BHBM Post Tatooine

Title: BHBM Post Tatooine
Author: Jesus "Savior" Christ
Date: Jun 1, 2001 Rating: 2.5



‘Starting (8)

Bring him BeforeMe/TYFP

Throne Room

Insignificant Rebellion

Your Destiny

Prepared Defenses

Imperial Arrest Order

Mobilization Points

First Strike

Characters (18)

Lord Vader x3


Prince Xizor

Emperor Palpatine x2

Darth Maul x2

Aurra Sing

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Myn Kanough

Kir Kanos

Sim Aloo

IG-88 With Gun

4-Lom with Gun

Mara Jade,Emperors Hand (down her pants)


Locations (5)

Death Star 2 Docking Bay

Tattoine Docking Bay 94

Endor Docking Bay

Cloud City Docking Bay


Starships (5)

Dengar in Punishing One

Bossk in Hounds Tooth

Boba Fett in Slave 1

Zuckuss in Mist Hunter


Weapons (3)

Vaders Saber

Mara’s Saber

Force Pike

Interrupts (16)

Dark Maneuvers x3

Control Combo x3

Sniper Dark Striker x2

Weapon Levitation

Twilek x2

Force Lightning x2

Weapon of an Ungrateful Son

Rebel Barrier x2

Effects (5)

Lateral Damage x2

Reactor Terminal

Secret Plans

Emperors Power

Strategy: ‘

For the few that read my other deck and gave me bad reviews because i made it funny this is for you because theirs no sexual comments or anything funny in this review, how bout getting a sense of humor, In fact thats an order an order from Jesus Christ.

Well in my opinion, BHBM can live through Tatooine, though it will be less power, One huge problem I found in this deck was Activation when the opponent plays “don’t do that again”. Activation will be slow in the beginning, but you should be able to catch up.

This deck contains many powerful characters and bounty-hunters. You can easily get the cards needed to stack to win. Thats not really a problem. Most of the time I am able to cross Luke.

The space will probably not stand up to a space centered deck, but when their playing a ground or part ground part space deck you should be able to kill em off space.

The destiny in this deck is pretty good, most of the effects and interrupts have high destinies. Rebel Barriers are in the deck so that the opponent cant surprise you.

The rest is pretty self explanatory. Later to come will be strategies against other deck types, I havent played many different types.

*_*_*-Dont Review The Deck if You did Not Read It-*_*_*

This has been written by the one and only JESUS CHRIST bow down and kiss my A$$ or youll reach a firey grave [Evil Laugh Insert]. ‘