Where can those darn Mains be Hiding

Title: Where can those darn Mains be Hiding
Author: Andrew "MasterYoda13" Howard
Date: Jun 10, 2001 Rating: 4.0



’ Starships (6)

Home One


Gold Squadron 1

Green Squadron 3


Red Squadron 1

Characters (19)

Dash Rendar


Tawss Khaa

Ben Kenobi x2

Chewbacca, Protector

Corran Horn

Daughter Of Skywalker

General Calrissian

Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol

Leia With Blaster Rifle

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight

Luke With Lightsaber


Tycho Celchu

Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader

Qui-Gon Jinn

Padme Naberrie

Jar-Jar Binks

Weapons/Podracing (5)

Anakin’s Lightsaber

Luke’s Lightsaber

Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber

Qui-Gon’s Lightsaber

Anakin’s Podracer

Effects (6)

Bacta Tank

Battle Plan

Honor Of The Jedi

Menace Fades

Squadron Assignments

Your Insight Serves You Well

Interrupts (15)

Out Of Commission & Transmission Terminated

Off The Edge x2

On The Edge x2

Heading For The Medical Frigate

The Signal

Fall Of The Legend x3

Fallen Portal

Throw Me Another Charge x3

End of a Reign

Locations (8)



Ord Mantell

Rendezvous Point

Cloud City Platform 327 (Docking Bay)

Dagobah Yoda’s Hut

Home One Docking Bay

Tatooine Docking Bay 94

Objective (1)

Hidden Base/Systems Will Slip Through Your Fingers

Strategy: ‘

Update #1- This deck was originally based off of Hunters Hidden Mains that is a complete beast, but it is NOT a copy of it no matter what anyone says. I have teched this for meta changes to include more space, and some tatooine goodness. Also this strategy is my own, not Hunters, no matter how Good he is, he didnt write this for me.

Update #2- Card list is messed up, switch out something(i pulled FOTL or TMAC) for Insurrection. You can pull one of the other destiny card to put in staging areas, as it seems there is enough space to occupy the ground, but you do not NEED staging areas, plenty of activation without it.

Hidden Base indicator is Ord Mantell. Picked this because it is one of the few systems never seeing play, and it still wont.

Starting Start the Rendezvous point, with Ord Mantell as the Hidden Base Indicator. Play Heading for the Medical Frigate. Choose three of the Following Insurrection, Menace Fades, Battle Plan, Squadron Assignments, YISYW. Always play insurrection. The other 2 I usually use are YISYW and Squadron Assignments, different depending on what the other guy is using.

Beginning the Game

Pull Dagobah, then Yoda’s Hut on turn one. If it isnt there try for Corulag. You should always have the hut out by turn 3. First turn pull Home One Docking Bay, unless it is Court, then pull Tatooine. Melas or Tawss can be deployed to the Home One/Tatooine docking bay on turn one (Tatooine to prevent Court damage). Anyone else is just asking for a beat down. Don’t leave guys at the docking bays for fear of a beat down. You must always have a draw at the Docking Bays. Spies can kill this deck with a one turn beat down to the Home One Docking Bay.

Continuing the Game

Get your mains out to the docking bays or to their main sites if drains are killing you, then you can wait for them to deploy or save for the beat down squad of DOOM If they are playing Ties or Star Destroyers, Use General Calrissian or the falcon to pull each other and complement them with the remainder of your space beats. If space is no contest, then just throw Home One to Corulag and get Menace Fades running. Throw those sixes back in so you can kill Vader, Maul, Jade, and even Palpatine(Just about anyone goes down to two tracked sixes for lightsaber draws). Tracked sixes mean that Han can kill Palpatine. Just continue to battle, or if they are avoiding you, drain with sabers, and stop their drains with Menace Fades.

End Game

Those recyclable sixes are the best damn thing you got. Auto sabers, edges, and destinies that will kill most mofos with immunity. Retrieve like a madman so you get that differential up to the stratosphere. Awesome activation makes secret plans no problem.

Tatooine Meta Changes

Anakins Podracer- used to put up some resistance towards those HD/Podracing Decks.

End of A Reign- Kill Vaders game text and then take him to the bank. Also for that Pesky Overseeing it Personally.

Qui-Gon Jinn- What better than a Jedi Master who fights? One who can be downloaded.

Padme Naberrie- Download the Jedi Beat Down Team.

Jar-Jar Binks- Ultimate SPY Who isnt even a spy.

No Staging Areas- Cant afford a card slot to a card that is gonna get canceled so often.

TECH I want to Add

Order to Engage+Arconas of DOOM- Losing 3 force per turn sucks, for the DS.

Surprise Assault- Laugh and draw 3 sixes.

Rebel Barrier- Damn Blast Door Controls

The Signal- Where is the card slot?

Clash of Sabers- Still a beast because not many people in Corellia play Crush.

SAC- This is gonna make a huge comeback after tatooine becomes big, because sensing all those duel cards and stuff is gonna be key, plus so many new effects, most people wont use the web combo.

I plan to add some Matchups once i take this to a tourney. I know the card from Tatooine that allows opponent to place OOP one Interrupt when verifying will hurt, but who will be playing that x3?? This deck is made to fit the meta in my area, so obviously you wont wanna play 3 times TMAC and FOTL if everyone plays that interrupt. Beat Down potential is amazing.

This deck was made before Tatooine(about 3 days) and altered to fit the changes the set brought about. I think it will do even better, or at least I hope.

Give me some suggestions on how to change it and constructive criticisms, I will post a revision later this week. ‘