Author: Danny "Skuff D" Rider
Date: Jun 17, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Starting (7)

Hoth Shield Generator

Hoth 4th Marker

Podrace Prep

Tatooine Podrace Arena

Boonta Eve Poodrace

Anakin’s Podracer

A New Secret Base

Other Locations (4)

Hoth War Room

Hoth DB


Yoda’s Hut

Effects (2)

Draw Thier Fire

Order to Engage

Interrupts (13)

Losing Track x2

Too Close for Comfort x2

Weapon Levitation x2

Nar Shadda Wind Chimes x2

Changing the Odds

Out of Commision & Transmission Terminated

Blaster Deflection

Clash of Sabers

On the Edge

Epic Events (1)

I Did It—(You can do it)

Weapons/ Devices (14)

Bionic Hand x3

Intruuder Missle x3

Ewok Catapult x2





Obi-Wan’s Journal —(So I can Boom Boom all day long)

Landing Claw

Starships (1)

Gold Leader in Gold 1—(All I need with a never ending Landing Claw)

Characters 18

Jedi Knight Luke x3

Obi-wan x2

Qui-Gon x2


Baragwin x3


Corran Horn

Liea w/ Rifle

Han w/ Blaster

Lando w/ Axe

Jar Jar Binks

Wedge Antilles ‘

Strategy: ‘

Ok, for those of you who haven’t seen the power of Baragwins and destiny 7’s then look carefully at thier text. Coupled along with race destiny, a very long line of retrieval (Podrace, Boonta Eve, Every Weapon/Device and then a tracked on the edge for 6) this deck will outlast the opponent.

 The Jedi just don’t die. I’ve got 3 anti-targeting cards along with Obi-wan’s journal which is just lethal when you have 3 lightsabers in a battle. (that’d be 3 weapon destiny cancelers.) Immunity to attrition and more attrition compliments of Yoda at his hut (which is pulled with ASB pulling Dagobah system) Mad drain adders from Lightsabers, and some spiffy battle buddies and GT. 

 Space a problem? hold onto Gold Leader, get that landing claw with yoxgit and even if they cancel it during thier move phase, you get it right back every friggin turn Yoxgit is da bomb Couple that with the extra text of I Did IT you can be untouched in spacee, block thier drain, retrieve the weapons you lose to drains and then keep draining and so on and so on...

 Let’s see, what decks can hurt this? So far, none I’ve encountered. Afraid of Secret plans? sav some extra force for critical retrieval. This deck is a machine and it plays itself very well. You battle and they try to avoid that Order to Engage. 

 Other Key Element Draw thier Fire...after you win the race (you can’t lose with 10 destiny 7 and 14 other cards over destiny 3) they have to lose force if they want to play barrier, or any interrupts in a battle. And it still won’t save them.

 The strategy is the same for every deck. Even TDIGWATT won’t last as you can simply outlive them on Cloud City. And nothing clears a site like a destiny 7 after you hit Maul and Vader. 

 There are some cards  I’d like to work in...Possibly switch in a Ben Kenobi, some SAC protection for sure and one of those spiffy Jedi Cards but right now this deck is very tight and effecient. Anyhow please take the time to read over cards your not familiar with like Baragwins, A New Secret Base, Yoxgit and Obi-wan’s journal and let me know what you think.

 And remember only YOU can prevent forest fires. '