Hidden Mai What

Title: Hidden Mai What
Author: Brad "Admiral Twk" Reinhold
Date: May 26, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Hidden Base/whatever

Rondezvous Point

Mon Calamari(hidden base)



Your Insight Serves You Well

Squadron Assignments



DagYoda’s Hutt





Mon Calamari




I’ll Take The Leader


Luke Skywalker, JK

Luke Skeywalkr, JK

Ben Kenobi

Ben Kenobi

Daughter Of Skywalker

Daughter Of Skywalker

Corran Horn

Tycho Celchu

Wedge Antilles, RSL

Captain Han Solo

Dash Rendar

Jek Porkins


Lando w/ Axe


Home One


Millenium Falcon

Red Squadron 1

Green Squadron 3

Red 6



Menace Fades


Anakin’s Lightsaber x2

Obi-wan’s Lightsaber

Luke’s Lightsaber

X-Wing Laser Cannon


Fallen Portal x2

Blaster Deflection x2

Courage of a Skywalker

Jedi Presence

Rebel Barrier

Move Along

Alter & Friendly Fire

SATM & Blaster Proficiency x2

Smoke Screen x2

Sense x3 ‘

Strategy: ‘

This deck is pure FUN

Here’s a run down of why some cards are in here, which other players aren’t using (at least not the top players, on the decks I’ve seen). The deck is non cheese, works consistently against everything from Scum to Court to BHBM to Hunt Down….

Move Along

This card kicks @$$ It is effective against Trooper Decks, Scum decks, and some forms of Agents(those utilizing the nonunique alien that adds a destiny to power). It also interrupts battle, so if you take out a card and stick in I Have A Bad Feeling About This, you can make them hurt, and hurt bad. I use it with Jedi Presence and Courage when possible to really get a beating going.

Blaster Deflection

Oh Baby One of the most popular things in my area right now is Jodo and Stun Blaster. This combo bounces (rather easily) most characters back to the owners hand. This is BAD. So in addition to protecting your own character, for a measly 3 force you can also force them to bounce one of their own characters to their hand. The card, unless you retarget the shot to their character, is a used destiny 4 Also, since it stops a targeting, it works against 4-LOM w/ gun, who doesn’t draw destiny (which is why Ob’s Journal doesn’t cancel it) but it does target. Weapon levitation also goes well with this card, but right now I can’t find room to put it back in.


stops opponent from draining at yoda’s hutt. reduces attrition, NOT adds to immunity. So What? cards that cancel immunity don’t affect this, this giving all your characters an unalterable base of (effectively) of immunity to attrition less than 3 (if they draw a 1 or 2, attrittion = 0). So Jedi Luke, effectively, has immunity (if with saber by own self) to attrition less than 9


She can weild a lightsaber, is immune to attrition <4 (<6 with yoda) can use smoke screen as a 5, can use Courage, also can use Blaster Defelection, and will be replaced promptly with Qui-gon when the new set comes out. Besides, how many times have you seen HER whup up on somebody? Try the deck, and you will.

Smoke Screen

No offense to those of you who don’t use it, but I don’t see why not. Sure you can work in all those High destiny cards, and you can track them (I can, most of the time), but you can’t track very easily in the early game, unless you really are Jesus ). Using smoke screen guarantees your destiny draw at crucial times, such as when it is imperitive to kill Xizor, and he’s been tracking and manipulating your destinies more than you have been. Once you start to see what destinies are where, tracking works well. But until you can, you are still vulnerable to the whims of fate. Besides, the look on somebody’s face, when they use Sim Aloo to make your destiny a one, laughing at you, and then seeing smoke screen and a destiny 6 equvalent, well, you’ll be addicted too. Also, this card is an excellent Tech vs. Guri and ground based Imperial Command Each of these cards says cannot DRAW more than one destiny. Smoke screen is an INSTEAD OF card…so for your first destiny, use smoke screen, then draw for the second. The reason for this is due to Smoke screen only working if you COULD draw destiny. Before you draw the destiny off the top, you can, obviously, draw destiny. If you wait, though, the additional draw is cancelled due to the other ards, so smoke sreen won’t work then. Just a little Tech for ya’ll) Note Darklighter Spin works the same way in space


He’s a spy. He and his ship can deploy anywhere…including the deathstar. And He’s Rogue squadron (for Wedge) and draws a destiny on ANY X-Wing.


Start by pulling Dagobah and then pulling Yoda’s Huttese Home. Also, pull a docking bay, preferably Endor, as two of your main saber-wielders deploy cheap(er) there. DO NOT pull Menace Fades until you need it. Sorry, but I’m paranoid about numbers and Scanning crew. Wait until you see what kinds of stuff they are using, too. This card is tech against all the Dark Jedi, and will be also useful vs. Maul in a few days. I tend to deploy cautiously to space, and to hold the X-Wing Cannon in my hand for offense. get out the AO asap.

mid game Deploy a few Big guys to the docking bays, covering space with two ships at each related system, getting the most out of the AO. This deck can usually get some heafty drains going, especially once you flip. Don’t forget to pull systems each turn, but don’t flip until you need to. The key tech of the HB, as in the choice of Mon Cal, is that only BH ships can deploy there to probe, and you can use the Rebel Barrier to keep them from exiting. With many people using SD’s these days it seemed like a good tech. Also, if you don’t like that one, I suggest Sullust or Kashyyyk instead. Flip when needed. Deploy Luke around to battle people and kick them in the nads. if you are facing strong ground opposition, keep leia with Obi, use conna and Wedge on the ground to make them hurt, and Luke as a one man demo squad. Vs. Court, just deploy him outside JP and move him in…if you use the interrupts well, you should be able to shut the opponents deck down permanently with just he, obi, and Lando.

Late Game Shut down their drains, and keep yours hot and heavy. Spread out if you think you can handle it, but other wise use roving bands to drain. Fight when and where you must, but this deck’s strength lies in its ground, rather than space, so keep that in mind.