Title: HB+EBOX
Author: Carson "tarkinsaide" Swanek
Date: Jun 8, 2001 Rating: 4.0



‘Starting 5

Hidden Base/ Systems Will Slip Through Your Fingers

Rendezvous Point

Heading For The Medical Frigate

Strike Planning


Locations 12

Kessel x2

Endor x2

Kirdo III



Hoth North Ridge (4th Marker)

Hoth Main Power Generators (1st Marker)

Hoth Echo Docking Bay

Hoth Echo Corridor

Hoth Echo Command Center (War Room)

Characters 5

General Crix Madine


Incom Engineer

Obi-Wan with Lightsaber

Luke with Lightsaber

Starships 14

X-wing x 11

X-wing Assault Squadron x2

Tantive IV

Interrupts 14

Organized Attack x3

The Signal x3

All Wings Report In x2

Hyper Escape


Houjix & Out Of Nowhere

Rebel Barrier

Out Of Commission & Transmission Terminated

Power Pivot

Effects 5

Echo Base Operations

Incom Corporation


Traffic Control

Rebel Fleet

Weapons 4

X-wing Laser Cannon x4

Admiral s Orders 1

Concentrate All Fire

Strategy: ‘

This deck is the ORIGINAL. Accept no substitutes. If you doubt it s originality, look at the date of creation. Give credit where credit is due.

This deck combines the best of EBO and Hidden Base and utilitizes them at the same time. Here s the breakdown

On turn 1, Pull Madine before you activate. You get to activate at least 3 from your location. I usually end up with a system in my hand. Get out Endor first and Hoth second (using your judgement). Deploy whatever locations are in your hand, except the 4th marker and echo sites. Depending on what activation you will have next turn, draw up or save.

On turn 2, Pull another system and check to make sure Geezum, the 1st marker, the 4th marker, and the Docking Bay are in your reserve. If so, pull the docking bay and deploy it. You should have activated at least 8. Deploy Madine to the DB, then use him to pull Geezum. Let Geezum pull the power generators, which in turn pull the 4th marker. Your opponent will never see it coming. Now deploy any Echo sites in your hand. Keep deploying systems.

On turn 3 and on, pull EBO asap. Get it set up and deploy it. Once you have 5 systems, flip your objective. Spread and drain. You will be able to cancel 3 drains a turn between the objective and Rebel Fleet. Play like a regular EBO or HB deck after that.

Specific cards

Endor Opponent generates no force, but you drain for 3 in the end.

Geezum Lets you pull related sites while he s at an exterior site. The basis for this deck.

Incom Engineer Try to make them think your Hidden Base is Hoth. He ll be on the surface adding immunity and battle destiny.

Obi-Wan To be replaced by Qui-Gon when I get some Tatooine. Anti-HD.

Luke Anti-HD and anti-BHBM.

Assault Squadron Replaces X-wings, same power for less cards.

Tantive IV Never know when you may need to deploy to a place with no icons, or shuttling up characters. Spiral might be a better choice, but I don t have it.

Organized Attack Pull X-wings or help them out in a battle.

Signal Pull the effects, more all or less crutial.

Hyper Escape run away from a beatdown.

Collision Awesome Premier tech. Executor and Chimaera at a system, about to beat you down? Know you have that low one on top? Change the odds.

Houjix/ OON Feeling lucky? Add a destiny. Not? Take no losses.

Barrier Another beatdown stopper.

OOC/TT Cancel Visage or put a card OOP.

Power Pivot After making a starship lost from a weapon or collision, make another power 0.

EBO +2 to drains? -1 deploy? +3 power? Awesome card.

Incom Corporation X-wings are now power 4 and ability 2 (ruled that it works with the squadrons, too(locally anyways)).

S-foils +2 power. That means I can pump up each X-wing up to power 7, that of a small star destroyer? Also adds to weapon destiny.

Traffic Control Cycle cards through your deck

Rebel Fleet Blocks another drain? Sweet.

X-wing guns Zuckuss posing a problem? Take him out. Use with Power Pivot, as well.

Concentrate All Fire MORE power to the x-wings??? Also, you get to try again if you missed with the guns.

General Strategies

Hunt Down Get out Luke and Obi-wan ASAP, possibly at the 4th marker. They will fear an Ice Storm. Try to play through whatever they do.

BHBM Give them Luke once they get Vader out. Avoid ground battles at all costs. Space battles you will probobly win. Drains will kill them.

AOBS This is a battle-oriented deck that usually doesn t have much space. If they go to space, kill them. If they don t they usually don t have much to drain for. You will find this an easy win.

SYCFA/flip This will be a hard matchup, especially if they try to blow up Hoth. All your sites and drains should slow them down drastically. Just out-drain as much as possible, watch out for star destroyers, and feel free to use Collision liberally. You should be able to cancel most of their drains, so you won t be hurting too much.

SYCFA/mains Just out-drain and be careful.

Walker Garrison In my opinion, the hardest matchup. Screw setting up for EBO, since they will be invading and probobly using Decree. Play as a HB drain deck. Possibly beat some people up with Obi or Luke. Cancel drains with the objective and Rebel Fleet.

Capture the Queen I don t know what this deck does, but I don t have the Queen. Drain around them.

ISB Another tough matchup, since they ll be reducing your drains. Just play smart.

Podracing Podracing pretty much screws my deck over badly. I don t have anakin s podracer, and probobly won t just because of how card-intensive this deck is already. Just take the force loss like a man, and deal with it in whatever way you can.

TDIGWATT Set up and out-drain them. You will cancel most of their stuff, and you will own Bespin and Cloud City. Cloud City should be a high priority. Shouldn t be too hard.

Court Shouldn t be a problem. Cancel their drains and shoot down their BH ships. Easy win

Anything Else Just play smart. Build high drains, cancel theirs. Battle carefully.

Well, that just about does it. If you don t understand how the deck works, don t rate it. This is my idea, and I m proud of it. It will be premiering at a tourney on June 8th in Oxford, NC. With any luck, it will go 3-0. If you have ideas, let me know. This deck is pretty full, so if you tell me what to take out as well as what to put in, it would be appreciated. Thank you in advance. BTW, I currently have as many tatooine cards as girlfriends in my own state 0

—Carson “tarkinsaide” Swanek ‘