The Real Deal

Title: The Real Deal
Author: Brad "Admiral Twk" Reinhold
Date: May 27, 2001 Rating: 4.5





CCCarbonite Chamber

Secret Plans

All Wrapped Up

Prepared Defenses

I’m Sorry

Combat Response

Crush The Rebellion


Sense x2

Ghhk & Those rebels won’t escape us

I Have You Now x2

Evader & Monok

Sniper & Dark Strike x2

You Are Beaten

Join Me

Sith Fury

Vader’s Anger

There is No Conflict

Weapon Levitation


We’re The Bait

Cloud City Occupation

All Too Easy

Dark Deal

Fan Fare



Cloud City

CCChasm Walkway

CCWest Gallery


Obsidian 10

Saber 1

Saber 2

IG-88 in IG-2000

Boba Fett in S1

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter





Baron Soontir Fel

Major Tur Phennir

Dengar w/ Gun

Aura Sing

Djas Puhr

4-LOM w/ Gun

Vader w/ Saber x2

Darth Maul x2

Emperor Palpatine

Mara Jade, TEH

Sim Aloo

Janus Greejatus

Prince Xizor


Jodo Kast

Dr. Evazan & Ponda Boba


Maul’s Saber

Mara’s Saber ‘

Strategy: ‘

Editor’s Note****************

A question regarding Aura Sing’s text was raised. As these are all new cards, I should apologize for not having posted it with the deck

Aura Sing

Destiny 1 * Power 4 * Ability 4 * bounty hunter

”May use any ’stolen’ lightsaber. Once per turn, may steal a lightsaber from an opponent’s character just lost where present. Immune to attrition <3 (<5 while armed with a lightsaber)”

Deploy 4, forfeit 3, Warrior

What this means is that not only can she weapon levitate and use any lightsaber, but if you sniper a character with a lightsaber at the same site, you get to steal it, too.

Editor’s Note #2**************

To Mr. Ward you are absolutely right. I play that deck myself, and I can’t believe I overlooked it. Tatooine Mains would not be kind, though it is hard for them to deploy to me. My main hopes vs Qui-Gon are 3 cards Aura Sing w/ Weapon Lev., and 4-LOM w/ Gun. All I have to do is kill him once, so I can capture him. But if they are smoke screening…I will try to see what I can put in for it…maybe 4 more senses. No to the more mains, though, unless another Emperor or a Choke Vader. The destinies are just too low, Grimtaash hurts just when its bad, and the characters have a habit of not dying in this deck, and if they do…so what? wlmost every character draws destiny on their own, so once DDeal gets going, each can almost hold a site by themselves. I will look into adding the senses though. Maybe take out the Combat response, osidian 10/pilot, saber 1/pilot, saber 2/pilot, start Fan Fare instead, and use the OS-72-1 in ship and OS-72-2 in ship, add in a Tallon Roll&Dark Manuevers, and 4 senses. Any comments on that idea?

Here’s a few tech explanaitions of some cards


stops them from drawing more than 2 destiny at CC sites, and makes sure you don’t get Clashed

Guri & Jodo

one stops them from drawing more than 1 destiny, the other cancels any second destiny…and since they can’t have more than 2 )

Ghhk & TRWEU

one of the big dangers to this deck is the opponent building up a force elsewhere (tatooine, say) and Nabrun-ing over. It also stops a number of ’cowardly’ battle enders, as well as landing claw. Senses work well, too. Ghhk because, well, you can’t forsee everything.

Vader’s Anger

adds to your lightsaber destiny POST draw, and can assist against duels

Sith Fury

kills eloms, ewoks, jawas, wookies, >talzs<…

There Is No Conflict

Helps vs. TIGIH, and generally rocks out when vader is in a battle (all opponent’s battle destinies are -2)

Join Me, Sniper/Dark Strike, All Too Easy, You Are Beaten, Dr.E & Ponda B

in this deck, these are killers. You are already set up to try and hit people with lightsabers (goal being to use All Too Easy). All Too Easy eliminates a character from battle as soon as they are hit, and with your objective forces them to lose 8 force (note this only works at carbonite chamber). You Are Beaten excludes another. Sniper&Dark Strike can be used versus undercover spies, for All Too Easy someone in the control phase, to increase a lightsaber destiny draw (in combo with Vaders Anger, you can add 4 to your destiny), or, most importantly if you don’t have Dr. E & Ponda B yet, make a hit character immediately lost. Join Me allows you, if you just hit Luke with a Saber, to make the opponent choose immediately place Luke in used pile, or turn him at the end of the battle to the dark side.


cancels OTE and Scramble, also allows you to pull All to Easy from reserve. What more could you want?

Aura Sing + Weapon Levitation + Dark Strike + Vader’s Anger vs. Quigon with Qui-gon’s Saber = one dead jedi. Add in Sith Fury, and you can take out whatever nonunique help he was getting.

Ok. Here are the match ups

vs. MWYHL test 5 Secret Plans will hurt them, and you should be able to get a ship over to kick them on dagobah (you are only 3 parsecs away). More important, though, is that once you get CC Occupation up and running, they will have to fight you, either on ground or in space. As you draw 4 - 5 destinies in space (once you get set up), they will PROBABLY go to ground. Most of these decks either run mains and toys or eloms (or speeders). Speeders won’t work, as you have no exterior sites, You have enough aliens and a Sith Fury to knock out the Eloms, so its the mains that concern us. Capture Han or Leia or Chewie asap, then deploy We’re the Bait to shut them down. If they train Leia, you sould be able to handle them anyways, so just play smart.

vs. Hidden Mains You can Out Drain them, Out Fight them, and, if you use Sim wisely, shut down teh strongest part of teh deck - destinies. They do retrieve alot, but they will pay for it, and you will be getting a drain of around 11 to 14 guaranteed almost every game

vs. EBO Out drain them (you’ll be done faster than they will), and ambush them selsctively in space. They should make more mistakes and deploy faster than they are ready to, in order to keep up.

vs. WYS Crush will keep them away from your sites for the most part, your space can hurt them badly if used correctly, and you should be able to outdrain them by turn 7.

vs. QMC sense their interrupts, rape their characters, but above all else, prevent them from flipping. Once they flip, they stay flipped, and have a good chance of cancelling DDeal.

Vs. TIGIH Let Luke drain you, or send Darth Maul to duel him. Force the opponent to fight you on your turf, as most of these decks do that anyway. As long as you control Bespin, their characters deploy +1 to CC, and their main strengths usually lie in large numbers of characters (which you can thin easily) or destinies (not against this deck, bub), or in power of speeders (laugh), so you should be all right. 2 senses are usually enough to control the battlefield, but if interrupts are more prevalent in your Meta, then add some more cancellers. Once again, outdraining them and kicking their face in on the ground should win for you

Vs. tatooine Jedi (a LS deck I think will be prevalent and powerful in 3 days…heck, its what I used to win SC State this year) Most of these will either start off with Obi’s Hut and Heading for the medical frigate, Tosche Station and HFTMF, or one of the two with careful planning and City Outskirts, Tatooine, or slave quarters(pulls Shmi Skywalker). City Outskirts is a new site which allows the LS player to deploy a jedi from the reserve deck, so be careful around there. Get DDeal going, flip, then send your other hordes of characters to fight. It should be a good game, and you really can ingnore them if you want, but they should be getting good drains and good retrieval from Tat Celebration, which is why, though you hurt them, you will need to go to them. Watch out for roving bands of Jedi dropping in on CC; these decks will probably run characters thate all draw destiny by themselves, so they will be one of those most likely to stop DDeal.

How To Play it

before you activate turn one, grab your 2 sites. activate however much, and deploy the 2 sites. If podracing becomes popular, take out a character and sub in Sebulba’s Racer. During your deploy, go grab either CC or Bespin, with CC being in first priority. You may notice that no exterior CC sites or DBs are in the deck. While this limits your characters that deploy to your sites to staying there til they die or the game ends, it also shuts out anybody THEY have on ships from getting in, unless they are running CCDB. Don’t draw up unless you notice there’s something you’d really like in the force pile, like Dark Deal, or if you don’t have 3 destiny drawing characters and a pilot or ship.

Turn two, activate your force (should be at least 9), and play a ship. If it’s Obsidian 10 and pilot, you should have enough left to deploy 3 characters to the CC sites and play DDeal. Thats second turn. If they managed to deploy to CC turn one, wipe them off, and get set up for a turn 3 flip. I have never had a game where I didn’t flip 2nd or 3rd turn. (and yes, we have been playing with proxies ever since the spoiler came out). If you can flip turn two, grab DDeal; otherwise grab Bespin.

Turn three play your characters to play dark deal, and if you can, play another starship, so you can flip, and so you can CC Occupation. Back up in space, back up some on the ground. 5 turns later the game should be over.

In all our playtesting, we haven’t found anything that consistently beats it…or just beats it, for that matter. However, knowing you can’t beat your own deck is a far cry from saying someone else can’t. So, if you see any weaknesses or have any ideas, please comment. Hope you enjoy ‘