The Invincible Rebel Strike Team v 2 0

Title: The Invincible Rebel Strike Team v 2 0
Author: Ricky "TANTRUM" Martinez
Date: Jun 4, 2001 Rating: 4.0





EndorLanding Platfrom


The shield is down


Strike Planning

Squadron assignments


Gen Solo

Gen Madine x 2



Ithorian x 2

LSJK x 2

Wedge RSL

Corran Horn

Lt Greeve

Sergent Brooks Carlson

Corp. Janse

Corp Mildge

Gen Calrissian

Dash Rendar



Lt Page

Major Panno


Chewy OK

Corp Kensaric

Seargent Junkin


Jungle (NU)

EndorBack Door

Endor Forest Trail

EndorGreat Forest

Endor Bunker


Skiff x 3


Gold Squadron 1

red Squadron 1


Anakins stick

Explosive Charge x 3

Portable Scanner

Chewys Bowcaster

Effects and Interrupts(10)


Battle Plan

Hiding in the garbage


I know

Its a trap x 2



Menace Fades

Epic Event(1)

Deactivate Shiedl Generator ‘

Strategy: ‘

Saying I get beat down, its not just beezer and madine , its also solo. if they give you 2 force like most decks nowadays you save it to cancel a destiny if they come down, .

OK everyone said to blow up the bunker so i gave it alot of thought and i found the best way to do it. Ok here goes

First turn Before activating pull madine and solo, if one in hand pull lando. Activate. Drop Madine, and Solo for 5. Pull Beezer, Pull Scanner, Pull Back Door, if enough force pull Bunker if not dont worry.

Second Turn Avtivate, pull a charge in control phase. Pull Junkin, Drop him with the others, move to bunker.

Third Turn Pull charge, pull chewy , drop him down now u can cancel ddestiny if by chance they fight you. Drop 2 charges.

Forth turn give it a shot to blow the bunker away have to draw a 5 with two destinys should be able to do it, it cripples opnonet cause hand goes to use pile. Pull geezum to pull sits to drain.

Fifth turn Pull Midge and start draining, from here on out its just instinct but its always nice to know if by chance you lose its not the decks fault because it doesnt let you down, awesome rst/gd deck ‘