Black Rabbit

Title: Black Rabbit
Author: Nick "JediBrain" Stefanko
Date: Jun 11, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber

Jabba’s Palace Lower Passages

Tatooine Desert Heart

Tatooine Jabba’s Palace

Tatooine Podrace Arena


4-LOM With Concussion Rifle

Aurra Sing

Darth Maul x3

Darth Vader With Lightsaber x3

Dr. Evazan & Ponda Baba

Emperor Palpatine x2

Janus Greejatus

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand



Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Maul’s Lightsaber x2


Boonta Eve Podrace


Sebulba’s Podracer


Crush The Rebellion

His Name Is Anakin

Reactor Terminal


Search And Destroy

Watto’s Box


Alter x2

Always Thinking With Your Stomach

Elis Helrot x2

Endor Occupation

Force Field x2

Force Lightning

I Have You Now x3

Podracer Collision x2

Sense x4

Sniper & Dark Strike

Start Your Engines

The Circle Is Now Complete

Twi’lek Advisor x2

Weapon Levitation x3

You Are Beaten x3


My Kind Of Scum/Fearless And Inventive ‘

Strategy: ‘


My Kind Of Scum/FAI (flash Myo as your Rep), Tatooine Desert Heart, Tatooine Jabba’s Palace, Start Your Engines for Tatooine Podrace Arena, Boonta Eve Podrace, Sebulba’s Podracer, Watto’s Box


The start is MKOS because it gives you a site your opponent will be reluctant to go to (Desert Heart) and Jabba’s Palace to pull out more JP sites. The generation is enough to deploy a main a turn, with some extra for interrupt play. It also gives the opponent the impression that an Abyssin swarm is coming, so if they’re playing The Camp, they’ll be motivated to start it.

First turn, use Sebulba’s Racer gametext and start the race. Pull the AC, and if you’ve got the Force, use the AC text to deploy Mara and her saber, but only if you can deploy both. This will give your opponent incentive to take her out. This allows for you to beat down what they deploy with the backup of all your interrupts. You will win the podrace. In the process of winning the race and beating down your opponent’s presence with your Dark Jedi (abuse Elis if Insurrection isn’t out), saber-enhanced drains will end the game in your favor.

Sense and Alter everything you can, unless they have Do Or Do Not & Wise Advice out (chose what to SAC out on a priority basis).

If you have any questions, D-mail me. Constructive criticism is always welcome.


The inspiration behind this decktype was the song ’White Rabbit’ by Jefferson Airplane. The day I first began work on this deck, I had had the song stuck in my head, so when I first made it, I had White Rabbit playing, looped, on Winamp. Mara is Alice, Maul is the Red Queen, Vader is the White Knight, going after Light Side Mains is ’chasing rabbits,’ lightsabers are the pills that ’make you large,’ etc. (you get the idea).

The early conception of this deck was based off Court, with a little space to set up Occupation, but after playtesting, it didn’t work very well. After looking at the generation problems, I decided that a MKOS fake start would work best for the reasons stated above.