Serpents Ramapo LS

Title: Serpents Ramapo LS
Author: Alan "Serpent" Sagan
Date: Jun 20, 2001 Rating: 4.5



’ Unknown Type

Dagobah Yoda’s Hut

Home One Docking Bay

Home One War Room

Hoth Echo Command Center (War Room)

Hoth Echo Docking Bay

Hoth Main Power Generators

Rendezvous Point

Tatooine Docking Bay 94

Tatooine Lars’ Moisture Farm x2

Tatooine Slave Quarters

Characters (18)

Chewbacca, Protector

Corran Horn

Han With Heavy Blaster Pistol x2

Lando With Vibro-Ax

Leia With Blaster Rifle

Luke With Lightsaber x2

Mirax Terrik

Obi-Wan With Lightsaber x2

Owen Lars & Beru Lars x2

Padme Naberrie

Qui-Gon Jinn x2

Shmi Skywalker

Threepio With His Parts Showing

Starships (2)

Home One

Millennium Falcon

Interrupts (12)

A Jedi’s Resilience x2

Harvest x2

Heading For The Medical Frigate

How Did We Get Into This Mess? x5

Shocking Information & Grimtaash

Sorry About The Mess & Blaster Proficiency

Effects (16)

Do, Or Do Not & Wise Advice

Don’t Do That Again

Draw Their Fire

Goo Nee Tay

Honor Of The Jedi

I Hope She’s All Right


Ounee Ta

Revolution x3

Scrambled Transmission

The Camp

What’re You Tryin’ To Push On Us? x2

Your Insight Serves You Well

Weapons (1)

Qui-Gon Jinn’s Lightsaber

Strategy: ‘


I’ll get dueled, and grab the dueling card and play jedi’s resilience. whoop de doo.

and I HAVE won with my own locations… Endor, Kiffex, and Sullust do suck, but of course, they need to get them out, hard when merrejk is useless.

-end update-

For those Who didn’t read the strat, mpg = anti garrison. they provide you with the outermost marker. you don’t need the north ridge… I’m from the north ridge It was a meta choice, yank it out, cause walker garrison blows and no one plays it )

Although… one card to get another autowin vs a decktype? I think i’ll keep it.

No escape doesn’t help in that matchup, due to the fact that they CAN’T deploy on Hoth easily, so i kill everything on hoth (carefull of ice storms), and they CAN’T drain anywhere… no escape doesn’t stop the drain part.

Dark side Sac doesn’t touch this, I played a game where they had 6 sense 3 alter. Start the SAC killer and grab it. Oh you altered my goo nee tay.. mess for it or threepio.

Huntdown podracing never starts with crush. Go and find your evader/monnok, i’ll have a huge advantage by then.

Zorn, I played like crap that game, and smoked you the next time around.

Man, everyone seems to think huntdown racing is the shiznippity bit bang… Well, to everyone out there, THERES A REASON huntdown racing was NOT common at ramapo… cause it really ISN’T THAT GREAT, and people who know how to play there decks will beat it. Will i get dueled? hell no (grabbers + resilience plus PLAYING SMART). Will they have force? hell no (twixes, revos, goo nee tay). will they have visage? hell no (revo, spies). What does that leave them with? some yippity doo dad podracing. I can deal with that.

Not to say it sucks or anything… its just not great )

I played this against Ties, it wins. Insight + late game harvests + a well timed superfalcon (WELL TIMED, meaning early as hell to Wakeelmui, or a proper late game spot when they can’t beat you down) + grabbers = you win.

To explain my anti space a bit more, I took the Hayes route (put it in my deck before i saw his though…. thanks for reminding me about it Jank) and used scrambled transmission + shocking/grimtassh to stop pulling systems with merrejk.

This was my Ramapo DPC deck. It got me 9th place on day 1, 14th on day 2. on it’s first day, it’s only loss was to Don Kitzman’s Speed deal. On day 2, people had copied it off me. For day 2, i switched out 2 revos for Taws and Melas for anti speed deal tech. (more cheap characters)

It plays ALOT like Hayes deck, cept using the messes (only 5, they are NOT instrumental to the deck), you can keep track of where EVERY CARD IN YOUR DECK IS. At late game, if you don’t know what 5 cards down in your deck are, then the bottom 5, you’re not playing it right. This is possible even if they grab the mess… remember, it’s NOT INSTRUMENTAL, don’t just play them willy nilly like a shmuck.

You only need two harvests ever. Either it gets grabbed or placed out of play, or you harvest 15+ times due to theepio. To avoid grabbers, don’t start harvesting till LATE GAME… it’s not till that point you usally run out of characters/interrupts anyways, so it’s useless to do it earlier. With proper tracking, you can harvest EVERY TURN even without mess… and I mean EVERY turn, including opponenets.

MPG + Revoltuion on 5th marker + Honor of the Jedi = autowin vs Walker Garrison, which i expected to see some. I only saw it once on both days, but it was pretty much an autowin. Don’t forget, HotJedi subtracts two from drains at non bg’s… meaning your twixes, and all the sheilded sites, and all that jizz.

Your starting effects vary every game. Unlike Hayes, i do NOT always start scrambled transmission, but I DO always start insurrection, for anti elis helrot, and to get docking bays for threepio + mess, and the tat docking bay as a bg, so Shmi doesn’t sit there all game waiting to be a beat down. You HAVE to back her up, and why waste guys sitting at a twix i can’t do anything with?

Jedi’s Resilience is a GOD card in this deck. Can you say recylcing Epps? or a super easy trackable 6 with threepio… or grab their duel card, then cancel it, so the duel card doesn’t go to hand. Then just harvest it back.

This deck has so many autowin matchups… it should Autowin vs Walker Garrision and Rops easy, and is highly advantaged vs Black Sun Agents.

Props To Joe Olson, he helped me more than any other on this deck. ‘