Podracing Espanol Style

Title: Podracing Espanol Style
Author: Miguel "$Geo Metro$" Sanchez
Date: May 30, 2001 Rating: 3.5



’ Starting (10)

Hunt Down
Meditation Chamber
Epic Duel
Visage Of The Emperor
Start Your Engines
Bonnta Eve Podrace
Podrace Arena
Sebulba’s Podracer
Watto’s Box

   Characters (11)

   Lord Vader x2

     DLOTS x2  

    Emperor x2 

   Darth Maul x2

   Mara Jade x2

  Janus Greejtaus

   Starships (3) 

Bossk in Hounds Tooth 

 Boba Fett in Slave 1 

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter 

    Weapons (3)

Vaders lightsaber x2

 Maras lightsaber

    Effects (7) 

Visage Of The Emperor x3

    No Escape 

  Secret Plans 

Something Special Planned

   Battle Order 

   Interrupts (26) 

Podracer Collision x2 

 Vader’s Obsession x2 

    Circle x2 

 Masterful Move x2 

   Sith Fury x2

 Omni Box/Its Worse 


  Force Lightning  

  Focused Attack 

  Twilek Advisor  

 Weapon Levitation

 Scanning Crew x10  '

Strategy: ‘

Response to reviews

Boba Fett 48 - Why? Cause huntdown is perfect engine for dark jedi. Also, direct damage from Visage is real good.

EvO - How are the crews ’worthless’? I can still play them. Extra visages are for direct damage and destiny draws.

Elvis - You make many good points. 3-4 senses would be a good addition. If they play SAC protection or WYS, 8 senses are 8 too many, though.

Sometime English words hard to find. So I give notes

Scanning Crew away objective.

Race, retrieve when Podrace win.

Duel but careful.

Use Janus to track destinys well.

If they start anti-scanning crew Visage them away. If they go for HOT Jedi, scan them away.

I am tired from talking so much English.

DMail me for more specific questions, thank you.

I play this deck against many my friend today and it win all time. I will take to next Guerrero Provincial. ‘