its been a while

Title: its been a while
Author: brad "swccguy" eier
Date: Jun 13, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘objective (1)

this deal

sites (5)

carbonite chamber

chasm walkway

west side gallery

bespin cloud city


characters (18)

dlots x 2

ds2 emperor x 2

maul x 2

mara jade x 2





ig88 with gun

4lom with gun

wb tarkin


dr.e combo

admiral piett

weapons (3)

vaders saber

mara saber

maul’s half saber

ships (7)

os721 in obsidian 1

os722 in obsidian 2

zuckuss in ship

fett in ship

bossk in ship



aos (1)

black sun fleet

interrupts (12)

tallon roll combo x 2

imperial command x 2

weapon levitation x 2


i have you now

you swindled me

prepared defenses

monnok combo

sniper combo

podracer (1)

sebulbas podracer

effects (12)

restricted access x 2

you cannot hide forever

securiity precautions

battle order

im sorry

crush the rebellion

secret plans

cc occupation

dark deal

search and destroy

there is no try/oppressive

Strategy: ‘

update i’ve been thinking of putting in the incenerator for another site, so you can retrieve your droids. a lot of people think the activation in this deck is bad, but it’s ok. turn 1 activate 3, drop your 2 sites, drop the cloud sector. turn 2 you activate 9 on your own, which you can work with. i think this activation is better than other things, cause twix’s get messed up by WYS, db’s get killed by the anti mob points card, and most of the sites are drain-1 if the opponent jumps on them early. in playtesting i’ve found that a lot of the time you just play it like a normal mains and toys deck. this can do a decent beatdown if you set it up right.

well this isnt the first or last dark deal deck you’ll see but it looks solid. first off you start crush, im sorry, there is no try, and secret plans (with the objective). now you have anti sac, anti-retrevial, anti-beatdown, anti-swarm, ect and can pull your sites for setup of dark deal. now you try to flip your objective and get high drains and direct damage going.

the problem with dark deal is menace fades. i gotta credit blair and his hoth walker deck at, it gave me the idea to use black sun fleet. for those who don’t know, it lets bounty hunter ships move in control phase. so what you do is move to where the opponent is, so menace fades isn’t in effect, then you drain. pretty cool.

another is activation. i haven’t played the wys insert deck yet so i’m not sure how it would go. i do know that the restricted access are in here to combat it. also you swindled me is cool if you get it early. you could add more of it.

no matchups cause vs every deck you wanna setup drains/damage, and win. battle of you need to. best advice is stay on cc as much as possible. make them come to you.

lmk questions or comments, thanx ‘