ROPS is NOT Old School

Title: ROPS is NOT Old School
Author: Andrew "Yoda Killa" Howard
Date: May 24, 2001 Rating: 4.0



’ Vehicles (8)

Blizzard 1

Speeder Bike x4

Tempest 1

Tempest Scout 1

Tempest Scout 6

Starships (5)



Hound’s Tooth

Dengar In Punishing One

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Characters (20)

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand

Admiral Chiraneau

Admiral Piett

AT-ST Pilot x2

Biker Scout Trooper x4

Captain Gilad Pellaeon

Commander Igar

Commander Merrejk

Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith

General Tagge

General Veers

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Lieutenant Arnet

Lord Vader

Emperor Palpatine x2

Weapons (2)

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Vader’s Lightsaber

Effects (9)

Imperial Decree

Mobilization Points

Overseeing It Personally

Reactor Terminal

Royal Escort

Search And Destroy

Secret Plans

You Cannot Hide Forever

Lateral Damage

Interrupts (9)

Prepared Defenses

Twi’lek Advisor x2

High-speed Tactics x3

Imperial Command x2


Locations (6)





Spaceport Docking Bay

Spaceport Prefect’s Office


Ralltiir Operations/In The Hands Of The Empire

Strategy: ‘

Update #1 For everyone who throws ounee ta at this deck, i would just like to say that although it does hurt this deck, it doesnt counter it completely. Their rebels are only deploy minus 1 and if you use bad feeling have i(great for ounee ta counter) their mains are still plus one.




Prepared Defenses

Mobilization Points

Secret Plans*

You Cannot Hide Forever*

Imperial Decree*


This deck was just constructed, so I have yet to know how it does against certain deck types, however i plan to run it in a tourney this weekend so i should know then. For now i will outline the basic strategy and hope you will rate me on the deck, and give suggestions about card changes.

If you see your opponent is running something that is high retrieval, run secret plans, if you think numbers, run YCHF, if you suspect big drains(i.e. EBO) run Decree.

Before you activate pull one of the following Executor or Carida. Usually pull Executor unless you pulled that in your hand.

Get your AT-STs and Biker Scouts down ASAP. First turn use your objective to pull the DB, for the extra activation second turn. If you got 1 or two biker scouts in hand throw them down to the DB, Put your AT-STs down(remember your objective allows you to pull the AT-ST pilots).

Use Imperial Command to pull Piett, put him on the Executor, use him to pull Merrejk, put him down to pull Carida and Fondor(usually i pull Piett and put him at a site, then pull Merrejk and pull Fondor with him, so Executor deploys -5). Setup Decree, Empy with Overseeing it Personally, and drain like mad, while they cant do anything. Remember, speeder bikes react, so leave force, AT-STs react for free, so leave force. Also if you draw Tempest Scout 6, leave it in your hand and always leave at least one force becuase it DEPLOYS as a react -2.

Cards I want to add

Imperial Command (three is a good number)

Twi’lek Advisor (see above)



Trample (kicks when you track)

Any suggestions on how to get these cards in, what to pull out, or any other cards that will help are appreciated. Please dont say Ounee Ta kills this deck because i dont think so, it might hurt but doesnt kill.