Loud Mining Colony

Title: Loud Mining Colony
Author: Kyle "Harshy" Harshbarger
Date: Jun 8, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1)

Quiet Mining Colony/Independent Operation

Locations (8)


Bespin Cloud City

Clouds x3

Cloud City Guest Quarters

Cloud City West Gallery

Cloud City Casino

Characters (20)

Lando Calrissian x4

Tibanna Gas Miner x3


Pucumir Thryss

Dash Rendar

Mirax Terrik

Talon Karrde


Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight


Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol

Leia With Blaster Rifle

Padmé Naberrie

Obi-Wan with Lightsaber

Qui-Gon Jinn

Interrupts (14)

Cloud City Sabacc x5

Local Defense x4

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes x2

Out Of Commission & Transmission Terminated x2

Effects (5)

Keeping The Empire Out Forever

Do Or Do Not & Wise Advice

Squadron Assignments

Beldon’s Eye

Honor Of The Jedi

Vehicles (5)

Cloud Car x5

Starships (5)

Z-95 Bespin Defense Fighter

Z-95 Headhunter x2


Pulsar Skate

Devices (2)

Landing Claw x2

Strategy: ‘

Here’s the skinny this deck is fast and uses the traditional flip much faster than the new flip. The new effect just give sweet rewards.

Start with Quiet Mining Colony, Bespin, Cloud City Guest Quarters, Heading For The Medical Frigate, Keeping The Empire Out Forever, Do Or Do Not & Wise Advice, and Squadron Assignments.

Explanation of cards

1 of each main (except Lando, obviously) KTEOF lets you go threw your force pile for any card, so multiples of each is dumb. If you lose one, you can retrieve it with sabacc.

Padme If you don’t flip early, she’ll let you get 2 of your Jedi

Squadron Assignments If you don’t flip early, you can get your cool Expanded Universe guys/gals on their ships Okay, I don’t have anywhere near enough Z-95s.

Nar Shaddaa Wind Chimes This is destiny 5 (not 4 like the combo card), and 5 is key for the sabacc playing

Landing Claw For the space occupation that you will never hold with the ships in this deck (Battle Plan, blah blah blah…)

West Gallery FD -1, nothin wrong with that (also, there are 2 cool guys that you can put here to fire at the Casino with)

Do Or Do Not Sense can stop every interrupt, so why not make them pay

Out Of Commission combo Visage, Mains decks, dumb holotable decks…destiny 5 for sabacc

Jedi Knight Luke Destiny 6 is awsome for destiny and sabacc (with a 5, of course), and he’s immune to some serious attrition.

Lack Of Lightsabers who needs ’em? Besides, there’s no room.


First general note. Play sabacc smart. Don’t play it every turn you can unless you have the force to retrieve and know your opponent isn’t tracking the 5 and 6 to win every time.

Also, don’t get the Casino out until as late as possible. You can surprise your opponent if they do not know you are playing sabacc until about the 4th turn.

First turn, get Bespin Cloud City out of your deck. This card is your baby, and should be taken care of like one. If you have a vehicle or starship to deploy there, do it on your first turn. Its doubtful your opponent will counter with anything early. Holding a Local Defense is helpful.

Next turn, get either a Cloud sector or the West Gallery, depending if you have a miner to deploy or not. On this turn, you should control Cloud City, and one or two sites (Lando allows one). Flipping the objective on your second turn is fairly easy, just as long as opponent didn’t deploy to Cloud City. Move all characters to the same site for defensive purposes.

Turn 3, you should activate plenty of Force from a gas miner or just your locations. Get a big character out of your force pile and deploy it to your garrison. Keeping about 15 power at the site is a good idea for the rest of the game. Eventually, your garrison will be at the Casino for Lando to play games.

By about turn 5 or 6, every cloud sector should be deployed, controlled, and Miner’d. Doing this will allow you to drain your opponent, make them fight your cloud cars, and wreck a muck. When they fight you, even with Zuckuss in ship, you need to throw down all you can on them next turn (or react with a cloud car or two). It will all get better once Zuckuss hits the lost pile because the rest of the starfighters Dark side deck use suck agains clouds.

Enjoy. ‘