Name That System

Title: Name That System
Author: Beau "Sizmo" Schmitz
Date: Jun 15, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Deck copied from Card Game Organizer


[Starting Cards]

A Million Voices Crying Out

Death Star

Death Star Docking Bay 327

Mobilization Points

Oppressive Enforcement

Prepared Defenses

Set Your Course For Alderaan


Admiral’s Orders

2x We’re In Attack Position Now


1x Admiral Chiraneau

1x Admiral Ozzel

1x Admiral Piett

1x Captain Godherdt

1x Commander Merrejk

1x DS-61-2

2x Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith

3x Death Star Gunner

1x Grand Admiral Thrawn

1x Guri

1x Officer Evax

1x U-3PO (Yoo-Threepio)


1x Imperial Decree

1x Kuat Drive Yards

2x Lateral Damage

1x Something Special Planned For Them

1x There’ll Be Hell To Pay

1x You Cannot Hide Forever

Epic Events

1x Commence Primary Ignition


4x Imperial Command

2x Operational As Planned

3x Put All Sections On Alert

3x Twi’lek Advisor


1x Death Star Conference Room

1x Death Star War Room

1x Hoth

1x Kashyyyk

1x Kuat

1x Yavin 4


1x Accuser

1x Avenger

1x Chimaera

1x Devastator

1x Dominator

1x Flagship Executor

1x Thunderflare

1x Vengeance

1x Zuckuss In Mist Hunter


1x Superlaser

Strategy: ‘

Here is my little speal

Card Choices

You cannot hide forever

I pick this card because in my area never tell me the odds is played a lot so I start that sometimes instead of OPE. This helps so much trust me.

Operational as planned

I use this because it a cycling 5 destiny it let me put back the cards that I don’t need to help

Set up some high stacking destiny to help pull off CPI or crack immunity to attrition.


Its an undercover spy to block the drains on the ground so you dont want get punished for your weak ground force or lack there of.

Lateral Damage

This is so useful with WYS and EBO out they think that they are safe with their Dash and outriders all by themselves make then pay for their presumption.

Kuat Drive Yards

It lets you pull and Imp. Class star destroyer and gives all of them immunity to att. less than 4 and with Were in attack position now to add two to it. Making it less than 6 that is great.


I know that you can pull system after your OBJ. has flipped but trust me it is a lot better to pull them out early to get good activation and also pull those zeros out of you deck you dont want to pull any of those for your cpi destiny.


Before you activate pull out kuat using Mob points by the way its not dead they half to play the card that stops it.If they are not playing with dont do that again. Then pull a card with death star in the title. This is what I do since you dont take battle damage pull a gunner from deck and drop him to the docking bay to gain the mob points bonus deploy any location that you have in your hand but make sure that when you get your card with death star in the title look and see if your cpi is in the if it is pull it using a million voices if not look next turn. If you get an Imp. Command in your hand use it to pull Admr. Piett from deck put him out if you can and pull merrejk from deck since you got to look at your deck you will know if he is there or not. Draw any cards left in you force pile.

On your next turn send the gunner to your used pile during the control phase if you dont have really bad luck you will get the super laser from your deck. Deploy the conference room from your deck drop merrejk from your hand to the conference room use a force and go look for a battle ground system it really dose not matter which one you get but if you can get anyone get kashyyyk its a drain for two system that give you two icons and opponent one. If you have twilek advisor in you hand use it to get kuat drive yards and put it on kuat. Again if you have any gunners or location put them out, dont forget you have the super laser on the death star now move it to parsec one and slide Piett over to the conference room because he is a leader to add an extra one to cpi draw any cards left over to your liking.

Now on to turn 3 after activating go get a gunner and put it at the conference room you not have 5 to you total of blowing up the planet you just need 4 to blow up the planet. I know you dont have a lot of high destiny but its possible if you tracked a 4 but not wise to do but if your hand did not completely suck in the beginning you should have at least another gunner on table or a site making you only needing a 3 or 2 which is fairly easy. Get ready to try and blow the planet if you think you can but if you have two gunners out by this point I say go for it. Move the death star in range and draw as you see fit. I know what you are thinking what if they drop a spy and try to kill off your gunners with a spy followed up by an epp the answer is Put all section on alert use it on the epp to cancel the game text thus getting rid of his weapon just forfeit merrejk to battle dest.

Now on turn 4 activate and blow away the planet. After you do this send the gunners to your used pile. Then try and pull a planet if you have any left in there. From here on out its pretty simple put down your star destroyer and retrieve your 3 force each time dont for get its a key part set your star destroyers up at the systems and drain away. I know some of you are really concerned about menace fades but remember they half to control a site and a system just go fight them thats what the lateral damage and guri are for make them only draw one battle destiny and make then power and forfeit equal zero with them only drawing one destiny it will be tuff for them to crack your immunity to attrition. By now you are thinking there is only one guri in the deck this is true. But there is also 4 Imp. Commands to make them draw only one destiny or for you to add a destiny. So dont worry too much about it. Once you take space you are free to drain for about 13 a turn with all 3 of you systems out. This is how It breaks down have a star destroyer at each system with chiraneau aboard one of them and you get a drain or 4 at yavin 4 4 on hoth not to mention satisfying Imp. Decree and a drain of 5 at kashyyyk that is a huge amount.

I will right a match up part to my strat. Section as soon as I play it against a few more decks all I have played against so far is WYS and I have beaten it every time. So until next time
