I’m A Chadra-Fan Fan v1 1

Title: I’m A Chadra-Fan Fan v1 1
Author: Kelly "Gyrotech" Brown
Date: May 28, 2001 Rating: 3.5



‘Starting (6)

Agents Of The Court (Kabe is Rep)

Tatooine Hutt Trade Route

Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber

Yarna d’al’ Gargan

The Signal

Seeking An Audience

Locations (3)

Jabba’s Palace Entrance Cavern

Tatooine Cantina

Tatooine Jabba’s Palace

Characters (32)


Chadra-Fan (x21)

Kabe (x4)

Luke With Lightsaber

Obi-Wan With Lightsaber



Tessek (x2)

Effects (9)

A Gift

Bargaining Table (x2)

Bo Shuda

Ounee Ta

Sandwhirl (x2)


Underworld Contacts

Interrupts (10)

Control (x2)

Fallen Portal (x2)

Nabrun Leids

Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes (x3)

You Will Take Me To Jabba Now (x2) ‘

Strategy: ‘

As usual, it is crucial to retain control of the Audience Chamber. By either drawing or using You Will Take Me To Jabba Now, it is important to focus on getting Kabe and Tessek to the Audience Chamber. Underworld Contacts, which can be pulled using Seeking An Audience, can help keep your site on top if the opponent decides to cover yours up. This allows you to deploy Bo Shuda from the deck.

However, if prior to the game, the opponent uses a rather Imperial-looking setup, it may be smart to switch Uh-Oh with Seeking An Audience as your starting effect so that the opponent doesn’t walk in and cancel Bo Shuda.

Once the Audience Chamber has been protected, it is pure brute force from here on out. It should not be hard to flip the objective, and with Tessek’s aid, the Chadra-Fans only deploy for 1 and add 1 to the force drains at their locations

If the opponent looks like he is about to start an alien rampage, this is the time to pull out Artoo and A Gift (using Artoo’s text) to severely hinder the opponent’s progress (their battle destinies are -2 and their force drains are -1). With the aid of the objective, your extra Kabes can cancel opponent’s battle destinies or in drain races, can cancel force drains. And it is no big loss to forfeit a Chadra-Fan because you can get them back really quickly. Use Nar Shadaa to retrieve up to 21 force.

Don’t be deceived by the look of this deck. I went to a tournament just recently and dominated against a Ralltir Ops deck, a Force Drain Race, and the Tournament Director’s Hunt Down deck. There are so many twists an turns that the opponent is fooled into provoking these little guys. BEWARE THE CHADRA-FAN ‘