small moon of endor

Title: small moon of endor
Author: Dunya "Hardpack" Ertan
Date: Jun 3, 2001 Rating: 4.0




Endor ops.

endor system

landing platform


prepared defenses

impreal decree

you can’t hide forever



perimeter patrol

reactor terminal

something special planned for them

establish secret base

presence of the force

search and destroy


alter/combo x3

ghkk/ combo

imperial barrier x3

join me

shut him up or shut him down

sebulla’s podracer


yayin docking bay

hoth docking bay

endor dark forest

endor back door


tempest scout 3

tempest scout 5

blizzard scout 1

tempest scout x5


ig-88 in ig 2000

The emporors shield

executor (the good one)

zuckuss in mist hunter


mara’s stick

vaders stick






admiral ozzel

aura sing

colonel davod

dr evazan & ponda

boba fett with blaster rifle

ghana gleemort

rachalt hyst

gamall wironicc

colonel dyer

dengar with blaster

general tagge




Strategy: ‘

update 1 bobafett made some good point but imperial decree works on hoth or yayin and what ever they play. If i see ebo than i use there sites as said in my article. I try to get away from space. I had a space deck for last 10 months with endor and went 50-4 in that time. See my page and you will see it.Also i dont have tempest 6.

This deck was created to battle in ground with lots of power. First of all, as you know there is no way for the dark side to take out sites for endor. So, I decided use what I know from isb and create an imperial decree in yayin and hoth docking bays while looking for sites. Imperial decree is a great card and easy establish. It destroys lots of objects and makes them adapt to you. Here some cards choices. Oh, I forget ”yes I know I am giving force to light side dont remind me.”

Tempest scouts, protects you from fallen portals and drain for two at endor sites.

Shut him up or shut him out, cancels bacta tank and this is played a lot in my area.

Join me, great card destroy Luke and light side strategy.

Alter combo is a great card, collaborate damage kills an epp character and hit squad.

Maul, one man tank

How to play

Before you activate, grab premeter patrol and lose you cant hide forever. Activate and grab hoth or yayin docking bay and establish secret base. While you grabbing these docking bays, look to see if you have any sites in you reserve deck. Leave the force there. Second turn activate and look for another docking bay. This will give you an idea of what in your force pile and deploy all effects and deploy some characters to Yavin docking bay and Hoth with a ghkk in hand. Third turn activate and drain. Deploy some to endor docking bay and so on. Here is some match ups

Hoth Just control Hoth and imperial decree will do its thing. Its too easy.

Hidden base Control ground and forgets about establish secret base and deploy search and destroy. Its over in 8 turns

Dagobah Drain in space and ground. Take some fools to dagobah to attack yoda and drain

QMC Its a easy win. Kick their A S S in Cloud City. Show no mercy, dont deploy anything in till you see Luke and obi one. Then Vader and maul will take care of these problems real quickly with a duel. Luke is yours.

WYS Now, this takes some strategy. Control cantina at all cost, while keeping a trooper at cantina they can’t harvest. Turning Luke is vital. He is the power character so turn him soon as possible. Imperial decree keeps vessel from drain of 3 (dont forget kessel is a force drain of 2 with imperial decree)

Please give a good review. Also, give me some idea how to improve this deck.