The Real Deal v2 0

Title: The Real Deal v2 0
Author: Brad "Admiral Twk" Reinhold
Date: May 28, 2001 Rating: 4.0





CCCarbonite Chamber

All Wrapped Up

Secret Plans

Prepped Defenses


I’m Sorry

Crush The Rebellion


Darth Vader w/ Lightsaber x2

Emperor Pull-My-Finger

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand

Prince Xizor


Jodo Kast

Djas Puhr

Aura Sing

Bane Molar

Dr.E & Ponda B

Sim Aloo

Janus Greejatus

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Darth Maul x2

4-LOM w/ Gun

Pod Racers1

Sebulba’s Racer




CCWest Gallery

CCChasm Walkway





Boba Fett-n-boat


OS-72-1 in Obsidian 1

OS-72-2 in Obsidian 2


Maul’s Saber

Mara’s Saber


Dark Deal

CC Occupation

All Too Easy

We’re The Bait

Reactor Terminal


Sense x4

You Are Beaten

Sniper/Dark Strike x2

Sith Fury

Vaders Anger

Weapon Levitation

Join Me

Ghhhk & TRWEU

Tallon Roll/Dark Manuevers


I have you now x2 ‘

Strategy: ‘

Thank you to everyone who reviewed The Real Deal. Your insights help thank you, thank you, thank you

Heres the card review quickly

Darth MaulDark jedi, kicks face, duels jedi, ignores nonunique MKOS, and laughs at eloms.

Aura Singsteals lightsabers, uses them, draws destiny(most of the time), is a bounty hunter…

I’m Sorrylets you pull your other two sites once per game, but forces the deck to go without Barrier and SCrew.

Fanfare cancels OTE and Scramble. Pulls an immediate effect…like All Too Easy

Sith Ragekills ewoks, jawas, eloms, talz…

Vaders Anger helps vs. TIGIH, subtract 2 from opponents battle destiny versus Vader )

Mauls Saber same as vaders, but it can’t be stolen.

Join Me makes luke go immediately to used pile or cros to darkside if hit by vader

Cards I want to add Dr.E’s Gun, Force Lightning, Lift Tubes, Choke Vader

Setup draw your two sites before you activate. Activate 3 plus what your opponent gives you. Usually you will want to play your 2 sites right away, then use the objective to pull either CC or Bespin and play it. Play bespin ONLY when you want to flip, if they are playing any other space locations. Its not too hard to play Big E by around turn 2 with a good draw or turn 3 for sure, so if you have to go to space, thats the way to go. This deck is fast, so the only reasons for you to draw up on turn 1 are 1)you need that 3rd destiny drawing character to play DDeal; or 2) something vital to your strategy is in there. You can verify by looking for evader/monok.

turn two you should be getting 9 to 11 force from your own stuff. the lowest possible is 7. THIS IS GUARANTEED. period. While a lot of decks will be having Mob points cancelled by new LS effects, this deck will be consistent in getting quick activation. Don’t play characters down to CC sites until you are ready to play DDeal, unless it is Emperor and Dudes. Play dark deal if possible. If not, go get Bespin to increase activation

Turn three play dark deal. Now, if you want to befuddle the opponent, DON’T play it. Use Occupation to increase damage and drain a bit, and use some of your characters to attack their plans…they will be forced to send their beatdown squads against your invasion, tying up their characters. They probably have a few tricks, so be sure to have the Ghhhk handy. If this is more to your style, take out a sense and add another Ghhk Combo card. Once their attack force is tied up, feel free to do the Deal, as what they have left probably won’t be enough to pose a threat.

Tech Character elimination is key to this deck.

the new mains pose problems for other decks that they won’t pose to this one. For example, in the next two weeks, more Court and Scum decks than not will be stunned by Quigon and Obi. Not you New Obi’s gametext has no effect on you on cloud city. weapon levitation and Aura Sing take care of them, too, as does 4-LOM. But what about destiny adding interrupts? No problem. Let them play all they want. Then, and remember to smile when you do this, remind them about Crush…AFTER they start to draw destiny. Guri and Jodo each limit them to 1 destiny at a site. The main problem will undoubtedly come from Smoke Screen this card gets around restrictions, as it is not, technically a draw, and if used with Luke or Ben is a 6 destiny, with Qui-gon or Yoda a 7. This can kill about anybody…except perhaps the emperor. This card is the SOLE reason I forced room for 4 senses. I wanted to run 6 (you say overkill, I say watch the tourny environment the next few weeks) but I hope 4 is sufficient. Also, use Janus to track like a mad man. Pull I Have You Now, use Janus. Cycles through cards like you wouldn’t believe.


“8-turn games”

RST you can fight them if ya want, but here’s what I’d do outdrain them, and hold on to the bunker for dear life if it looks like they are going to blow it up.

MBOfunny ha ha. drain drain drain, beat them down for non flip. lets see. drain some more.

EBOyou can usually flip faster than they can. Beside, with the arrival of Walker Garrisons on the tourny scenes, don’t expect to see too many of these anymore. If it is a problem, just put in Battle Order inplace of something else.

Profit well, you can drain, and you can drain. I suggest option number 1. It suits them better. Drop Mara and Xizor for the start. then you should drain.

MWYHL well, you can sorta drain. But you can CC Occupation. get a ship over there and clean their sinuses. don’t forget about test 2.

“9 turn games”

Tatooine Jedi a bit tougher, but your activation should give you an edge. If using the station, crash their party. Almost ALL your guys draw destiny by themselves, so take advantage of this

Hidden Mains Their pilots can’t get in, thats one bonus…unless they are using the DB. Then, this can get interesting. If you can capture and secure their mains, you should be a.o.k.

“0 turn games”

WYS) hehehe. bring it. Ghhhk stops the battle they want, and all the rest of the battles, well, they don’t want. Sith Fury takes care of nonuniques. capture uniques. rape, pillage, burn. let them drain on tatooine. or don’t. just drop Maul and Guri to the cantina and have fun. kick them in space. kick them on CC. you should have this game in the bag if you play the deck intelligently. In all seriousness, there isn’t much danger, but if you get overconfident, there still isn’t much danger ) Just don’t do something stupid like using Janus to attack 15 smugglers at the cantina with no ghhhk.

Well, thats it. I hope I haven’t offended to many WYS players, but I HATE that deck. I lost to it only once, and Never again. Ever. I burned most of the objective that I pulled from my packs ) Good for one thing roasting marshmellows, jawas, MKOS…


Brad R. ‘