Jedi Racing Team v 2 0

Title: Jedi Racing Team v 2 0
Author: Vince "D.Maul" Accetturo
Date: Jun 6, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (6)

Tatooine City Outskirts

Podrace Prep

Tatooine Podrace Arena

Anakin’s Podracer

Boonta Eve Podrace

The Camp

Locations (5)

Tatooine Cantina

Tatooine Mos Eisley

Tatooine Mos Espa

Tatooine Tosche Station

Tatooine Slave Quarters

Characters (16)

Qui-Gon Jinn x2

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x2

Ben Kenobi

Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padawan Learner

Leia With Blaster Rifle x2

Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol x2

Lando With Vibro-Ax

Padm Naberrie x2

Shmi Skywalker

Threepio With His Parts Showing

Corran Horn

Weapons (3)

Luke’s Lightsaber

Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber

Qui-Gon Jinn’s Lightsaber

Starships (4)

Millennium Falcon x2

Home One


Effects (2)

Traffic Control


Interrupts (23)

Jedi Presence

Blaster Deflection

End Of A Reign

Nabrun Leids x2

Weapon Levitation

I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About This x2

Gift Of The Mentor x2

Out Of Commission x2

Too Close For Comfort

Changing The Odds x2

A Jedi’s Resilience x2

Throw Me Another Charge

Losing Track x3

Run Luke, Run x2

Epic Events (1)

I Did It ‘

Strategy: ‘

This is my second more improved version of this deck. Please DO NOT rate this deck based on if you like or not like podracing. Rate it on strategy and how well you think it will do. It is just mains and toys on Tatooine while you podrace on the side. There are 17 cards with a destiny 5 or 6. Once you have won the podrace (remember to play Losing Track against their podracer and damage it so they have to lose force to place a race destiny there) then you retrieve 6 Force play I Did It, place Boonta Eve Podrace out of play retrieve 4 Force, and they have trouble saving force to deploy things.

Here are some specific functions for some of the card that I have chosen.

Ben Kenobi & Padawan Obi- I use them both b/c of Ben’s revive ability and that he can be pulled with City Outskirts and satisfies the Jedi for Jedi Presence. Padawan lets you move him to a battle at another Tatooine site which can be very helpful.

Padme- Her perpose is evident. Use her to deploy Obi and Qui-Gon from reserve deck.

Shmi & Threepio w/ Parts Showing- Both can be pulled from your reserve deck (Shmi w/ Slave Quarters & Threepio w/ Shmi) and deploy for 2 force to the Slave Quarters. Threepio lets you shuffle through your cards and in a battle with Shmi then you have a 6 destiny if you have one in your hand.

Chasm- (Start vs. AoBS) Kills AoBS. If they draw a Emperor for ANY destiny then the card is lost, destiny 0, looses immunity to attrition, and must lose 2 force or the character. This card is tech. It also works with Vaders or any multiple card at all.

A Jedi’s Resilience- Makes sure that your Jedi stay on the table by taking them into had instead of losing them. Just make sure that they have a saber. Plus it’s destiny 6.

End Of A Reign- Used interrupt that cancels Vader’s game text which means he has no attrition. Also if emperor is lost then must lose force equal to a destiny draw.

Gift Of Mentor- Use to pull lightsabers or add destiny.

I’ve Got A Bad Feeling About This- This is just a fun card to play. Initiate a battle with Han while you have a pile of force and then Nabrun a group to that site or Run Luke Run to get people there. Then Jedi Presence with your lowest power Jedi. Luke becomes power 16 w/ a saber 20 w/ Run Luke Run also. Win the battle then make them lose huge amounts of force.

Blaster Deflection- Protects your Jedi from getting hit with Sabers.

Why Not OOC/TT? People are playing the card that cancels TT so it would cancel the OOC. Plus you have to use 1 force to play OOC. Just a personal choice.

That’s pretty much the deck. Drain with sabers, podrace, and kill them in battles. You can still win with this deck if you lose the podrace. It’s no big deal. It just helps a bunch if you win. ‘