Hunt Down & Podracing Gang

Title: Hunt Down & Podracing Gang
Author: Chris "Piett" Anger
Date: Jun 22, 2001 Rating: 4.5



‘Objective (1)

Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi

Characters (16)

Lord Vader 2x

Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith 2x

Darth Vader With Lightsaber

Emperor Palpitine

Grand Moff Tarkin

Darth Maul 2x

Mara Jade, The Emperor’s Hand 2x

Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle

Aurra Sing

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Dr. Evazan & Bonda Boba


Starships (3)


Bossk In Hounds Tooth

Zuckuss In Mist Hunter

Locations (9)

Tatooine Cantina

Tatooine Podrace Arena (starting)

Tatooine Jabba’s Palace

Jabba’s Palace Audience Chamber

Endor Back Door

Endor Dark Forest

Endor Forest Clearing

Executor Holotheatre (starting)

Executor Meditation Chamber (starting)

Weapons (3)

Vader’s Lightsaber 2x

Mara Jade’s Lightsaber

Epic Events (2)

Epic Duel (starting)

Boonta Eve Podrace (staring)

Podracer (1)

Sebulba’s Podracer (starting)

Interrupts (15)

Start Your Engines (starting)

Twi’lek Advisor

Pit Crews

Weapon Levitation

The Circle Is Now Complete 2x

Vader’s Obsession 2x

Focused Attack 2x

It’s Worse

Hit Racer

Shut Him Up Or Shut Him Down

Elis Helrot 2x

Effects (10)

Bad Feeling Have I

Security Percautions

Imperial Decree

Visage Of The Emperor 2x (starting)

Watto’s Box (starting)


Secret Plans

Reactor Terminal

There’ll Be Hell To Pay

Strategy: ‘


Dr. En & POnda Boba, There’ll be hell to pay, pit crews, bad feeling have i, fanfare, and hit racer were taken out for Alter 2x, Alter & Collateral Damage 2x, and Sense & Uncertain is the future 2x.

The whole idea behind my deck is to podrace and and do a hunt down deck. For podracing this deck has a lot of good destinies to help you win the race. Also cards like ”hit racer”, ”Pit Crews” and ”Watto’s Box” Greatly improve podracing for you. While you start you podrace on your first turn you are setting up hunt down. Once you get your sites deploy them as quickly as possible. Then get vader out. Your other characters go and control other sites (being carful with total power and what you can down if a battle occurs). Once you win your podrace you just retrieved eleven force while you opponent losses eleven. If a jedi goes down at a site be ready to duel (unless it is Qui Gon). Make sure you have the duel card with focused attack before you duel. how ever many sites the jedi is away dosen’t matter, just use your good, old buddy Elis Helrot.If they have Insurrection just do it in your move phase. If he is at in interrior site don’t worry about it because you objective dosen’t get flipped back to the front side. To Kill Qui Gon Just Elis your characters and make sure that Qui Gon cant get away without a battle that will desimate him.

Here is what to do for these decks

Any space deck wait for the time until they suspect you have no starships and supprise attack them with you three starships and give them a lot of battle damage

Hidden Base deploy security percautions

Watch Your Step (space) suprise battle

EBO Put Imperial Decree down and control the hoth sites to ignore the force drains

Any retreval deck secret plans and There’ll Be Hell To Pay their interrupt

Any ground deck over power them in battles with you mains

ProfitDuel Obi and Luke and once han is released kill him and give your opponent a lot of battle damage.

Watch Your Step (ground)go to the sites where you cannot be targeted by fallen portal (stick with the cantina and other sites)

Mind What You Have Learned Grab your sites, control them, and drain.

(anything not listed is explaned in the general deck type) ‘