The Emperors Revenge

Title: The Emperors Revenge
Author: Mason "Palleon" Johnson
Date: May 29, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Objective (1)

Bring Him Before Me / Take Your Fathers Place

Characters (18)

Lord Vader x2

Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith x2

Emperor Palpatine x2

Mara Jade, The Emperors Hand x2

Janus Greejatus

Grand Moff Tarkin

Prince Xizor


Sim Aloo

IG-88 with Riot Gun

Boba Fett with Blaster Rifle

Dr. Evazan & Ponda Baba

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Admiral Chiraneau

Locations (6)

Death Star II Throne Room

Death Star II Docking Bay

Endor Docking Bay (Landing Platform)

Cloud City East Platform (Docking Bay)



Interrupts (17)

Sense & Uncertain is the Future x3

Alter & Collateral Damage x2

I Have You Now x2

Evader & Monnok

You are Beaten

Ommni Box & It’s Worse

Force Lightning x2

Masterful Move x2

Sniper & Dark Strike

Ghhhk & Those Rebels Wont Escape Us

Prepared Defenses

Effects (10)

Imperial Arrest Order

Mobilization Points

Crursh the Rebellion

Emperors Power

Your Destiny

Insignificant Rebellion

Secret Plans

Battle Order

Presence of the Force x2

Starships (7)



Dengar in Punishing One

Bossk in Hounds Tooth

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter

Dreadnaught-Class heavy Cruiser x2

Weapons (2)

Vaders Lightsaber

Maras Lightsaber ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is a force drain and beadown deck, it is very capable in space and on the ground. It controls the game. it has many characters to keeps the beatdowns going, destiny and force drain adders, etc. Track your destinies and you can cause tons of battle damage, and maybe even cross luke.

Starting I start Imperial Arrest Order, Mobilization Points, and Crush the Rebellion. So can get tons of early activation, get my sites I need out, and get Evader combo + IHYN

Playing Pull your sites, and get the emperor to the throne room with emperors power, get your drain sites set up, but keep beatdown characters in hand. When opportunity strikes

use your destiny adders, to cause massive attrition and battle damage, don’t let them control anything. Get battle order going to stop all of their drains if you can win a few

battles you could always cross luke for an instant win. Your Destiny will help out if they don’t deploy luke, and even if they do your removing the light sides most powerful

character in the game

Advantages No luke dueling vader when tatooine comes out. Three ways to win Drain,Battle, or cross. Or you can try a combination of the three.The ability to control the who table.


WYS this deck destroys most WYS it controls tatooine on the ground with massive destinies, and drains at the cantina. if you can take rendili, Tatooine, or Kessel and keep the ground with battle order out they dont stand a chance vs. your massive drains. You can restrict their destinies with Guri. You destroy all of WYS main advantages. Slow their retrieval with Secret Plans, and control the game. usually an easy win.

TIGIH scouts Send huge beatdown crews to endor, choke, shoot, operate, sniper, I Have you now, etc. Drain in space and use battle order to make them pay for their drains. Wear him down with your drains, and cross luke if you can. Difficult game if you don’t play smart, but can be easily won if you play smart.

Hidden Mains Destroy his mains on the ground, and drain in space. Guri will kill the super falcon, Secret plans will slow their retrieval. Drain for tons, and you can always cross luke. Not much they can do here, pretty easy win.

QMC Sense their run away cards, and alter celebration, use secret plans vs their retrival,

cross luke, or just drain them out.

Anything else just control the board, drain, cross luke, battle, add destines, the possibilities are endless

Use Your S/A package to get rid of portal, Jedi Presence, Narrow Escape, Bacta Tank, Rebel Fleet, ETC. Use monnok to seewhats in their hand, then use Uncertain is the Future to get rid of their hand if it’s a good one Collateral damage is great Vs. A luke and Epp han combo, opps no more combo lukes dead

Still works after tatooine, just get a hold on rendili or sullust to satisfy Mob. Points killer.

Thanks for reading and reviewing ‘