Oh A Hunting We Will Go

Title: Oh A Hunting We Will Go
Author: Artemis "." Entreri
Date: Jun 14, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1)

Court of the Vile Ganster

Sites (8)

JP Audeince Chanber (SL)

JP Dungeon (SL)

JP Rancor Pit

Tat Mosi Eisely

Tat Great Pit (SL)

Tat Docking Bay

Endor Docking Bay


Characters (20)

4-Lom w/gun

Iggy w/gun

CC Fett x 2

Djas Phur

Bane Malar

Jodo Kast

Ree Yees


Mighty Jabba

Jabba the Hutt

Ephant Mon

Bib Fortuna


Chall Bekan

Prince Xizor


Mara Jade

Dr E/Ponda Boba

CC Engineer

Ships (5)

Zuckuss in Ship

Dengar in Ship

Bossk in Ship



Weapons/Devices (4)

Dengar’s Modified Riot Gun

Vibro Axe

Mara’s Saber


Effects (8)

All Wrapped Up (SE)

Mobilization Pts (SE)

Power of the Hutt (SE)


Secret Plans

Scum and Villiany x 2

Hutt Influence

Interrupts (12)

Prepared Defenses (SI)

Trap Door x 3

None Shall Pass x 3

End this Destructive Conflict

Weapon Levitation

Jabba’s Through With You

Twilek Adviser

Oota Goota Solo

Creatures (2)

Rancor x 2

Strategy: ‘


First Turn pull out the DB and Rendilli, take control of the AC as soon as you can and hold it. Use Power of the Hutt to grab Jabba’s friends and throw them down along with Influence. From then on deploy, battle, capture, and feed the Rancor. Use Jabba’s through with you to pull out weapons, (namely the gun as Vibro Axe can be pulled with snoova and Mara Grabs her Saber)leaving only the binders which are destiny 6. know the destiny needs work, I won;t argue if you have any suggestions please tell me

Also before the Rancor snacks on them be sure and throw them in jail, you retrieve 2 each time they are delievered.

Against Profit

Start with Mara and Chall, use Chall to Grab the Engineer and convert your site, and pull Mara’s Stick. Get Bibdown in the chamber and force them to stay and fight. Then its just capture and retrieve.

Against WYS

Convert their DB and try to grab as many smugglers as possible, use your ships to battle the Outrider and Super Falcon. (Probably one of the harder decks to play against). Don;t forget about Oota Goota Solo, it prevents one just deployed smuggler from moving and can cancel Kessel Run.

Against HB

Not a fun game, Zuckuss and Dengar are your friends, as is security precautions, (Hidden Base is rarely played by anyone down here so I don’t pack it, if its played a lot where you are its a must.) Don;t forget to make them eat it from your objecive.

Against RTS

Another fun game, get out the Endor docking bay quick and start grabing scouts and stffing them in jail. If they are going to blow up the bunker be sure and grab secret plans, and use thier scouts to retrieve.

The best element in this deck is caturing, grab their characters and it doesn;t matter how many Luke’s they pack if Fett has him he is not coming back down and once the Rancor feasts they lose force equal to thier forfiet and you retrieve that much, and they are placed out of play. I know I am a little weak in space, but this deck revolves around retrieving and redeploying (dengar came back 3 times in one game). Well hope you like it and please review constructively.

