Bespin Liberation Front

Title: Bespin Liberation Front
Author: Travis "Com Igar" Rumans
Date: Jun 13, 2001 Rating: 4.5




Quiet Mining Colony/Independent Operation


Keeping The Empire Out Forever

Squadron Assignments

Menace Fades (typically)


CC North Corridor

Locations (4)

CC Lower Corridor

CC Docking Bay

CC Gurest Quarters

CC West Gallery

Characters (15)

Pucumir Thryssx2

Obi-Wan Kenobix2

Qui-Gon Jinnx2


Dash Renader


Ladno with Gunx2

Ten Numb

Padme Naberrie

Mirax Terrik

Ships (6)

Bespin Z-95 Defense Fighterx3

Blue Squadron 5

Blue Squadron B-Wing

Weapons (7)

Qui-Gon Jinn’s Lightsaber

Luke’s Lightsaber

Obi-Wan’s Lightsaber

Proton Torpedos

Intruder missilesx3

Effects (4)

CC Celebrationx2

Goo Nee Tay

Aim High (alternate start vs. Podracing, Scum, and TIEs)

Effect Wannabee (1)

Anakin’s Podracer

Interrupts (14)

Run, Luke, Run

Sorry About the Messx2 (don’t use combo because of the destiny)

Path Of Least Resistancex5

Stay Sharp

Power Pivotx3

Weapon Levitation

Gift of the Mentor

Admiral’s Orders (2)

Concentrate All Firex2

Strategy: ‘

Set up on Bespin, drain, and retrieve. With Menace Fades going, you’ll probably win if they don’t mess with you. If they do, thats where the fun begins.

QMC is an amazingly efficent deck nowadays because you can tunnel through your force pile to get whatever you need. You also have Path so you can spread really thinly, which pumps your drains and lets you celebrate for a lot. Late game, where your opponent isn’t drawing much because he needs to conserve his reserve deck, you can keep tunneling away to keep what you need (remember to do it on your opponent’s turn, too, to really abuse it).

Credit Steve Baroni and Micheal Gemme for the inspiration for the space package, although I threw in a few tricks they didn’t have originally. I’ve played quite a few space decks, and I’ve found that often the support cards more then the ships themselves.

Cards Choices

The AOs-Makes sure my space weapons hit. When I occupy Bespin, it also adds 2 to the immunity of each character who has immunity and adds 1 to each of their weapon destinies; all the aliens suddenly become immune<6, and the sabers and Lando can take down almost anything. Also makes it easy to SATM.

Lots Of Paths–More versatile then other battle cancelers, but more vulnerable to Monnock. Since most players only Monnock you if you have a huge hand, I find I can get away with this setup.

Stay Sharp-Power Pivot we all know and love, but we haven’t seen much of Stay Sharp. It has two functions. Its a used space-only SATM, and you add 2 if any gunner is aboard (Ten Numb’s lore begins “Sullustan Gunner.”). And you can use it to add the power of the destiny number of the weapon you fired. So, imagine Ten on Blu 5 is in a battle and fires Torps and and a Missile and Stay Sharp is played on the missile. That’s base power 6+3 from AO+5 from Aim High+7 from Stay Sharp=21 power

Why the torps? Because it was easier to find room for them then an X-Wing, matching guy, and X-Wing gun. A Ten Numb space package has much better average destiny than the superfalcon or super home one and is less vulnerable to lateral damage (I still get my weapons shot to make you ship lost with PP). Blue Squadron B-Wing is backup for Ten Numb. Dash and Outrider help me take away all their power. The Z-95s are power 5 for deploy 1 when flipped and they can use intruders.

Goo Nee Tay-I think its time this card comes back….remember when this was in almost every LS deck? Well, QMC gives away a fair number if icons, and this keeps them from being too abusive.

SOS-If I had the UR I would use him, but SOS deploys to CC and can get his Saber.

Mirax is still a tracking goddess. You can tunnel for a high destiny card (say, Intruder Missile) and then put it back on the bottom of your used pile. I wanted to fit in Shmi+nekkid Threepio to do this trick with, too, and I may still fit it in yet, but for now I picked Mirax because she’s an alien who can add with Lando and she’s a pilot I can put on a Z=95 or Outrider (I found I would usually beat up my opponents in space battles but sometimes had a hard time dealing with attrition, Myra’s forfeit 5 helps blunt it). Melas helps reach the ability 7 and can help out on the ground. Gift of the Mentor gets sabers, and its possible to setup (but only worthwhile if they don’t have Crush out) A lot of QMC decks use multiple EPPs but I prefer to use fewer characters with lots of staying power and immunity. It helps my average destiny and I can use Path a lot (I tried a version with more mains but my characters couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn…). Premiere Obi is used here because he helps a lot vs trooper decks, which are what most TDIGWATT decks are.

The docking bay is here for your ships to run to if things get bad in space.



Like I said most of these decks are trooper decks, you can use Obi to move them away. This is a good matchup for you, you can cencel Dark Deal really easily. Expect a big (but short, either way) battle for the sytem. Path+SOTM can help you set up a beatdown. You can use the North Gallery to cancel any drains they do get.

vs. Huntdown

You can use Path to scoot around and keep from being dueled. Anakin’s Podracer and Aim High can help you vs. podracing. Qui Gon keeps them flipped. Hunt Down’s drain ptoential isn’t as high as QMC’s. CC Celebration is key to keeping you in the game. There’s also Run Luke to cancel Obsession if you have to. Ideally, you Path Qui Gon over (at end of their turn; Lando works too if you have a good destiny tracked), SOTM Vader, and use Obi or Luke to beatdown the other people. Your retrieval will factor heavily into keeping you in this game.

vs. Walker Garrison

Menace Fades will stop their drains from getting too high. You need CC Celebration to balance their direct damage. Probably a dull game becuase you’ll have Menace and they’ll have Decree. If you can afford it, you can send Obi or Gui Gon after a site, although it helps to track a 7 to make sure they have to lose the guy and the walker. A tough matchup, but really boring. If they try to invade Cloud City (they can’t use walkers but you may see Vader or other mains) you can really set up a beatdown.

vs. Scum

Aim High hurts them, but so does Menace Fades. Its hard to tell if they’re going to be battling you or draining at the palace. You’re probably safer starting MAim against Court and Aim against MKOS. Don’t underestimate their space beatdown potential. Unless they battle you on Cloud City, they can’t outdrain/outretrieve you. Qui Gon makes their lives difficult.

vs. Flipping SYCFA

Haven’t played this, but they may try to kick you off the system to get rid of Menace Fades. Intruder missiles will hurt their SDs a lot, though. You may want to track them back into your hand–Ten may be firing lots of them before the day is out. You may want to use Lando in space for forfeit fodder–on the ground you’ll rarely have to deal with more than spies (SOTM) or a suicide attack (Path makes it suicidal for the player, too).

vs. TIEs

If they really want to, they’ll succeed in knocking you off of the system. Probably the toughest matchup. You can outdrain them, but they retrieve a lot so it may not matter. Spread a lot and drain and use forfeit fodder to hold the system for a few turns of celebration. Aim High will slow them down a bit.

vs. BHBM

Give them Luke at your discretion. They’ll probably send Palpy to Bespin. If you get the AO working (or just track) you ca probably whack him with a saber. There will probably be a few battles on Bespin where the Path gives you the edge. Goo Nee Tay will hurt them if you get it down soon.

Vs. Endor Operations

Like SYCFA, but they’re probably faster. You’re more likely to see some EBH ships because they don’t need ISDs for their big drain bonus (although they wil still have quite a few to use with Chiraneau). Really card intensive and can’t take a few turns of their own sized draining if you can set up before they have Decree going.

vs. RallOps

Your drains aren’t-1 where you have an alein and you can search for cards almost as well as they can. You can drop Qui gon on Ralltir to be a jerk, or you can let them come to you, but their high destinies make things generally safer for you to avoid and try to outdrain them. If they get decree going you won’t be pinging each other for much but Celebration should come through.

vs ISB

Drains can’t be modified or canceled where you have an Alien. Menace Fades and Aim High would both hurt them. You can simply outbattle them, generally. Most ISB space decks are Big Blue, which lets your Intruder missiles have fun and lets you get rid of their power. ‘