most other decks, as far as beating them goes, but this deck does fairly well again’st them the key problem for the future Qui-Gon and New Obi-Wan. Why? they aren’t rebels.

If you can this of any improvements, please feel free to drop me a line. Thanks ‘