The Invincible Rebel Strike Team v 3 0

Title: The Invincible Rebel Strike Team v 3 0
Author: Ricky "TANTRUM" Martinez
Date: Jun 5, 2001 Rating: 4.5





EndorLanding Platfrom


The shield is down


Strike Planning

Squadron assignments


Gen Solo

Gen Madine x 2




LSJK x 2

Wedge RSL

Corran Horn

Sergent Brooks Carlson

Corp Mildge

Gen Calrissian

Dash Rendar



Lt Page

Major Panno


Chewy OK

Corp Kensaric

Seargent Junkin

Derek Hobbie Kelvin


Jungle (NU)

EndorBack Door

Endor Forest Trail

EndorGreat Forest

Endor Bunker


Skiff x 3


Milenium Falcon

red Squadron 1

Red Squadron 4

Home One


Anakins stick

Explosive Charge x 3

Portable Scanner

Chewys Bowcaster

Effects and Interrupts(10)


Battle Plan

I know

Its a trap x 2



Menace Fades

Goo Nee Tay

Admirals Orders(1)

Taking them with us

Epic Event(1)

Deactivate Shield Generator ‘

Strategy: ‘


First turn Before activating pull madine and solo, if one in hand pull lando. Activate. Drop Madine, and Solo for 5. Pull Beezer, Pull Scanner, Pull Back Door Oyu should have at least two force, but save it to cancel a destiny if they want to fight this group, they r important.

Second Turn Avtivate, pull a charge in control phase. Pull Carlson, Drop him with the others. Pull bunker. Should have spent 3 force. Spend one force to move to backdoor.

Third Turn Pull charge, pull junkin if they dont control bunker, chewy if they do. If you pull junkin drop the two charges at the bunker, use two force to pull DTSG deploy it and spend one force to move. If you pulled chewy still move and deploy DTSG, but not the charges, beat them down, this shouldnt be a problem winning.

Forth turn if you droped the charges and junkin try it, you should be able to do it, a 5 with two destinies. If you pulled chewy pull his bowcaster with scanner girl deploy, then whip thier butts, and deploy charges.

Fifth turn Pull Midge and start draining, if you blew up bunker, spread out and drain hopefully u drew a skiff so it would be safer to spread out, leave solo and chewy on the skiff, if you didnt blow bunker, try to blow it up, and pull the other charge if you didnt this turn.

Sixth turn is the absolute latest you should blow the bunker, pull pano for extra force gen, hold space try to get admirals orders and insurection out, this admirals orders make 95 percent of ur characters deploy for -1, +2 defense value and forfiet + 1, so ur guys will forfiet +3, which all of them usually forfiet for 4 anyway, so if the draw a 7 destiny, ok i lose a unique scout. It should be easy to flip your objective with skiffs, then you can retrieve your lost scouts, but with them laying hand in used pile, they will be hurting especially since you will be draining for quite alot.

VS Raltir Ops Easy matchup, If they lay hand in used pile they are screwed plus, just move your ships to Raltir, they cant flip while you control.

VS Build DSII Easy matchup get HOTJ out, so you will only lose 2 less force, most of these decks use bunker and endor shield, you’ll kill jejerrod, so easy win.

VS SYCFA, get fades out dont worry about endor to much, but control 3 of his deathstar sits, you should be able to out drain him, especially since all of the deathstar sites are drains of two, but you do have enough space to hold a system so it is another easy win.

VS COURT Easy win, no one plays endor docking bay, and they usually have the nonunique db which cant deploy to endor. Easy win but watch out for snoova, but admirals orders helps in this game, this deck is 6-0 against court decks.

VS Dark Deal , Fades helps major in this deck, plus you need to hold bespin, most dark deal decks cant hold off your space fleet. Another easy win, 4-0 against DD decks.

VS Scum, you drain for tons more, they lay there hand down, they are done.

Would consider putting in the lightside admirals orders that adds two to immunity of charatcers and 1 to each of weapon destiny draws, but dont have it, with it out, all your rebels scout are immune to attrition less than 6, with carlson there(put him on a skiff so he can be anywhere) less than 7, pretty awesome if you ask me.

Well anymore matchups email me at , this is a awesome deck just play it