Post-Tatooine QMC

Title: Post-Tatooine QMC
Author: Bryan "BreakWindu71" Batdorf
Date: Jun 6, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Locations (5)


Cloud City Carbonite Chamber

Cloud City Core Tunnel

Cloud City Guest Quarters

Cloud City Incinerator

Characters (20)

ASP-707 (Ayesspee) x3

Chewbacca, Protector

Colonel Cracken

Corran Horn

Dash Rendar

Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol x2

Lando With Blaster Pistol

Leia With Blaster Rifle

Lieutenant Blount

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight x2

Mirax Terrik


Pucumir Thryss

Qui-Gon Jinn

Ten Numb

Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader

Vehicles (3)

Lift Tube x3

Starships (7)

Blue Squadron 5

Millennium Falcon


Pulsar Skate

Red Squadron 1

Tala 1

Tala 2

Interrupts (13)


Heading For The Medical Frigate

Lift Tube Escape x3

Off The Edge x2

Path Of Least Resistance & Revealed

Path Of Least Resistance x2

The Signal x3

Effects (6)

Anakin’s Podracer

Battle Plan

Cloud City Celebration

Keeping The Empire Out Forever

Squadron Assignments


Weapons (4)

Intruder Missile x2

Luke’s Lightsaber

X-wing Laser Cannon

Epic Events (1)

I Did It

Unknown Type

Quiet Mining Colony/Independent Operation

Strategy: ‘

Thinking of taking this to my next tourney, so I’m not completely sure how it’ll do. But here goes

-Explanation of cards-

ASP-707 This little guy can put your Lift Tubes on the top of your reserve deck. Use it to retrieve with Off the Edge, battle destiny, weapon destiny, and maybe even race destiny if you need it.

Cloud City Incinerator retrieve those droids. ’Nuff said.

Corran Horn protect you from those pesky spies that always show up.

Lift Tube Escape this is the meat of your deck. React away from a battle in case your Path of Least Resistances aren’t in hand, get a Lift Tube from reserve to be used to react to a battle later on, or even to recycle some 6’s back into your deck.

Ten Numb/Blue Squadron 5 helps you in conjunction with your Intruder Missles to help get rid of capital starships and hold down Bespin. This is crucial to your survival.

Lieutenant Blount/Tala 2 ISB help.


This is going to be short but sweet, because only you know how the players in your area play. If they play aggressively and deploy characters/ships early to try and shake you up, hold off deploying until you have a respectable force to take control of your locations. If they play less aggressive than that, then you may meagerly deploy your forces (with some help from some of your interrupts of course) and flip early.

The site you absolutely need is the Incinerator. You need to keep those ASP-707’s on the table as long as possible. As said before, these little dudes have a wide array of uses, and are the most precious part of your deck. Try to take control (or at least sufficiently occupy) Bespin, and use a The Signal to search for your Cloud City Celebration. Flip when you can, and begin taking advantage of your once a turn Tunnel Vision.

You should have no problem at least occupying Bespin. With the Outrider, Red Squadron 1, Blue Squadron 5, and the Talas, you can hold down just about any Imperial invasion that comes your way.

I put I Did It and Anakin’s Podracer in there because if the DS wants to podrace you, they’ll have one hell of a time trying to beat you. The destiny in this deck is just shy of an average of 3. There are two 7’s, five 6’s, and twelve 5’s in there. That’s why there is no podrace helpers in this deck. I’m pretty confident that you can win any podrace even if damaged (you only have to lose a force if you want to use a destiny when you’re damaged if I’m correct anyways, and you should have no problem retrieving that all back anyways). Couple that with the fact that if you win and deploy I Did It, that allows you to take the bottom card of your lost pile and place it on top of your force pile. Once you flip, you get to essentially take one card from your lost pile into hand on each of your turns. Not bad, but take it out if you see the need to put in other cards to fit your local game.

The character selection is pretty standard for a ground beatdown, with adders being your main focus. Use your POLR’s wisely to get out of jams, react away from battles as needed with LTE, and battle on your terms, not your opponent’s. Track or ASP your 6’s and 7’s and you should be victorious.

The one thing that can pretty much slow you down is Secret Plans. Almost every player in my area uses it as a starting effect, and every one else at least includes it. You’ll only retrieve 4 force at best from Celebration, 5 here and there from Off the Edge, and maybe that one force you’ll have to pay for retrieving ASP’s. Just remember to save that force to do it.

Beware of BHBM as always, but if you use Jedi Luke, you should be okay. DS will have to win at least 5 battles to really make it work, and he subtracts 3 from every attempt to do it.

SYCFA TIE’s might make it hard on you to be able to at least occupy Bespin, so again, switch out some cards to make it work for you.

ISB may give you trouble, but you should be able to be okay. Corran Horn helps get rid of those spies, and Revealed will help in a pinch. Big Blue ISB will be your main concern, and ISB walkers usually have low destiny. Add in the fact that you have all interior sites, and that will protect you even further.

TDIGWATT should give you no problem, because you should easily cancel Dark Deal, and feel free to put in some Endor Occupations to get rid of CC Occupation. Again, on your terms, not your opponent’s.

Ralltiir Ops, don’t let them flip. Add in more space to control their system, and they may never even see the 7 side. Refer to TDIGWATT on the battle aspect in case they do flip and come after you.

Hunt Down, switch out some cards and add in duel helpers and inhibitors. You may even add in a Run, Luke, Run to cancel Vader’s Obsession.

Court/MKOS/Carbon Chamber Testing/AOBS may not even be viable, because I think many people are going to be too afraid to play it. Put in The Camp and start with it, and that should slow them down. Use your space weapons to shoot down their low maneuver BH ships (with ease), and you can go back to your game plan.

Lastly, Operational As Planned is now harder to keep your opponent from constructing DS2. Your maneuver is -5 at DS2 sectors, so make your weapons count as soon as possible, and shoot down their starships with extreme prejudice.

That’s all I really have to say concerning this deck, so feel free to D-mail me with any questions or feedback you may have for me. Thanks. ‘