Court of the Vile Podracer (You can Count on it)

Title: Court of the Vile Podracer (You can Count on it)
Author: Lewis "Duke Devil" Blake
Date: Jun 19, 2001 Rating: 3.5



’ START(9)


JP Audiance chamber

JP Dungeon

T Pit of Cark.

Start Your Engines

T Podrace Arena

Boonta Eve Podrace

Sebulba’s Podracer

Watto’s Box


Exec. DB






Skrilling x3

Tech Mo’r x3

Pit droid x2


Krayt Dragon


Maul’s Saber (can’t believe they didn’t show double blade image)


Dud Bolt’s

Teemto Pagalie’s






Reactor Terminal

Expand the Empire

3720 to 1 x4


Twilek Advisor x4

None Shall Pass x4

Imbalance x3

Counter assault x3

Watto’s chance cube x2

You Swindled Me x2

Pit Crews x2

Podracer Collision

Imperial Barrier

Abyssin Ornament

Hit Racer

Shut Him up or Shut him Down

Strategy: ‘

Before you say WHAT A PILE OF __, plz read the strat

First off, yes this deck was made for purposees of something called fun and suprise. No, I don’t think It will win a tourney (think). Yes, it is the first Court/podrace/numbers deck on decktech.

Startegy is the same for almost any deck in existance

Pull the docking bays for the two extra activation, and to rid your deck of 0’s. And really, look at my stuff. Do I really need more than 8 activation? I thought not. Does the opponent need more than 3 from me? I thought not.

Your guys will probably be safe at a battleground for a while, assuming u have a couple NSP or Imp barrier in your hand. I prefer NSP over imp barrier b/c it boots his guys and keeps the court loss going. But unforunately, aliens can’t be targeted by NSP, so at least one barrier is needed. This protection will allow to get out the characters u need for numbers, preferably a tech mo’r and 2 skrillings, but changes can be made if needed. Use expand on podrace arena if things get desperate, that will get rid of the other tat battlef=ground sites so although u will lose from court, so will they. And when they try to retrieve, u have imbalance )

usually start the podrace right off, it gives you a safe haven and let’s you pick and choose your destinies, along with letting you wait until you need the retrieval, letting your opponent take court damage and then retrieving back all of yours.

Combined force loss from court, podracing, numbers, counter assault, and imbalance will leave your opponent reeling.

I think that the main problem would be IF they managed to bypass NSP and barrier, or if I somehow didn’t have any, and killed of my guys for numbers. But that’s why I have multiple copies, and maul, just in case…

the main reason I’m not bringing it to tourneys RIGHT NOW is that YISYW will obviously hurty this deck A LOT, So I’ll wait until people stop using it to counter hunt down numbers.

The destiny in this deck is something that will hit the opponent wth something along the lines of a BAAAAAMMM. I think there were around 40 cards destiny 3 or above, most of them being 4s and 5s

pit droids are decent with numbers, and help against light side podracing

I just couldn’t resist Watto and his chance cube, too halarious and suprising to give up for a fun deck

See above comment for Krayt Dragon, just watch out for sabers) (bye bye qui-gon…)

sebulba will kill jar jar, and helps keep beatdown poweer down a little bit, with a nice power of his own

Dud bolt protects sebulba, teemto is good for a second podrace against a light podraceing deck

Imbalance is one of THE most underrated cards. Destiny 4 used interrupt. You retrieve 10 with MWYHL, lose 5. 10 with profit, lose 5. 6 with on/off the edge, lose 3 AND mess up that whole cycle. IF they won the podrace, they retrieve 11, lose 6. etc, etc, etc…

with the destinies in this deck counter assault was a must have. they can do immense damge to a bunch of weaklings guarding and draining at a site

You swindled Me = I retrive 3, you lose 1 to imbalance)

Pit crews is great for probing the opponent’s hand

abyssin orn is a destiny 5 that lets u pull the skrillings

Well like I said it’s a deck built for suprise factor, fun,and the thrill of speed), nothing else. Just seeing what u guys think.


Lewis ‘