Qiet mining colony v2 - BELGIAN STYLE

Title: Qiet mining colony v2 - BELGIAN STYLE
Author: Fabien "Red 71" Jacques
Date: Jun 15, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Locations (6)


Cloud City Casino

Cloud City Guest Quarters

Cloud City Lower Corridor

Cloud City North Corridor

Cloud City West Gallery

Characters (19)

Captain Han Solo

Corran Horn

Dash Rendar

Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol

Jek Porkins

Lando With Blaster Pistol

Leia With Blaster Rifle

Luke With Lightsaber x2


Mirax Terrik

Obi-Wan With Lightsaber x2

Padme Naberrie

Pucumir Thryss

Qui-Gon Jinn

Tawss Khaa

Tycho Celchu

Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron Leader

Vehicles (2)

Lift Tube x2

Starships (5)

Millennium Falcon


Pulsar Skate

Red 6

Red Squadron 1

Interrupts (19)

A Few Maneuvers

A Jedi’s Resilience x2

Alter x2

Cloud City Sabacc

Darklighter Spin

Heading For The Medical Frigate

It Could Be Worse x2

Lift Tube Escape

Path Of Least Resistance x2

Power Pivot

Run Luke, Run

Sorry About The Mess & Blaster Proficiency

The Bith Shuffle & Desperate Reach

Too Close For Comfort

Weapon Levitation

Effects / AO (7)

Battle Plan

Cloud City Celebration

I’ll Take The Leader - Admiral’s Order

Keeping The Empire Out Forever

Menace Fades

Squadron Assignments

Your Insight Serves You Well

Weapon (1)

X-wing Laser Cannon

Objective (1)

Quiet Mining Colony/Independent Operation

Strategy: ‘

This deck relies on three parts.

  1. Flip and control the system to establish your powerful effects like Battle Plan, Celebration, Menace Fades, …

  2. Rule the ground with mains, nasty interrupts, and Lift tube.

  3. High Destinies In some turns, all 0 are on the table, and you have 8 six?s, and 9 five?s to blow up your opponent.

General game

You start with Keeping the empire out forever, Your insight serves you well and Squadron assignments.

If you fear SAC in your area, add the combo effect against.

Use your ships wisely. Super Wedge is the key. He can cancel destiny with Red6 or Tycho,

he can also use Xwing lasers (as well red 8). Wedge is also useful in Pulsar.

Help him with super Falcon if needed or super Dash.

Alter will help you against Lateral Damage and opponent?s senses.

Controlling the system is the key. Your effects will rules and your opponent deploys +1 on cloud city (never forget that).

On the ground, interior sites are great. No walkers.

Casino is pure tech, because he will fera Cloud city sabacc. Just play one, and he will waste his grabbers.

If he haven?t, then use your sabacc to annoy him

Use the CC West gallery to shoot with your blasters at the casino.

Use Luke/obi epp + A jedi Resilience to hurt him with recurrent EPP squad.

Use Lift Tube to react, and protect you.

Protect your character from Saber with Weapon Levitation and Too close for Comfort (most time, Dark won?t have 2 force more to pay)

Finally use Path of Least Resistance/Sorry about the mess combo as a Killer interrupt.

Remember, you will flip in 3 turns. Then, it?s a tunnel vision during EACH of your turn.

So you?ll get all the cards you want and start to drain and


This deck force your opponent to come to you, otherwise you will drain/retrieve too much.

Specific Cards choices

Jek Porkins/ Red 6 6 destiny, and Jek is maneuver +1, it can save you. He also cancel destiny with Wedge.

Weapon Levitation protect you against Weapons and you?re beaten. Can also be used to take X wing laser cannons.

It could be worse see below - podracing

Darklighter spin To get rid of Guri or Imperial command.

Power pivot Lightside ?Lateral Damage?, bye bye Executor.

Lift tube escape first take lift tube, after can prevent a beatdown, and then recycle lift tube to make perfect sabacc. Track it, and it?s over ;)

What about Podracing ?

Podracing is very powerful. I think it?s impossible to win the podrace unless you?re specifically prepared for. I mean, if the dark side play watto?s box, then he?s prepared to win, he have packed interrupts and tricks to win.

It?s unuseful to believe Anakin podracer alone will make the race.

So what to do when your opponent make you loose 11 forces ? Play It Could be Worse.

This card is huge. It can prevent a lot of others damage. 2 in the decks and your infinite tunnel vision should be enough to have it before dark side win the race.

Matchups (briefly)

Aliens deck.

Don?t go on Tatooine (even against a Court deck).

Let him set up on Tatooine and flip. You?ll win the race

You will drain more, and retrieve.

If he comes on Cloud City, punish him with your interrupts.

Easy matchup.

Bring Him or Hunt Down.

Be careful, it?s a tough matchup.

Let him deploy Vader on Cloud City.

Deploy Luke on the other side of the city and let him chase you. Use your interrupts or Lift Tube to avoid him.

Attack Vader when you?re sure to kill him.

Black Sun.

Never kill Xizor and let him on his planet.

Let him deploy the Emperor and then deploy Luke on Cloud City.

If he doesn?t play with Ccity dbay, it?s game over, and you?ll win.

Otherwise, kill his guys with your epp and nasty interrupts.

This should be an easy game.

And have fun ‘