Rebel Smackdown Team

Title: Rebel Smackdown Team
Author: Artemis "." Entreri
Date: Jun 2, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1)

Rebel Strike Team/Garrison Deployed

Effects (6)

-Battle Plan

-The Menace Fades

-Close Air Support

-Strike Planning (SE)

-Squadron Assignments (SE)

-Insurrection (SE)

Interrupts (10)

-Heading For The Medical Frigate (SI)

-Insertion Planning (3)

-Take the Iniative (3)

-Out of Commission/ Transmission Terminated

-Rebel Leadership

-The Signal

Starships/Vehicles (6)

-Gold Squadron One

-Tala 1

-Tala 2

-Red Squadron 1

-Red Squadron 4


Weapons/Devices (0)

Characters (28)

-General Solo (2)

-Chewbacca of Kashyyyk (2)

-Daughter of Skywalker

-Luke w/ Saber (2)

-Obi w/ Saber (2)

-General Crix Madine

-General Calrissian

-Colonel Cracken

-Corporal Midge

-Lieutenant Blount

-Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader

-Corporal Beezer

-Corporal Delevar

-Corporal Janse

-Corporal Kensaric

-Lieutenant Greeve

-Lieutenant Page

-Sergeant Brooks Carlson

-Sergeant Bruckman

-Sergeant Junkin



-Derek ’Hobbie’ Klivian

-Nien Nunb

Admiral’s Order’s (2)

-Capital Support (2)

Locations (7)


-Endor Rebel Landing Site

-Endor Hidden Forest Trail

-Endor Back Door

-Endor Landing Platform

-Endor Dense Forest

-Endor Great Forest

Strategy: ‘


-Rebel Strike Team

-Heading for the Medical Frigate

-Strike Planning

-Squadron Assignments



-Endor Rebel Landing Site

Your first turn activate 5, use Strike Planning (remember no generation at Endor for your opponent), to pull General Crix Madine, and either General Solo or General Calrissian from reserve. Use Madine to pull a scout of ability less than 3, (Chewbacca of Kashyyyk hint hint). and use chewie to pull out Wuta. And don’t forget to grab the Landing Platform with Insurrection.

Next turn start pulling Endor sites with Wuta and use Squadron Assignments to take quick control of Endor, (Strike Planing+ Squardon Assignmets= Lando and Falcon out by second turn). Keep using Madine to grab scouts, I would recommend Delevar (Keeps your character’s forfiet from going to zero) or Kensaric (Adds 2 to the deploy of your opponent’s stuff to same site). Throw down General Solo and then work on flipping the objective.

In the next turns, bost your defense at Endor and try to flip your objective ASAP without putting yourself at too much risk. Once flipped your scouts are all immune to attrition less than 4 and you can retrieve one every draw phase, (and use Madine to grab him the turn after). Insurrection offers good protection from Elis Helrot and gives your characters a tremendous boost in forfiet. Be sure to rid yourself of Wuta after he has pulled out his sites, (Midge adds 1 to each of your drains where you have a scout of ability greater than 2 present and no ewok).

In battles use Take the Iniative and Insertion Planning to help out in battles, with EPP Luke and Obi to back them up. In space you are pretty secure, and can hold your own fairly well. Use the Admiral’s Order’s too make them lose 2 a turn to General Solo and Madine.

Specific Strategies

Against Bring Him Before Me

Normally I start the same way and just try to stop Vader from keeping Luke, oh and don;t make the mistake I did one tourney and leave Luke and Wuta alone, (Vader grabbed Luke and smacked the furball).

Against HDADJ

About the same, avoid dueling at all costs, and try to get Transmission Terminated ASAP.

Against Space

Squadron Assignments is your good friend, Grab the Falcom and Tala 1 and 2 quick and get to work.

Against My Kind of Scum

Cancel their drain bonuses and hit them with Battle Plan. Stay on the defensive, kick back on Endor and make them come get you. (Trust me its not pretty trying to take the Audience Chamber).

Well thats about it. This is what currently use in tourney’s and after its trail run today it went 2-0 with a total differential of +39. Any questions, comments, complaints, you know hwo to message me.

