profit racing v2

Title: profit racing v2
Author: Steve "DRIFFTER" Skilton
Date: Jun 3, 2001 Rating: 3.0





audience chamber

jabbas palace


podrace arena

anakins podracer

boonta eve podrace


characters (13)

joh yowza

lando w/ ax

frigrin d’an

jar jar


daughter of skywalker x2

ben x2

luke jk x2

qui gon x2







docking bay 94

podracer bay




brisky morning munchen

order to engage

mantellian savrip


sense and recoil x3

fallen portal x4

you will take me to jabba now x3

enter the arena x3

gift of the mentor x2

the signal x3

weapon levitation x2

a jedis resiliance x2

clash of sabers x2

a jedis focus

end of a reign

podrace prep

alter and friendly fire

Strategy: ‘

ok what youll want to set up is bo shuda with yowza, order to engage and lando possibly with ben at the palace. theyll wat to get out of the audience chamber because of order, yowza jams their race destinies allowing you to win, fallen portals help lando when hes alone. you should be able to pull out your sites which is why i start insurection, and use the bays with entering the arenas, gifts pull out the sabers. you should end up with a bunch of high destinies and manis running around, if your desperate for a better hand use recoil especially if the opponent just pulled something like cpi or if they are starting dsII you can screw them up alittle. basically youll want to hurt them on tatooine and maybe send jar jar running around with quigon when you rate this tell me what you like or what you think i should change you will be able to pull out your characters with you will take me to jabba and the mains will be around especially with jedi resiliance, order to engage can be cancelled by fanfare in which case you let bo shuda go away when you move your jedi in and take over the ac ‘