Anti-AOBS Celebration

Title: Anti-AOBS Celebration
Author: Paul "Ultima 1" Merrian
Date: May 24, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting (4)


Careful Planning

Spaceport Street

Spaceport City

Characters (19)

Admiral Ackbar


Chewbacca of Kashyyyk

Colonel Cracken

Corporal Delevar

Corporal Kensaric

Corporal Midge

Corran Horn

General Crix Madine

General Solo


Lando w/Ax

Lieutenant Blount

Lieutenant Greeve

Lieutenant Page

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight

Obi-Wan Kenobi


Sergeant Brooks Carlson

Sergeant Bruckman

Effects (7)

Bacta Tank

Close Air Support

Coruscant Celebration

Do, Or Do Not & Wise Advice

No Disintegrations

Strike Planning


Interrupts (15)

Houjix & Out Of Nowhere x2

I Don’t Need Their Scum, Either

Insertion Planning x3

Out Of Commission & Transmission Terminated x2

Take The Intiative x3

The Signal x3

We Don’t Need Their Scum x2

Locations (5)

Cloud City Platform 327 (Docking Bay)

Home One Docking Bay

Hoth Echo Docking Bay

Spaceport Docking Bay

Tatooine Docking Bay 94

Starships (4)


Home One

Red Squad 4

Tala 2

Weapons (5)

A280 Sharpshooter Rifle

Anakin’s Lightsaber

Luke’s Lightsaber

Obi’s Lightsaber

X-wing cannons ‘

Strategy: ‘

I have noticed that AOBS are becoming very popular in my area and decided to look for a strategy to counter it. While I was looking through my binder, I noticed Coruscant Celebration and saw its potential. This deck has a lot of anti-bounty hunter tech. I decided on a scouts and spies base because of the versatility of its support cards and the characters’ abilities when combined. hile No Escape is a problem, Kensaric mostly makes up for it.

I decided not to use Local Uprising/ Liberation for this deck because the upswing of flipping SYCFA as a result of AMVCO would make Coruscant vulnerable to a quick CPI.

Anti-bounty hunter tech

No Disintegrations is tech against bounty hunters, as each battle you lose characters in, your opponent takes 3 direct damage (and loses a bounty hunter from the battle if Vader is on the table).

The Scum interrupts provide bonuses when your opponents have bounty hunters in battle against you.

Usual Signal order

Strike Planning



Bacta Tank

Coruscant Celebration or CAS (depending on if you have Tala 2 out yet)

other of the two above

No Disintegrations can fit in anywhere above, depending on what you are playing against.


AOBS- Take over Coruscant and use your anti-hunter tech well, pull No Disintegrations second. Keep after your opponent without letting up.

ISB- Use Madine to pull Blount as fast as you can to make your opponent unable to get to the 7 side. Put him in Tala 2 or keep him well guarded.

Hunt Down- If your opponent is dueling, keep Obi away from Vader, while risking Luke, since he reduces his chances of being crossed and improves your dueling. Otherwise, react to what your opponent does while canceling Visage ASAP.

Space anything A tough matchup. Try to keep Coruscant Celebration out, but rely on drains at your Coruscant sites. Try to use Out of Nowhere combo with Tala 2 to get some big destiny draws.

Any single-planet deck (TDIGWATT, COTVG, Endor Ops, etc.)- Keep scrubs on Coruscant to keep celebration retrieval going while using the rest of your characters to take the battle to your opponent’s planet. Your scouts have a lot of Endor-specific text, so if you are playing Endor Ops, take advantage of that text and leave Obi, Boushh, etc. for celebration retrieval. ‘