Kreml (stronghold)

Title: Kreml (stronghold)
Author: Matt "Ooryl_909" Woleske
Date: May 27, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (7)

Echo Command Center

Yoda’s Hut

Obi’s Hut


Yavin 4 Throne Room

Yavin 4 Massassi Headquarters


Characters (18)


Lando w/ Ax

Tawss Khaa

Luke w/ Saber

Lt. Blount

Leia w/ Blaster

Wedge, RSL

Han w/ Blaster


Dash Rendar

Ben Kenobi

Cap’n Han

Owen and Beru

Chewie Protecta

Corran Horn

Obi w/ Saber x2


Ships (6)

Millenium Falcon




Home 1

Tantive IV

Weapons (3)

Luke’s Saber

Ani’s Saber

Obi’s Saber

Interrupts (17)

Fall of a Legend x2

Throw Me another Charge x2

On the Edge x3



Courage of a Skywalker

Jedi Presence


Control/Tunnel x2

Smoke Screen

Heading for the Med Frigate

Effects (7)

Aim High

Ounee Ta

Goo Nee Tay

Battle Plan


I Hope She’s All Right


Admiral’s Orders (2)

I’ll Take the Leader x2

Strategy: ‘

Yet another Update

Yeah I’m sorry about my stupidity its not really teched out for tat its just the original version had the insurrection/staging areas abuse and this version now has twix’s to save the deck from all that d bay hate

End Update


I just checked again, turns out it only lost by 14 to Christian sorry.

End Update

First the title is in Russian if you were wondering.

If you aren’t satisfied w/ this strategy section refer back to my other TRM on my page.

Hmmmm, where to start. First this deck has put in a solid preformance at the last few local tourneys and put in a 2-1 performance @ WI states. Throne Room Mains has been around…well since the game started its good but it dropped off because of new expansions but now its making a resurgence. The deck type in general has weaknesses against Tie’s, Hunt Down, ISB Big Blue, and Scum but I’ve factored in just the right amount of tech against all of those decks along with a good blend of retrieval and mains to form a great hybrid. With my methods of retrieval in this deck tracking is necessary. I during all of states mistracked once over activating by one cause I can’t count in that incident poor Orrimarrko got fried. Tracking shouldn’t be that hard and it never was that hard for me but for some people it seems to me they have difficulties tracking so read some tracking articles (there are a lot of good ones out there) and learn that it isn’t that difficult when you have the recycling interrupts like Throw me another charge and Fall of a Legend.

Like a said before the deck has weaknesses and here are the cards that are helpful against those decks


I’ll Take the Leader

I Hope She’s All Right

and my good space force


Aim High

I’ll Take the Leader

Hunt Down



Courage of a Skywalker (against dueling at least)

ISB Big Blue

I’ll Take the Leader (all starSHIPS power -2)

I Hope She’s All Right

and again the good space force

At states my only loss came to a hunt down non duel in a game against Christian Kriesel (one of the better players in the state). Holding true to TRM’s promise (it wins and when it loses it doesn’t lose by much) it lost by 17.

Card Explainations

I Hope She’s All Right

Like I mention in nearly all my light decks this is good Tech against Ties its a LS Search and Destroy and it isn’t used even half as much as SaD I also shouldn’t have any problem getting it out because there are no shortage of 1 destiny characters.

Goo Nee Tay

The card is all around good w/ the deploy adder but also it prevents one nasty enemy of this deck, Miyoom Onith for working her magic and seducing my little guys like the whore she is.

Kessel and Cantina

The only 2 drain sites in the deck I have them in only because of my serious fear of those non interactive decks like mine that won’t give me anywhere to drain at so to fix the problem I stuck in these 2 nice sites and can draw up for em’ and drain for 5 (8 w/ all the sabers out).


Hunt Down

You have your 2 OOC/TT so soon enough you should be able to get one and if you don’t no need to worry because their visage will hurt them more with them having no viable way of retrieval. Just merrily lose your cards to visage and next turn retrieve that one and 4 more w/ an on the edge. Take sadistic pleasure in watching their own card kill them.


Start Aim High (of course) against this deck your Goo Nee Tay will be useless against them but no need to worry much. Thank them for the extra activation and beat them hard w/ it.


Read same as court.

ISB Big Blue

Use your heavy space force early to take their ships out of the game hard. Your multiple destinies will not be so effective against the Imperial Command Rich sort but your ground drains will slowly eat away at them while the raw power of Outrider and the Falcon clear systems.


I came up against a tie deck during states and it was a very interactive game but I had hardly any force to work with he started Kessel but I got a Twix in my hand but the whole game the max of force he got was 4 a turn all from his sites while i drained w/ sabers beat up ties and sat at Kessel and Millwaukee leisurly draining him out. It was one of the easiest games against Ties I ever played.

Hope you enjoyed the deck, Thanks.

-Matt Woleske ‘